
E-commerce compliance when card details are processed by a third party

What forms of e-commerce compliance such as PCI-DSS apply when the card details are processed by a third party such as Paypal? Am building a bespoke shopping cart system that uses Paypal Express, so the card details never hit my server. I do however retain customer details so what compliance - both at a code and hardware level - must or...

PayPal Express Checkout - Billing information

We're trying to have PayPal Express Checkout payment for a shopping cart (for a live website). Once the Authorization is completed, we are able to retrieve the Shipping information from the Buyer account (we've successfully tested this on sandbox). However, is there any 'billing information' that we can get through the API? The owner o...

I need to get paypal confirmation to php

I need to get paypal APN to be convert to php so that I can get mysql database updated with sales.Can anyone help me with this. ...

Commission payment using Paypal

Hi, We need to pay a commission to our customers based on their business in our website.Anybody know paypal have any methods for commission payouts.We need to pay commission on monthly basis. is possible to implement an cron job or automatic process for commision payments using paypal. Help is highly appreciated. Thanks, VKS ...

Code Igniter--simple controller question

I'm designing a simple web-app in CI. I have a registration controller, and a paypal controller. Both work fine separately, but I need to use some functions of the paypal controller as a part of registration. How can I borrow those functions w/o pasting new functions into the registration controller? It really wouldn't be a problem t...

Does the PayPal Direct Payment API support setting up recurring payments?

Does the new PayPal Direct Payments API include access/support for Recurring Payments? I'm not clear if the new Direct Payments API offers access to all the API routines, or just plain old credit card processing. This document from PayPal makes it seem like the answer is no, but it's not clear. Our goal is to replace wit...

paypal - 'subscription profiles not supported'

I'm using website payments standard to create recurring payments for subscriptions. I need to find out when the next billing date is, so it looks like I can use GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails nvp api with the recurring payment profile id. But when I send the recurring payment profile id I get a failure back: {'ack':'Failure',.... ...

Does PayPal include payment integration options that do not require showing PayPal to the user?

We are looking to replace our usage of I've spent a good deal of time looking into the PayPal documentation but can't find a clear answer to my question: Using the thousands tens of different PayPal APIs is it possible to have a checkout process that is hosted on our site, where we capture and process the credit card info...

Paypal IPN - How to set custom item description?

How do I set my own item description? ...

Transfer amount to credit card from paypal.

I have stuck into the problem of related to transfer amount back to credit card from paypal when user cancel his/her transaction. I don't want to use paypal refund feature in our application. My client requires to send back amount at the same time when user cancel his/her transaction. Can anyone guide me to complete this feature or is t...

paypal re-occurring payments

When you have re-occurring payments setup with paypal with your customers/subscribers, is it possible to get a list of all subscribers from paypall's API? If yes, what does it return, transactionIDs or user emails or? I basically want a way to update my database with members who have active subscriptions. ...

how can i use Paypal for premium section of my site and deal with premium vs normal users ?

I want to achieve something like this I have normal users signed up. I want them to upgrade to premium user. Once a person pays, how do I know which user he was signed in ? How do i force the user to login first before being able to click the paypal button and make payment ? Otherwise, I wou...

payment process without leaving the site with paypal and php

Hi All, i want to use paypal as my payment gateway with php. I want that my site user should not be redirected to paypal website for the payment process. Is there any way t do this. And also i want to make payment with credit card only. Thanks in advance Avinash ...

Multiple items with PayPal button and PHP

I'm building a website where I basically want my checkout to work like this website: It allows you to enter the quantity for each item and then press a button which brings you to PayPal and lists how many Products you have. On PayPal's website, all the info I found seems to lead to me ne...

paypal new buttons

My old paypal buttons work fine, going to the paypal shopping cart. These buttons were created a few years ago. The new buttons use s-xclick, and go to a blank page. I'm told the paypal code is correct and it must be my host,.....and the host says it must be paypal. Anyone have this problem, or know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks ...

PayPal DOnate Button: Hidden note

I have paypal donate button and I wanna send hidden note with it. How can I add it? Thanks ...

PHP verify PayPal Donation

How can I verify paypal donation? In user panel I have donate button. And once someone actually donates I want to do something to him. But I do not how to check if user actually donated or just clicked donate button. ...

Is there a good base for me to work from for php user registration + subscription in MVC format?

Basically, I'm about to write a php script in the Zend Framework that's ONLY purpose is to handle user registration and offer AUTOMATIC MONTHLY subscriptions so that I can add other php driven scrips that they'll have access to based on their subscription status. Does something already do this? I'm looking for barebones, not something l...

How can I do the reverse of a regular PayPal transaction? (Pay out to the customer rather than them paying us)

How can I do the reverse of a regular PayPal transaction. The only information I found in their documents was for the customer to pay us for things. What if we want to pay out the customer? Is there a way to give a transaction type to reverse and pay out to the customer instead of them paying us? Update: Turns out you can use Mass Paym...

Generating a POST request for PayPal button in C#

I'm trying to allow a web form to use a PayPal buy it now. The relevant page is: Based on which radio button a user selects, depends on which paypal button they are "redirected" to. The subscriptions are easy - they are just a simple redirect. The last option, requires a user select a venue. For this, i requi...