
Detecting Paypal Subscription Cancellation

Hi, I have written a simple paypal subscription system, where a user can enter their information, click the button, and start a subscription. Im wondering how I can find out when the user cancels the subscription though? I have seen $txn_type subscr_cancel but I have no idea how to use that, since paypal doesn't call my handler again. ...

The CE agreement for processing Mastercard is not accepted

Using paypal sandbox account when i m making a transaction with new 3-D secure fields it return with error The CE agreement for processing Mastercard is not accepted. Where do i accept CE agreement for my sandbox account? in there are almost links are not working eg clicking Legal Agreement no page found error is be...

PayPal API Certificate

Ok, I've never seen this ever when coding againts and sending 3rd party SOAP API calls but looks like PayPal requires their bigger clients to use the X509 certificate in order to send API calls rather than just sending over a standard API signature like most APIs require you to do. Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda strange or n...

Sending an API CAll with PayPal SOAP API

Ok, so I have the service reference in my .NET project. And yes I know that you now have access to proxy classes. But in the past, I am used to doing this via an HttpWebRequest object using NVP, but never tried using the WSDL and sending a SOAP request this way. I'm not quite sure which object to use to send the request. Not sure whe...

Getting an Instance of your Web Service Reference

So I believe all you have to do with .NET 2.0 vanilla web services (not WCF) is the following: 1) Add your service reference. In my case I'm using the PayPal WSDL 2) Before you can use any proxy class, you must first create an instance of your service reference 3) Once you create an instance of your service reference, then just do [ser...

How to send a Request - PayPal WSDL from .NET 2.0+

I'm trying to figure out now how to send the request. For example I see 3 proxy types: SetExpressCheckoutDetails SetExpressCheckoutReq SetExpressCheckoutRequest SetExpressCheckoutResponse So I went ahead and created the following so far: SetExpressCheckoutRequestType checkoutRequest = new SetExpressCheckoutRequestType(); Set...

ICerfiticatePolicy and ServicePoint

So I'm using the PayPal API. They require bigger companies to send an X509Certificate along with each SOAP API request. I've never heard of using a cert, it's always been just send the API signature along with an API request. So I first created a class called Cerficate that implements the .NET ICerfiticatePolicy. One of the member me...

PHP Paypal Checkout for 3 Pages

I just want to do this 3 pages: Page 1: User pick in radio button 2 prices Page 2: Fill out credit card form Page 3: Confirm and send to Paypal info Is there a module somewhere that is free to use with Paypal Website Payment Pro? Because I need it to process credit card information. I don't mind whether it is Joomla, Drupal or Wordpr...

PayPal credit card payment option

Hello, I am confused on one simple situation is that when I have already created PayPal BuyNow button and I suppose to see the credit card details' form when I come to PayPal login page, but there is only the link 'continue checkout', so does anyone know how to automatically redirect to the page with credit card details' input form? Tha...

What is causing my PayPal IPN script to fail?

I am receiving the following from a PayPal IPN script. Is it evident from the following what is causing the IPN transaction to fail? If not, how can I investigate the problem further? [01/25/2010 7:49 PM] - FAIL: IPN Validation Failed. IPN $_POST variables from PayPal: mc_gross=25.00 protection_eligibility=Ineligible address_status=unco...

Paypal and calculating international shipping?

Hi All, Does anyone have advice on how one can calculate shipping to a foreign country with PayPal? I am developing in PHP. -JT ...

Web Reference vs. Service Reference

I just hit a huge brick wall with Paypal. I had created a regular C# project to create some wrapper classes using their WSDL. If you create a non-web project, the only option you get to add a wsdl is a Web Service Reference. And this builds kinda the same set of proxy classes as a Web Reference would but not adds more that ...

paypal subscription, payment information update

I am trying to design a web application(using php and mysql) in which I will ask my clients to pay via paypal subscription, which detects money from the clients paypal account automatically and transfers it to my paypal account. Now when a client logs into my web application after 3 months of time, is there a way my web application to k...

Integrating Cardinal Centinel with Paypal & shopping cart

Hi all, We have a client who is using Paypal to take payments on her e-commerce site. In order to continue to take payments using Maestro (for 3Dsecure compliance), we would have to integrate something called Cardinal Centinel. However, there is very scant information about what is required to do this. The Paypal site has the following...

Gift Aid Payments - Integrating a payments system API into a charity site

Hello all, Ambiguous question, I know. But anyway, I'm developing a client's site that will enable users to donate to people doing charity work abroad. I need the users of the site who create their profiles to be able to input their PayPal email address (for example) and as such any users who click the big 'Donate' button on their profi...

PayPal MassPay and AddressVerify: Which SDK do I use?

I'm getting some rather conflicting information from PayPal. I've spent 2 hours on the phone with them today, and posted my questions on their forums, and I have not received one single solution. So I am turning to SO since people here actually know what they're doing. I am trying to add the AddressVerify and MassPay APIs to our websi...

hi to all i am using paypal as payment gateway in my project but it give the error

i am using paypal as payment gateway in my project but it give the error like Could not resolve host:; No data record of requested type when redirect to paypal ...

What are the alternatives to paypal for non-supported countries?

Hello, Not sure whether to ask this question here but here is the question. What are the alternatives to paypal for countries whom paypal does not support? For example, I am from Pakistan and i am looking for easy way like paypal to transfer and receive amounts from the services buyers whom i render my freelance service. Thanks ...

How can I specify an admin fee in PayPal when ordering less than 2 items?

Hi, This is my first time using PayPal to handle payments from a website, and I am struggling to get my client's business model to work with PayPal's Website Payments Standard. Basically the way that each order works is that if the customer orders only 1 tour, there is a single person supplement of £250. Any thoughts on how I would ad...

Difference between PayPalAPIAASoapBinding and PayPalApiSoapBinding

In .NET - standard web services (.NET 2.0), I see the following: PayPalAPIAASoapBinding PayPalApiSoapBinding Ok so the API methods are split between the two. I want to know what's the termonology here. Why is it split? What's AA vs. just Api in context to PayPal termonology? There has to be a reason that .NET splits it like this. ...