
Can I integrate a file not in my client spec?

Is there a way to integrate files not in your client spec? Specifically we've got a directory that contains a large number of static libraries that I build locally (so I don't need them out of source control), and would prefer not to have to pull them down from the server just to do an integrate. In branch spec: //project1/project/li...

Can specific files mapped in a Perforce client spec be made non-editable?

For example some parts of the client spec map files from a 'Published' depot. Is there a way for these so-called published maps to be forced read-only, i.e. they cannot be opened for edit? For example (ignoring [not editable]): //Development/foo/... //client/foo/... //Published/bar/1.0/... //client/bar/... [not editable] //Published/qu...

What are your Perforce practices for view/branches ?

Hi, I am new to Perforce. What would you consider P4 best practices in terms of views/branches. Would you create 1 view with access to many branches, or would you create 1 view / branch ? I am not sure switching between views/worspaces is that easy in Perforce. Thanks, Thomas ...

How do I diff 2 Perforce Client Specs

I have two perforce clients (client-a, client-b) that each contain about 40 file specs. They are similar, but each client has several file specs that aren't included in the other. I would like to find the differences between these client specs. Ideally, the output would look something like this... File specs in client-a and not in cl...

How to set defaults for perforce client specs

I'm trying to discover how to change the default set of Client Spec options and submit-options. set P4CLIENT=my_new_client_1 p4 client Gives me the following spec default-spec: Client: my_new_client_1 ... Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir SubmitOptions: submitunchanged ... Now on my machine i ...

perforce connection

hi , this is a real basic question but i was struggling at it from 30 mins. I am using perforce and i want to access my colleagues workspace for accessing data report which we are working on together. How can i access his location? he has given me the place where the file is located : //datacell/nfg/depot/src/ I tried finding the user ...

Perforce: Avoid using the same absolute local path on all dev machines?

I'm new to Perforce (but am fairly experienced with other systems, mostly SVN). Now I'm trying to make a simple windows bat build script that needs to check in some build results (controversial to some, I know, but please try to ignore as it's a different discussion). I'm using p4 for this. The problem is that it seems I either: Use ...