
Shutting Down SSH Tunnel in Paramiko Programatically

We are attempting to use the paramiko module for creating SSH tunnels on demand to arbitrary servers for purposes of querying remote databases. We attempted to use the demo that ships with paramiko but the big limitation is there does not seem to be an easy way to close an SSH tunnel and the SSH connection once the socket ser...

python and paramiko: how to check if end of ssh tunnel is still alive and reestablish if not?

Hello all, I'm trying to achieve the following: I have two hosts A and B. A establishes a remote port forwarding tunnel on B, i.e. B is the one a port is forwarded on to some where else and A is the one that sets up the tunnel. I tried the script that ships with paramiko and it works very well so far. (I'm running rforward....

Paramiko and Pseudo-tty Allocation

I'm trying to use Paramiko to connect to a remote host and execute a number of text file substitutions. i, o, e = client.exec_command("perl -p -i -e 's/" + initial + "/" + replaced + "/g'" + conf); Some of these commands need to be run as sudo, which results in: sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to ...

not getting output from parmiko/ssh command

I am using paramiko/ssh/python to attempt to run a command on a remote server. When I ssh manually and run the command in question, I get the results I want. But if I use the python (co-opted from another thread on this site) below, there is no returned data. If I modify the command to be something more basic like 'pwd' or 'ls' I can the...

'Put' in SFTP using PAramiko

Hi, I've installed and written the following Paramiko which is unable to put the file. It is easily able to 'get' a file and execute 'ls' commands on it. #set username & password username='runaway' password='runaway' port=22 source= '/' destination ='/var/mpx/www/http' #SFTP client.load_system_host_keys() print " hostname =%s...

Escape arguments for paramiko.SSHClient().exec_command

What is the best way to escape a string for safe usage as a command-line argument? I know that using subprocess.Popen takes care of this using list2cmdline(), but that doesn't seem to work correctly for paramiko. Example: from subprocess import Popen Popen(['touch', 'foo;uptime']).wait() This creates a file named literally foo;uptime,...

paramiko SSH exec_command(shell script) returns before completion

I launch a shell script from a remote Linux machine using paramiko. The shell script is launched and execute a command make -j8. However the exec_command returns before the completion of the make. If I launch the script on the local machine it executes correctly. Could someone explain me this behaviour ? ...

obtaining error number of an error

I need to obtain the error number from an error that has occurred in Python. Ex; When trying to transfer a directory via the Paramiko package, an error is caught with this piece of code: try: sftp.put(local_path,target_path) except (IOError,OSError),errno: print "Error:",errno For which I get the outpu...

Git "failed to push some refs to..." with custom Git bridge

I have been working on setting up a git server by using Paramiko to act as an SSH bridge for Git. I am able to clone my repository without issue, and even push changes up, however I get an annoying error message. Pushing to git@localhost:/pckprojects/heyworld Counting objects: 5, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressin...

Fabric auto-login in Windows

Relevant question: I configured Putty to login with private-public keys (no password) using this guide: It works. Now I want to run Fabric with no password prompt. This does not work and I...

Python: Getting "EOFError" when using paramiko sftp across modules as a global variable in a custom module

I'm using paramiko to transfer files with SFTP, on a apache server with mod_python. It works fine if I open the SFTP connection in the function called by mod_python (ex. index(req) ). But when I have 10-15 files that all uses a SFTP connection, I want to use a module that starts this connection. I have tried to make a function that re...

How to delete all files in directory on remote server in python?

I'd like to delete all the files in a given directory on a remote server that I'm already connected to using paramiko. I cannot explicitly give the file names, though, because these will vary depending on which version of file I had previously put there. Here's what I'm trying to do... the line below the #TODO is the call I'm trying wh...

Python module paramiko cannot connect as paramiko.Tranport((host,port)).connect(username = username, password = password)

This is an example which works fine on friend's computer: import paramiko host = "" port = 222 username = "stackoverflow" password = "e2fghK3" transport = paramiko.Transport((host, port)) transport.connect(username = username, password = password) sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) import sys path = ...

paramiko SFTP hangs on get

I'm trying to use paramiko to get a file via SFTP. It connects, I can list directories and it even downloads the first megabyte or so of the file but then it just hangs. No exception, no error, nothing. It just hangs there indefinitely. Here's the code I'm working with: import paramiko t = paramiko.Transport( host ) t.connect( username...

Python - ssh - paramiko - connect to more ssh all at once

import sys, os, string import paramiko cmd = "grep -h 'king' /opt/data/horror_20100810*" ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect('', username='xy', password='xy') stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd) stdin.write('xy\n') stdin.flush() print stdout.readlines() ...

how can paramiko get ssh command return code

client = paramiko.SSHClient() stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(command) Is there any way to get the command return code? It's hard to parse all stdout/stderr and know whether the command finished successfully or not. ...

[python] paramiko's sshclient with sftp

How i can make sftp transport throught SSHClient on the remote server? I have local host and two remote. Remotes hosts are backup server and web server. I need find on backup server necessary backup file and put it on web server over sftp. Plz help me, i dont understand how i can make paramiko's sftp transport throught paramiko's SSHCli...

paramiko combine stdout and stderr

I am trying to combine the output of stdout and stderr. My belief is that this can be done with the set_combine_stderr() of a Channel object. This is what I am doing: SSH = paramiko.SSHClient() #I connect and everything OK, then: chan = ssh.invoke_shell() chan.set_combine_stderr(True) chan.exec_command('python2.6') resultado =...

What is causing paramiko.SSHException: Invalid packet blocking?

When I attempt to connect to one of our internal servers using paramiko (inside of fabric, for what it's worth) I get this error: Retrieving packages from server p-websvr-004 [p-websvr-004] run: /usr/sbin/pkg_info -aD|grep "Information for" starting thread (client mode): 0x179f090L Banner: -----------------------------------------------...

python paramiko

Have installed Paramiko for Python and PyCrypto for Windows 7 machine. import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() Tried the above commands but I keep getting this error msg: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SSHClient' but this error message goes away if I key in the above commands one line at a time. Any help?...