
Parsley: Unable to execute command line tool after building it.. "Error while loading shared libraries:"

I'm getting started with Parsley (, an interesting tool to parse data out of webpages. I've downloaded the source, built it, and now I'm unable to run it: parsley: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I'm...

stateless mvc using parsley: is there a good pattern for race conditions/communicating state?

Hi there, my first question here, so go easy if I've not got the subject/detail ratio quite right ;) Ok. So I'm using parsley 2 in flex because I'm very much liking it's messaging architecture for decoupling the view from the model and controller via it's messaging dispatcher and presentation models (read view mediator's). what I'm wo...

Pragmatic Unit testing

I'm writing an application using an MVC framework which takes care of a lot of the boilerplate wiring of our system. Specifically - application is written in Flex, using the Parsley MVC framework. However, the question is not language specific. In my Presentation Model / Code-Behind / View-Controller (whatever you want to call it), I ...

How to determine which class has called a function

Hi, I am working on a Flex Front End at the moment, and have been using the Parsley framework for passing messages/events around. I was wondering if there is a simple way for a function (in this case, an event's constructor) to obtain a reference to the object which called it? This is to ensure that a certain event that I am defining ...

How to Fake a AsyncToken return in ActionScript 3

Using Parsley, I have a service that I access through a [Command(selector='list')] public function getRssFeed( msg:RssEvent ):AsyncToken { return service.list() as AsyncToken; } when I point to the "Real" RssService, everything works as expected. My problem is when I point to the "Mock" RssService. I can't figure out how to fake a Async...

Including configuration files while compiling a Flex application with MXMLC

Hello there, I'm using: - Flex SDK 3.5.0 - Parsley 2.2.2. - Flash Builder 4 Down in my src folder (which is configured as part of the source path in the Flash Builder), I have a logging.xml which I configure via Parsley: FlexLoggingXmlSupport.initialize();"com/company/product/util/log/loggi...

How do I FlexUnit Test Parsley commands?

Hi guys, I needed some guidance on how to use FlexUnit 4 within Flash Builder, to unit test a Parsley-frameworked Flex application. I have tried lookign at one or two sites but with no avail. Thanks ...

Flex / Parsley - Internal class quirk with compile mode.

This is a puzzler. Relevant Environment: Flex app, running parsley, which gets built by ant. Problem class: package { public class ProblemClass { // constructor public ProblemClass(enforcer:Enforcer) {} public static function build():ProblemClass { // Do some setup ret...

Issue trying to get a example Parsley app working

I'm getting started on a new project at I'm trying to get an Parsley example to work. Here is the demo url: View source is enabled I have parsley registered in the app and can get the albums in the left column loaded. The part I'm stuck at is trying to get a message to so images...

How do you use Parsley with GraniteDS in Flex?

I want to use the Parsley framework and I want to use GraniteDS for remoting. As of 2.1, GraniteDS generates AS3 service classes from your Java code as local proxies, and I want to use these classes in Parsley. I can successfully inject the service classes with Parsley but when I call any of their methods I get a null object error at o...