
Save as you go web forms --- pattern request

Rather than using a "save" button on a web form, many web designers like a "save as you go" approach. Where as the user's changes to the data are saved immediately once the user changes focus out of say a text box. Has anyone identified a formal pattern for this technique? I especially need to tie it all back to chunky service call. ...

AJAX pattern in Rails for submitting small chunks of data

I have a web page with lots of small images on it. In a typical scenario user clicks on image and expects it to change with a new image. Requirements: When user clicks on image, it should be immediately known to a controller in an Ajax way. Some strings should be passed to a controller when user clicks on image. Controller does its...

Usage of observer pattern with EJB and AJAX

Hi, I want to build an Ajax gui, that is notified on any state changes happening in my ejb application. To achieve this, I thought I build an stateful ejb (3.0) that implements the Observable interface to which the Ajax client is added as an observer. First, is this possible with Ajax. If yes, is this a good design idea or is there a m...

WS-* standard for telling a service that I do or don't want specific optional parts of an XSD

Hi Guys I have an XSD which describes the data that is going to be sent back in response to a request. For example, my service may be focused on requesting client details. The XSD in question describes what data items are going to be sent back and one of these data items is the details of the organisation that the client works for. In th...

crating a CORE Layer so it can be use with Delphi and .NET

I have a little problem implementing in this company that I work in, We have 3 .NET developers (me included) and a Delphi (pascal) guy that we have a lot of big programs/applications and I need to pass 2 of them to a Web Application. My idea is to divide the core functionality of the already existing windows applications so, using ASP.N...

Patterns for analysis, design or architechture

After spending many years of analysis, design and programming in different domains and architectures, you have maybe come across a "pattern" or good practice that haven't been published as a pattern (analysis, design or architecture). Although you have done it many times before, it has no name. Interested in patterns from the SO-commun...

Best practices for Active Record Pattern and using static methods for group operations.

It is true what they say about design patterns that they are simply the embodiment of techniques already in general use. I have been using the Active Record Pattern since 1985. One of the attributes of this pattern is the use of static members in the implementation to perform searches that return collections of the underlying data. cl...

Project source code that follows Microsoft Best Practices

Hi! I would like to know if you know some sites with great source code that follows Microsoft best practices? By best practice I mean that projects that most likely conforms to say, this documents: ...

Who is using P&P Common Service Locator?

Who is using it? Is there any OS framework that relies on it? ...

best language or program for finding patterns and statistical analysis?

I have a program that downloads basic historical stock data from yahoo and puts it into an SQLite database. I'd like to be able to perform queries such as finding the moving average, and determining the longest period where a stock has either continued to go up or down. I could write perl functions to do this but this seems like overkill...

Best Practices For Mapping DTO to Domain Object?

I've seen a lot of questions related to mapping DTOs to Domain Objects, but I didn't feel they answered my question. I've used many methods before and have my own opinions but I'm looking for something a little more concrete. The Situation: We have many domain objects. We are using a CSLA model so our domain objects can be pretty co...

Does the "Cartridge" pattern exist?

AndroMDA uses the term "cartridge" (e.g. for out-of-the-box NHibernate support). As I understood it, it takes an API/component, wrapps it, never adds new features, simplifies it, often taking away "the full power", but works well for most cases. My questions: Is the term widely used? Can one properly define it? Should the suffix "Cart...

data structure used to implement UNDO and REDO option

I want to implement UNDO and REDO option(as we see in MS word etc). Can you suggest me a data structure for it, and how can i implement it.? ...

Is there a standard 3rd party Python caching class?

I'm working on a client class which needs to load data from a networked database. It's been suggested that adding a standard caching service to the client could improve it's performance. I'd dearly like not to have to build my own caching class - it's well known that these provide common points of failure. It would be far better to use...

Ambient objects in .NET

Hi, How do i create ambient objects in .NET that are available throughout a method chain. For e.g. the TransactionScope object. ...

Writing a cleaner and more modular command-parser

I'm writing a debugger for a Z80-emulator we are writing in a school project, using Java. The debugger reads a command from the user, executes it, reads another command, etc. Commands can either be argument less, have optional arguments, or take an unlimited amount of arguments. Arguments are mostly integers, but occasionally they're s...

Best External REST API Access Pattern?

I work on a couple of projects that connect with external services like Facebook and Netflix. At this moment most libraries I'm using to access these APIs ( including the ones I've written myself ) have single methods so call specific API functions yet always seem to call some sort of base method to make the request. Something like thi...

What are the reasons for preferring Singleton or function scope local static objects over one another?

Both Marshall Clines' "C++ FAQ Lite" and Scott Meyers' Effective C++ suggest using functions returning local static objects to avoid possible problems with non-local static object initialization order. In short (from "Effective C++", 3rd edition by Scott Meyers): FileSystem& tfs() { static FileSystem fs; return fs; } Both writers...

matching text in quotes (newbie)

Hi, I'm getting totally lost in shell programming, mainly because every site I use offers different tool to do pattern matching. So my question is what tool to use to do simple pattern matching in piped stream. context: I have named.conf file, and i need all zones names in a simple file for further processing. So I do ~$ cat named.loca...

Problematic data patterns, performance-wise

Assertion: the performance of SQL databases degrades when the volume of data becomes very large (say, tens or hunderds of terabytes). This means certain patterns in database design which are reasonable for most small-to-medium sized databases break down when the database grows. For (a rather general) example, there is a trend that moves...