
an alternative to stored procedures

I am having problems using stored procedures. Making call to a stored procedure is not working for me. So I replaced the stored procedure by an sql statement. But now, I have some stored procedures which receive parameters. for example CREATE PROCEDURE get_category_details_proc(IN incat_id INT) BEGIN SELECT name, desc FROM category W...

Unable to connect to MySQL through PHP script when using mysqli or PDO BUT mysql works.

I am facing a weird situation. When I am trying to connect to MySql database using a "mysql" connection, it works. mysql connection string -> mysql_connect($HOST, $USER, $PASSWORD, $DB); But the connection fails immediately fails when I use either "mysqli" or "PDO" mysqli connection string -> mysqli_connect($HOST, $USER, $PASSWORD, ...

Should I really be using PDO and prepared statements?

PDO and prepared statements are still kind of confusing to me, no matter how much I read about them so far. So I know they are more "secure" but is it really that important? I mean I can get the same end result using basic mysql with mysql_real_escape_string() and htmlspecialchars() right? ...

Why can I use SELECT but not INSERT on a SQLite database in PHP?

I am able to retrieve information from a SQLite database in PHP, but not write to it. For example, this code works perfectly fine: $db = new PDO("sqlite:foo.db"); $rowCount = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblname;")->fetchColumn(0); echo $rowCount; // works as it should However, the following snippet results in an, 'unable to open ...

How can I wrap the PHP PDO class into my own class?

Sorry if this is wrong or confusing I am very new to using classes and I would like to start learning more about using PDO with mysql. Here is an example code from php.net <?php /* Execute a prepared statement by passing an array of values */ $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, colour, calories FROM fruit WHERE calories < ? AND ...

Use of PDO in classes

I have a few classes that perform some MySQL queries and prepared statements. However, I am lost in how to incorporate my PDO object within those classes. For example, I want to do something like this: <?php $dbh = new PDO(...); class Foo extends PDO { public $dbh; public function bar() { $this->dbh->prepare('SELECT...

PHP PDO - output the prepared statment

Hallo, I use a prepared statment wiht PDO. and the method execute. I want to display the statment before it is executed, with the data replaced - the real 1:1 statment as a string? Any ideas? ...

Strange error with zend frame work

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception' with message 'SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'liveaide_dbuser1'@'lynx-u.znetindia.net' (using password: YES)' in /home/liveaide/public_html/aider20test/zyberops/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php:144 Stack trace: #0 /home/liveaide/public_html/aider20test/zyb...

Strange PDO MySQL Problem

I am trying to perform a query in a PHP script. The query works fine in my MySQL client however it does not seem to working within my code. I am using PDO. I am thinking it might have limitations, because it seems to work fine with a less complicated query. Here is the query: SELECT D.status, D.createdBy, D.createDate, D.modified...

JSON to PHP, then foreach?

I send a valid JSON string to my PHP page from jQueryscript: var data = '{ "data":[ { "id":"12", "checked":"true" },{ "id":"4", "checked":"false" },{ "id":"33", "checked":"false" } ] }'; $.post ("page.php", { data_input:data }, function (data) { // code }); Once I get the data in my PHP page, I parse it ...

Calculating Great-Circle Distance with SQLite

Here is my problem, I have a SQLite table with locations and latitudes / longitudes. Basically I need to: SELECT location, HAVERSINE(lat, lon) AS distance FROM location ORDER BY distance ASC; HAVERSINE() is a PHP function that should return the Great-Circle Distance (in miles or km) given a pair of latitude and longitude values. One o...

Trouble with SQLite SQL Query

I'm trying to run the following query in SQLite 3: SELECT *, DISTANCE(latitude, longitude, ?, ?) AS "distance" FROM "country" WHERE "id" NOT LIKE ? HAVING "distance" <= ? ORDER BY "distance" ASC; But I get the following error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 a GROUP BY clause is required before HAVING I don't understand ...

How to handle PDO exceptions

Hi, I'm trying to work with PDO class on php but I have some trouble to find the right way to handle errors, I've wrote this code: <?php // $connection alreay created on a class which works with similar UPDATE statements // I've simply added here trim() and PDO::PARAM... data type $id = 33; $name = "Mario Bros."; $url = "http://ninten...

Invalid parameter number on PDO Prepared Statement

Hello, I'm working with a sequence of queries created with PDO class, in some case, my queries needs the same paramter. I've created an array used in a foreach statemend which save the data but some var is ouside, can I use both data in one query? the example: // $connection is the PDO object; // $full_data contains: // $full_data[$i][...

How to correctly free a PDO instance.

for example: $db = new PDO(); // some code using $db here // and next, i want to free this var and close all connection and so on $db = NULL; // or how correctly? Is that correct way to free all SQL results and connections? ...

PHP PDO Prepared statement query not updating record

I am having a problem using PHP's PDO object to prepare an update statement and updating the record. I have taken the raw SQL query and ran it in phpMyAdmin with the params replaced by their values that are passed to the function. Which updates the record as intended. However, when ran from the script it does not update. It throws zero e...

Slashes in MySQL tables, but using PDO and parameterized queries. Whats up?

Alright, so my code to update my database tables is varying flavours of the following: $query = " insert into Comment (Comment, CommentDate, Rating, UserRid) values (:comment, now(), 0, :userrid )" ; try { $db_conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.$db_server.';dbname='.$db_name, $db_username, $db_password ); $db_c...

PHP's PDO Source Code

I've got PHP installed from the repos on my Ubuntu 9.10 local machine. Where can I find the source code to the PDO classes? ...

PHP PDO: how does re-preparing a statement affect performance

I'm writing a semi-simple database wrapper class and want to have a fetching method which would operate automagically: it should prepare each different statement only the first time around and just bind and execute the query on successive calls. I guess the main question is: How does re-preparing the same MySql statement work, will PDO ...

Confusing PDO-only problem : Can't connect through socket/Access denied/Can't connect to server (shared host)

Hi, folks ! So the problem changed from what it was, i'll leave the original question below to prevent bad reviews on answers like I had after someone editing his question I answered : So I am working on a (really lame) shared hosting which has PDO installed, but it doesn't work. With default parameters <?php try { $dbh = new PDO(...