
How do I walk through tree of Pdf Objects in PDFSharp?

I am trying to to walk though the tree of PdfItem objects in an existing PDF document using PDFSharp in c#. I want to create a hierarchy of all the objects as I go along -- similar to what the "PDF Explorer" example does -- but I want it to be a tree instead of a flat list of all the objects. The root node is document.Internals.Catalo...

Can anyone recommend a decent FOSS PDF generator for Python?

I need a basic pdf generator that'll let me toss some images and text into a pdf file. The ability to have some basic drawing commands (lines and so forth) would also be a plus. I did read through this question, but I really don't need a report generator and most of the responses there seemed like real overkill for what I'm trying to ...

How do I retrieve an image using iText when the URL has redirects?

I am using iText to generate PDF invoices for a J2EE web application and included on the page is an image read from a URL constructed from the request URL. In the development and test environments this works fine, but in production I get a java.io.IOException: is not a recognized imageformat. If I paste the url into my browser then the...

How To Generate PDFs with PHP

I have some HTML that includes bolding, italics, small tag, big tag, blockquote tag, bullets, and numbered items. I need to convert it to PDF via PHP. I tried FPDF, but it was entirely too complex. I tried html2pdf PHP library, which uses FPDF, but it was very buggy and unreliable. What do you recommend? Note: Imagine your typical resum...

Export HTML to PDF (C++, Windows)

I am looking for a redistributable component to convert HTML to PDF. I would - at the moment - like to avoid using a "PDF printer", as this requires a printer installation and some user "playing around" in the printers panel might break that feature. The HTML is available in a Browser control or as external file. The HTML is normally f...

How to dynamically generate a pdf from Google's appengine?

I'd like to create an application that would run on Google's appengine. However, this application needs to be able to generate PDFs dynamically. How could I do this? ...


what is the easiest(and fastest) way to perform this kind of transformation: "Data in XML" to "Some MS Word 2003 Supported format" to PDF using Java? My first guess was to fill the template with XML data (using Placeholders for example) and then save it and convert it to PDF. But I can't just put placeholders to DOC files, and I can't c...

How to do mail merge on top of a PDF?

I often get a PDF from our designer (built in Adobe InDesign) which is supposed to be sent out to thousands of people. I've got the list with all the people, and it's easy doing a mail merge in OpenOffice.org. However, OpenOffice.org doesn't support the advanced PDF. I just want to output some text onto each page and print it out. Here...

Creating a PDF from Java and Displaying it in a webpage

Currently I am using FOP to generate a pdf from java code and an xslt document. The FOP spits out a PDF file that is displayed (embeded) into a webpage. The documents can range between one and several thousand pages long, and it can take some time to generate them. Is there a better tool that and do this? Is FOP the best option in the ...

Password protected PDF using C#

I am creating a pdf document using C# code in my process. I need to protect the docuemnt with some standard password like "123456" or some account number. I need to do this without any reference dlls like pdf writer. I am generating the PDF file using SQL Reporting services reports. Is there are easiest way. ...

Blank pages in some versions of Acrobat

I have a PDF that is being generated from HTML source using HTMLDOC. While I am able to view the file fine on my mac, and on every version of Acrobot that I can get my hands on, some end users are showing some pages as completely blank. The blank pages are somewhat unique in that they do contain images, but I do not see why this would ...

Fonts in pdf documents screwed up when generated with latex (specifically, pdflatex) on mac osx.


Generating PDF with Quick Reports behind a Delphi Web Server

I have a Delphi web server providing some web services*. One of them is supposed to generate and return a PDF report. The PDF creation is done with a QReport that is then exported into a PDF file with the ExportToFilter procedure. The routine works fine when called from within an application, but when called behind a TIdTCPServer, it h...

How best to write documentation (ideally in latex) targeting both the web (html) and paper (pdf)?

Latex-to-html converters I've seen in the past have been pretty awful. Editing raw html is no fun and doesn't seem to translate well to the printed page. How do others solve this problem? Links to examples (both pdf and html) would be great. Added: This question is pretty similar, though specifically about books: http://stackoverflo...

Drop caps in pdfLaTeX

I want to find a way to produce drop caps (large initial letters several lines high) in pdfLaTeX. I know that there is a dropping package which works well when used with latex + dvips. However, when used with pdflatex the result looks ugly. My source file is: \documentclass[12pt]{article} % for pdflatex file.tex # dropping is ugly % \...

Maintain CSS styling when converting HTML to PDF in ASP.NET

Hi, I am using ITextSharp to convert a HTML page to PDF. However, ITextSharp prints the CSS in the STYLE declaration straight out, ignores stylesheets even when added programatically and only listens to some inline styles (e.g. font-size and color but not background-color). Is there something I am missing with ITextSharp, or is there ...

PHP PDF-Generation - IE7/Acrobat8: "Website cannot be displayed"

Hi there, I've got some trouble with displaying pdfs in IE7 (which were generated by R&OS' ezpdf). IE7 with Acrobat Reader 8.1.2. says "The page cannot be displayed" Other Browsers (like FF3/Acrobat 8.1.2. or IE6/Acrobat 7) have no problem with the file. The following headers are returned by the server: Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:...

How do I paint Swing Components to a PDF file with iText?

I would like to print my Swing JComponent via iText to pdf. JComponent com = new JPanel(); com.add( new JLabel("hello") ); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance( document, new FileOutputStream( dFile ) ); document.open( ); PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent( ); PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate( pageImageableWidth, pageI...

C# PDF Printing Library

Are there any free libraries that would "print" to a PDF without actually having to install a PDF printer on the system. I want something that can be completely self contained in my application. The reason I say I want it to "print" is that I've tried and tried to find a solution for directly converting from HTML with CSS to PDF, but i...

Generate PDF from Rails

The Ruby On Rails Wiki lists a couple of libraries that facilitate PDF generation in Rails. I need to print out address labels (in letter format, thus 12-15 addresses per page) and cannot decide which one to use. Any recommendations? ...