
Allow unregistered paypal users to make payments

Hi i am integrating paypal web payments standard into my shopping cart using the setup where you just send a form to paypal with all the values in hidden fields. I want to enable the option that allows people to make payments even if they are not a registered paypal user. I am sure i read somewhere in the paypal documentation but now i ...

AJAX - timed mySQL queries (please wait screen)

I need to make an AJAX page which queries the database on page load and then every 5-10 seconds after that. In the meantime I will display some kind of waiting page (maybe with a animated gif to keep my customers entertained :) ) I am working with paypals IPN so its for while I am waiting for the transaction to clear.. most of the tim...

Shopping Cart reserve product

Following on from this question here, how does one reserve a product in a shopping cart when a user goes to pay? What if the user abandons the purchase and does not come back to your site, how will you unreserve the product if the page is not being reloaded. For that matter how would you reserve the product in the first place? I am crea...

Using post array from paypal

I am using paypal to process payments on my site. Paypal returns the post array like [item_number1] =12 [item_name1] = My product name [quantity1] =3 [item_number2] =14 [item_name2] = My product name2 [quantity2] =5 [num_cart_items] 2 Insert step here now im just going in circles getting nowhere And then run the for loop for($i = 1;...

How-to integrate Paypal with WinForm Desktop Application

How-to integrate Paypal with WinForm Desktop Application Maybe Server-to-Server solution ? ...

ASP.NET MVC Forms authentication and unauthenticated controller actions

I have a ASP.NET MVC site that is locked down using Forms Authentication. The web.config has <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms defaultUrl="~/Account/LogOn" loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880"/> </authentication> <authorization> <deny users="?"/> </authorization> None of my pages other than Account/LogOn can be viewed unless...

How do you declare a C# variable into an HTML type variable?

What's the C# equivalent of <% dim name %> so you can use it for web forms in PayPal API integration? ...

Paypal | Website Payment Standard | Adddress Override

I have set up a website with integration with paypal's Payment Standard. This includes address_override=1 to send to paypal a fixed the delivery adddress. A "helpful" feature of paypal is that it pre-populates the uploaded address into the billing address fields for an unregistered user. If the user then fills in their credit card det...

Passing custom variables to paypal IPN

Hi, I am trying to pass custom variables to paypal IPN. I can manage to pass one variable. But i don't know how to pass multiple variables. My Process is something like this User fill up the form They click button and it goes to paypal They paid, IPN send me back the information and that ipn.php added variables that passed to the dat...

Paypal Recurring Payments

Here is what I need: Let's say I have a hotel rooms rental website People can come rent a room for some period and pay with paypal(first they pay, than thay get a room) In some cases person might want to use some services when they are staying in hotel (like room service, mini bar, etc.) - So after person leaves I need to charge them ...

Are PayPal cookies linked to an IP address?

I have been experimenting with curl for accessing the PayPal payment authorisation site using PHP. e.g. ... $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $nvp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT...

Paypal request money - does it have API ?

There is a request money by email feature on paypal - (where you can put email of some person and he can send you money) Does it have an API ? (So I want to request money by email from my application) ...

"Auto-refill" using Paypal

So recurring monthly payments are pretty simple. What about auto-refill, like Skype (every time your account runs low on credit, you get auto-charged)? Is this possible using Paypal (in a somewhat seamless way)? I'm guessing it's a terrible idea to even think about storing credit card information. What about another payments solution...

Do I need a banking license for this paypal-based ecommerce app?

The application will accept payments from users with paypal's Payments Standard. All of this money will be stored temporarily in the company's paypal account, and then redirected to some of the users involved in the transaction via their paypal accounts (we'd also keep a cut of this money). Would this implementation require a banking lic...

PayPal Pro (Direct) Credit Cart expiration date verification in Magento

Hi all. i have an installation of Magento shop on my development server and as a payment gateway we are using PayPal Pro (PayPal Direct) which is able to accept users' credit cards. it was fine in sandbox mode, but after switching into 'live' mode and testing with $0.01 transactions, it came out that PayPal seem to accept CCs w/o check...

PayPal website payments pro api and Payflow accounts

Has anyone successfully used website payment pro api with a Payflow Pro account? We need to use recurring payments as well. ...

Posting transactions to PayPal and security

PayPal has a method where we can post our transaction to PayPal via a form. Isn't it possible for someone to construct our form and post to PayPal over and over again? I know no real harm can happen as they would have to enter their CC information on PayPal to continue, but they could cause a lot of trouble by posting hundreds of fake ...

Paypal return URL

I'm programming a PHP site with Paypal integration and I've stumbled into a problem with the return url. I need users to be returned back to a specific url on my site after in the final step. I have things in my session variables that need to be moved into a database. The problem is, the Paypal secure form that has the "return" button ...

What kind of protocol is being used here to communicate with PayPal?

I know that there are various ways to use PayPal's API (SOAP, etc), but I don't know anything about them, so in an attempt to broaden my knowledge on the subject, would you please tell me what is being used in this example from railscasts: 1. def paypal_url(return_url) 2. values = { 3. :business => ’seller_1234111...

Utilize Paypal IPN with VB.Net

I'm really frustrated trying to use a PayPal IPN and receiving variables back to use in my VB.NET application. It looks like my transactions are going through when I test it, but I can't get the variable values. My rm parameter is the default ("0") and I have Paypal set to auto return because that is the behavior I want. I'm using the...