
Subsonic, child records, and collections

Hi, I've been working with subsonic for a few weeks now, and it is working really well. However, I've just run into an issue with child objects with additional partial properties. Some of it is probably me just not understanding the .Net object lifecycle. I have an object - search. This has a few properties like permissions and stuff, ...

Can Drupal's search module search for a substring? (Partial Search)

Drupal's core search module, only searches for keywords, e.g. "sandwich". Can I make it search with a substring e.g. "sandw" and return my sandwich-results? Maybe there is a plugin that does that? ...

Specializing a class template constructor

I'm messing around with template specialization and I ran into a problem with trying to specialize the constructor based on what policy is used. Here is the code I am trying to get to work. #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> class DiePolicies { public: class RollOnConstruction { }; class CallMethod { }; }; #include <boost/static_as...

run jquery code in partial view called by ajax link

Hi! I have read your guide for "run jquery code in partial view called by ajax link" but i don't understand May you show me more clearly, possible a sample project Thanks for support ...

how create a Controller partial class to override OnAuthorization?

I'm trying to change the method OnAuthorization, so that it is available for any application ... this way: public partial class Controller { protected override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) { if ((string)(filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"]) == "test") { filterContext.R...

Rails 3 - Category Filter Using Select - Load Partial Via Ajax

Hey. I am trying to filter Client Comments by using a select and rendering it in a partial. Right now the partial loads @client.comments. I have a Category model with a Categorizations join. This all works, just need to know how to get the select to call the filter action and load the partial with ajax. Thanks for you help. Categories c...

How to render partial.js in rails 3

Using rails3 - I have a project with many tasks. I want to use javascript to build the UI for each task. I figured I could display those tasks on the projects show page by rendering a javascript partial for each. I can't get 'tasks/show' to see tasks/show.js.erb Any ideas? In projects/show.html.erb <div id="tasks"> <%= render(:partial...

How do you deal with naming conventions for rails partials?

For example, I might have an partial something like: <div> <%= f.label :some_field %><br/> <%= f.text_field :some_field %> </div> which works for edit AND new actions. I also will have one like: <div> <%=h some_field %> </div> for the show action. So you would think that all your partials go under one directory like shared or...

In ASP.NET MVC, How do I make a partial view available to all controllers?

In ASP.NET MVC, How do I make a partial view available to all controllers? I want to create navigation that is common across the entire site, but when I place the Html.Action into my master page, it only works on views associated with 1 controller. Right now, I have a controller action defined like this: // GET: GetCategoriesPartia...

Why is my controller action not being called upon re-clicking the button?

First, some code: Here is the initial Action that is called when the page is navigated to: public ActionResult ListCodeTypes() { var CodeList = _entities.Master_Codes.ToList(); List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < CodeList.Count; i++) { items.Add(new SelectListItem { ...

When is a scala partial function not a partial function?

While creating a map of String to partial functions I ran into unexpected behavior. When I create a partial function as a map element it works fine. When I allocate to a val it invokes instead. Trying to invoke the check generates an error. Is this expected? Am I doing something dumb? Comment out the check() to see the invocation. ...

Using RenderPartial(): the css files are not loaded

Hi, I have this action below at miembros/actions/actions.class.php: public function executeFoo(sfWebRequest $request){ return $this->renderPartial('foo'); } and in miembros/templates i have _foo.php When i execute it, the css files i have at frontend/config/view.yml are not loaded. I have also tried using in _foo.php: <?php ...

Using jQuery to create a video switcher

I've got a design for a video page which has a main video panel which will load the FLV file into JWPlayer when a thumbnail image is clicked. I think what I'm looking for is a partial page refresh? What is the best way to achieve this effect? This is the script I am using to display the video panel: <script type='text/javascript'> ...

Using RJS to replace innerHTML with a real live instance variable.

I can't for the life of me get RJS to replace an element's innerHTML with an instance variable's attribute, i.e. something like I'll show all the code (simplified from the actual project, but still complete), and I hope the solution will be forehead-slap obvious to someone... In RoR, I've made a simple page displaying a ran...

passing data from one partial view on another on the same page

Hello, How can i pass data from one partial view on another on the same page? i want a situation where the second partial view will be refreshed once the first one sends data to it. the partial views are on the same page. thanks ...

How do you setup an gsp snippet in grails and with spring-security-core?

Hi, I have a block of gsp I'd like to reuse and make into a little gsp snippet: <sec:ifLoggedIn> <g:link controller="user" action="showProfile">My Profile</g:link> | <g:link controller="privateMessage" action="list">Inbox</g:link> | <g:link controller="user" action="showPreferences">Preferences</g:link> | <g:link control...

Find duplicates lines based on some delimited fileds on line

Hello, I have a file with lines having some fields delimited by "|". I have to extract the lines that are identical based on some of the fileds (i.e. find lines which contain the same values for fields 1,2,3 12,and 13) Other fields contents have no importance for searching but the whole extracted lines have to be complete. Can anyone ...

Extracting a .app from a zip file in Python, using ZipFile

I'm trying to extract new revisions of from their snapshots, and I can download the file fine, but when it comes to extracting it, ZipFile either extracts the chrome-mac folder within as a file, says that directories don't exist, etc. I am very new to python, so these errors make little sense to me. Here is what I have so fa...

How can I make three partials into just one in rails where the :collection is the same?

I have three partials that I'd like to consolidate into one. They share the same collection, but each gets passed its own :local variable. Those variables are used for specific Models, so as a result, I have three different calls to the partial and three different partials. Here's the repetitive code: <% for email in

Android: How to get a custom view to redraw partially?

I have a custom view that fills my entire screen. (A piano keyboard) When a user touches the key, it causes invalidate() to be called and the whole keyboard gets redrawn to show the new state with a touched key. Currently the view is very simple, but I plan to add a bit more nice graphics. Since the whole keyboard is dynamically rendere...