
Can I integrate a file not in my client spec?

Is there a way to integrate files not in your client spec? Specifically we've got a directory that contains a large number of static libraries that I build locally (so I don't need them out of source control), and would prefer not to have to pull them down from the server just to do an integrate. In branch spec: //project1/project/li...

How do I rename a branch specification in perforce?

I would like to know how to rename a branch specification (aka, a "branch mapping") in perforce. The P4V client does not allow you to edit the branch spec name. Is it safe to just add another branch specification, copy the settings and remove the old one? ...

Branch view for a file that has been split into multiple files

I have a large source file in Perforce that has been split up into several smaller files in a branch. I want to create a branch view that can handle this, but perforce (2009.1) only sees the last of the multiple files. For example, I created: p4 integrate //depot/original/huge_file.c //depot/new/huge_file.c Later I split the huge file...

How do you get the branch spec that was used for a specific integrate in the depot history?

P4V's depot view shows the various branches and their paths, but not the branch names. The branch spec (or branch mapping) contains the "name" of the branch. Let's assume that user X has branched code from branch A to branch B using a branch mapping M some time in the past. Is there a way to ask perforce which branch mapping was use...

Perforce: Branch from a specific changelist perforce

Hi - How do you branch from a specific changelist in perforce? That is, if main is my main codeline, and I want to create a branch b off of main from a changelist n, what is the syntax to do this? I've tried: //depot/main/...@n //users/me/sandbox/... in my branch spec, but get errors. And p4 integrate -b branch_b @n doesn't seem...