
Can I integrate a file not in my client spec?

Is there a way to integrate files not in your client spec? Specifically we've got a directory that contains a large number of static libraries that I build locally (so I don't need them out of source control), and would prefer not to have to pull them down from the server just to do an integrate. In branch spec: //project1/project/li...

Integrating moved files in perforce

Say I created a branch in perforce of our codebase. Here is the branch spec: //depot/code/main/... //depot/code/branch/... Then, in the branch, say I move the branched file a.txt -> b.txt using p4 integrate //depot/code/branch/a.txt //depot/code/branch/b.txt p4 delete //depot/code/branch/a.txt Now, let's say some changes are made t...

Perforce: Branch from a specific changelist perforce

Hi - How do you branch from a specific changelist in perforce? That is, if main is my main codeline, and I want to create a branch b off of main from a changelist n, what is the syntax to do this? I've tried: //depot/main/...@n //users/me/sandbox/... in my branch spec, but get errors. And p4 integrate -b branch_b @n doesn't seem...