
C# -Connect unc path with credentials

Hi, I have a UNC folder added in my machine using "Add Network Places" option in "My Network Places" (XP). I need to select the specific unc folder through my C# "folderBrowser Dialogue." However,as unc path is password protected. While selecting the same,how can I prompt for userCredentials. can anyone have thoughts on this... ...

Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

I have come up against this problem a few times at inopportune moments: trying to work on open source Java projects with deep paths Storing deep Fitnesse wiki trees in source control An error trying to use Bazaar to import my source control tree Why does this limit exist? Why hasn't it been removed yet? How do you cope with the ...

C# - Set path to pdb

Is there any way to set a custom path to Program Database files (*.pdb) in C# under Visual Studio 2008? With C++ this was quite simple (Project settings -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Program Database File), but for some reason Microsoft seems to have removed (or hidden) it for C#. I'm aware that the "standard" usage is to have pdb...

Special characters in OSX filename ? (Python os.rename)

I am trying to rename some files automatically on OSX with a python script. But I fail to work with special characters like forward slash etc.: oldname = "/test" newname = "/test(1\/10)" os.rename(oldname, newname) I think I do have an encoding problem. But different tries with re.escape or using UTF-8 unicode encodings havent been su...

Is there a function that gives me a file name without path?

I want to turn C:\abc.bmp into abc.bmp, or even better, if possible, in abc. That is easy to do with .NET as there are functions for both goals. Is there anything similar in python? ...

All users path?

In C# I can do the following: DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALLUSERSPROFILE")); Which will get me the path to the all users profile. In C++ I can use the SHGetFolderPath, but it does not seem to have a CSLID for all users. Is there an equlivant function that I can blow the %ALLUSERSPR...

Given a path, how to determine if its absolute/relative in Ruby ?

I am working on writing a rake build scrip which will work cross platform ( Mac OSX, Linux , Windows ). The build script will be consumed by a CI server [1] I want the logic of my script to be as follows: If the path is determined to be relative, make it absolute by making *output_path = FOO_HOME + user_supplied_relative_path* If th...

Add variable to jQuery src attribute

I have a script that I reuse in lots of different places. The script has several image paths specified, and I want to make it easier to implement by setting one 'path' variable at the start then calling the variable in place of the full url. e.g. jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var path = ""; $(".me...

Is it possible to make a pattern for a CGContext Path using a png

I want to make a path that has a png as it's pattern, or if you could or think it would be easier to make my own pattern, then tell me that also. I will be greatful to anyone who can put up some code. Thanks in advance ...

ASP Web.config folder path isn't resolving

I've just been asked to fix an ASP site and I know absolute no ASP. When I try to load the site, I get greeted with the following error: MENU CACHE EXCEPTION:No menu xml file found for menu id 1. Make sure the xml file \menuxml\menu_1.xml exist. I've tried editing Web.config to point to the correct folder using a variety of different p...

How do I rename (not move) a file in JDK7?

Hello! I'm a bit confused with all these new File I/O classes in JDK7. Let's say, I have a Path and want to rename the file, it represents. How do I specify the new name, when again a Path is expected? Path p = /* path to /home/me/file123 */; Path name = p.getName(); /* gives me file123 */ name.moveTo(/* what now? */); /* how to renam...

Is it possible to set a page specific cookie?

I know it is possible to set a cookie for a path such as "/" or "/folder/", but is it possible to set a cookie for a specific page, such as "/folder/page.html"? ...

jquery - trying to use pattern matching with window.location.pathname...

Basically, if I'm at:, I want to find out if "connect" is present in the url and then set the selected value of a menu to something specific... (The url could also be something like, in which case, it should still match...) This is what I've been trying, whic...

Can anyone give me a example of modifying windows environment system variables in WIX?

Hello All, I still don't know how to add the installdir into the PATH of the Windows System Variables after I went through the WIX tutorial. I tried to use Environment Id='UpdatePath' Action='create' Name='PATH' System='yes' Value='[INSTALLDIR]' But there was no change in the Path after I installed the program. I can hardly find...

Make ~/ reference the root folder (the same folder as web.config is in)

Hi, I'm working on a site in (my first) which is all going very well. That is until I deployed the app to our test environment, where the ~ (tilde) started referencing a folder parent to the root of my project. On my computer the app lives in c:/Documents.../Visual Studio../WebSites/MyApp and ~ resolves correctly. On the test ...

c# fill everything but GraphicsPath

I have some code that looks like that: GraphicsPath p = new GraphicsPath(); // Add some elements to p ... // ... g.FillPath(bgBrush, p); // where g : Graphics and bgBrush : Brush Which results in something that looks like this: ### | ##| ## | How can I fill the exact complement of the path? Desired output: #| ## | # #|...

os.path.join python

Hello, The below code will not join, when debugged the command does not store the whole path but just the last entry. os.path.join('/home/build/test/sandboxes/', todaystr, '/new_sandbox/') When I test this it only stores the '/new_sandbox/' part of the code. Can anyone help. Thanks ...

path variable: removing unwanted items

background info; an application is installed on many different PCs, W2000 and XP pro and for multiple users, let's call it foobar, note there is no msi or silent uninstall for this app. therefore, we would like to remove its' entry manualy; If in the registry environment (path line) we have path=c:\windows;c:\windows\system32;c:\foobar...

Working with paths from [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]

I'm sure it's a very basic problem, but I'm having trouble finding anything about it. Say I've got my app in a folder, in some more folders, like this: MainFolder > SecondaryFolder > > all the stuff Then, what I want to do is access a file that is in the "MainFolder". I know I can get the path of the AppBundle by using...

TinyMCE Jquery - No default buttons, themes, how do i specify default paths?

This is driving me nuts!@#!@# I can load the tinyMce plugin for jquery just fine....but it looks for its own images/themes relative to the CURRENT URL. ex. tinymce tries to load http:/mysite/mycurrenturl/tiny_mce/whateverM when tinymce is located in http:/mysite/js/tiny_mce so for some reason i can not seem to find any documentation t...