
Relative path of a given file from a service application in Delphi

I have a problem loading a file, as I'm passing a relative path to the function FileExists(Filename: String) and it's returning false, that is, it does not find the file in the directory that I pass. I have a file named Template.html in the D:\Programming\Delphi\Projects\SendMail directory, and a service written in Delphi whose .EXE is...

How to display abbreviated path names in .NET

I have a fixed-length field I'd like to display path information in. I thought in .NET there is a method that will abbreviate long path names to fit in fixed length fields by inserting ellipsis, for example "......\myfile.txt". I can't for the life of me find this method. ...

jquery - check if string begins with something?

I know that I can do like ^= to see if an id starts with something, and I tried using that for this, but it didn't work... Basically, I'm retrieving the url and I want to set a class for an element for pathnames that start in a certain way... So, var pathname = window.location.pathname; //gives me /sub/1/train/yonks/459087 I want...

How to set output path in a Qt project

After building, Qt Creator puts my output exe in folder "Debug". I want to change the output folder by adding output path to the .pro file. Any idea? ...

Choosing a Path for Python File Access

One of the features of my project is to allow users to create their own little .txt file, put it somewhere on their HDD, which can then be used as criteria for a part of my application. Is there a Fixed, 'generic'(?) path for most OSs that I could use? Or does anyone have any kind of advice or guidance that could help me? FYI, during d...

Module import error using IDLE

I'm an absolute beginner using IDLE (Python 2.6.4) to learn the basics. I recently found a Python program that I want to run but it throws an error although the code looks fine (i.e all modules exist): from css.parse import parse data = """ em { padding: 2px; margin: 1em; border-width: medium; border-style: dashed;...

Java Path compression

Hi, I have to create a method find that would use a local Set to collect the objects and the root. Then, I would compress the object e (in the parameter) and have the roost as its parent. Then, I would return the reference to the root. I can use the Graph, Map, and set class since it was imported. But, how can I call the parent of the ro...

Code snippet paths in GCC

Background: Keil C51 on a PC, currently moving to GCC (CrossPack-AVR) on an iMac. Since I write firmware for micro's I have a lot of 'driver' source files etc. that I need to include with my programs, e.g. a LCD driver, i.e. reusing code. These code snippets (.c and .h files) live sub folders in a /snippets/ folder, i.e. /snippets...

Module import path

I'm unable to test-run a cssparser that I'd like to use. from css.parse import parse data = """ em { padding: 2px; margin: 1em; border-width: medium; border-style: dashed; line-height: 2.4em; } p { color: red; font-size: 12pt } p:first-letter { color: green; font-size: 200% } p:first-l...

How do you find the fully qualified path name of a file?

On Windows, you can go to "Run," type in "cmd," press enter, and start up "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" rather easily. The same is true for "python" or "pythonw" (though nothing pops up in the second example). If all you know is that you want to execute "python" or "pythonw" and that it is on the PATH, what is the simplest way in C to fi...

Mac File Name Conversion

I'm looking for the officially sanctioned algorithm to convert from mac FSSpec to a HFS full path name (ie: one with colons) that includes the volume. Preferably expressed in C ...

Point Django at different Python version

Django application requires a later version of Python. I just installed it to 2.5 (from 2.4) and now when I do a python at the command line, it says 2.5.2. Having said that, Django still says Python Version: 2.4.3. How do I correct this? I've rebooted / restarted / redeployed to no avail. ...

SVG Elliptical Arcs with Java

I recently wrote a java program transforming a SVG document to HTML/Canvas: It was easy to translate a path such as d="M 0 0 L 100 100 z" to something like GeneralPath L= new GeneralPath(); L.moveTo(0,0); L.lineTo(100,100); L.closePath(); However I don't know how to translate the Elliptical Arc command to Java/GeneralPath. For exa...

How was a URL like created in PHP?

When you edit a question on, you will be redirected to a URL like this: But usually, it should be or How was ...

find the filename from a string with php

public/images/portfolio/i-vis/1.jpg How could i remove all the path regardless of what the filename is using php? ...

notepad++ insert time and date, and the directory path

I just downloaded np++ v 5.3.1 and I'm having two problems with the TextFX plugin: 1) I recorded a macro with "TextFX Insert" > Date & Time (no matter whether short or long format) and, after I run the macro, only the first number of the time appears (i.e. I ask to insert time and it says its 8:59 AM 11/27/2009; but when I run the macro...

Rscript: Determine path of the executing script

I have a script called foo.R that includes another script other.R, which is in the same directory: #!/usr/bin/env Rscript print("Hello") source("other.R") But I want R to find that other.R no matter what the current working directory. In other words, foo.R needs to know its own path. How can I do that? ...

How can I construct OS-independent file paths in Perl?

I need to construct a file path inside a Perl script. Which path separator should I use to allow my script to work on both Windows and Unix? Keep in mind that Windows needs a drive letter. ...

Qt: Expand ~ to home-directory

Does Qt have any platform-independent functionality to accept paths like "~/myfile"? I know about wordexp, but it would be nice with a platform-independent wrapper. Edit: Thank you all for the responses. "~/myfile" was just an example. What I am looking for is functionality to handle file-paths as you would be able to write on the com...

Ubuntu 9.10 PATH var/lib/gems/1.8 no such file or dir

Hi, I'm using ubuntu 9.10 and i cant see gems located in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems , so i cant execute gems like rake for rails. When I write $PATH in the console I get: bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/home/dombesz/bin:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin: No such file or directory I also tried to add to ...