
What's happening with Arc?

Arc, if you don't know, is Paul Graham's "100 year language", or, more prosaically, new version of Lisp. It was heavily trailed on reddit (back when reddit was interesting), and an early version was released in January last year. But nothing much seems to have happened since then - the forum is virtually dead, and there's nothing new o...

Have you read Let Over Lambda?

I have been searching for references of this book, but haven't found much. It seems that it is a pretty advanced book, and I believe SO to be one of the best sites to ask for a little review. The questions follow: Do you consider it, as some say, to be the continuation of On Lisp? Which book would you read first, this one or The Art of...

Which Graham essay talks about not knowing if you're a good programmer?

I am trying to find Paul Graham's essay that mentions something to the effect of "hackers can't know if they're good". In it, he says he (with a seemingly false humility) says he himself doesn't even know if he's good. P.S. Sorry for the softball question. I did try searching his site and it was unproductive. ...

Please explain some of Paul Graham's points on Lisp

I need some help understanding some of the points from Paul Graham's article A new concept of variables. In Lisp, all variables are effectively pointers. Values are what have types, not variables, and assigning or binding variables means copying pointers, not what they point to. A symbol type. Symbol...

Why does format happen after read in this example from Paul Graham Book

Possible Duplicate: Lisp format and force-output I'm reading Paul Grahams book ANSI common lisp and on page 19 (haven't gotten far yet) there is an example that I tried in sbcl. (defun askem (string) (format t "~A" string) (read)) When I run it in REPL, I have to input something before the prompt is printed. If I save ...

Strange Lisp Quoting scenario - Graham's On Lisp, page 37

I'm working my way through Graham's book "On Lisp" and can't understand the following example at page 37: If we define exclaim so that its return value incorporates a quoted list, (defun exclaim (expression) (append expression ’(oh my))) > (exclaim ’(lions and tigers and bears)) (LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS OH MY) > (nconc * ’(goodnes...