I'm sure this is covered in the documentation somewhere but I have been unable to find it... I'm looking for the syntactic sugar that will make it possible to call a method on a class whose name is stored in a hash (as opposed to a simple scalar):
use strict; use warnings;
package Foo;
sub foo { print "in foo()\n" }
package main;
my %...
I'm trying to add " at beginning and ", at end of each non-empty line of text file in Perl.
perl -pi -e 's/^(.+)$/\"$1\",/g' something.txt
It adds " at beginning of each non-empty line, but i have problem with ",.
Example input:
bla bla
That's output i'm getting:
"bla bla
And that's output i actuall...
I'm running 64-bit Solaris 10, and I have self-compiled Perl 5.10 and Postgresql 8.4.1 installed in /usr/local, both 64 bits. Solaris came with 32-bit Postgresql 8.1.4 installed in /usr, but it is not running. When I attempt to install DBD::Pg, it hits a problem because the libpq.so it finds is the 32-bit one in /usr/lib rather than the ...
I have a lot of files I'm trying to rename, I tried to make a regular expression to match them, but even that I got stuck on the files are named like:
File Name 01
File Name 100
File Name 02
File Name 03
etc, I would like to add a "0" (zero), behind any of file that are less than 100, like this:
File Name 001
The y operator in Perl does character-by-character transliteration. For example, if we do y/abc/dfg to the string "foobar", we get "foofdr". But what if I want to transliterate "ā" to "ei" and "ä" to "a:" and "ō" to "әu" and "o" to "ɒ".
I tried the following line of code but no luck:(
Do we hopefully have a wor...
Does reading XML data like in the following code create the DOM tree in memory?
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $data = $xml->XMLin($blast_output,ForceArray => 1);
For large XML files should I use a SAX parser, with handlers, etc.?
Is there a way to set Perl script's floating point precision (to 3 digits), without having to change it specifically for every variable?
Something similar to TCL's:
global tcl_precision
set tcl_precision 3
I need to get all of the values for a certain key in a hash. The hash looks like this:
$bean = {
Key1 => {
Key4 => 4,
Key5 => 9,
Key6 => 10,
Key2 => {
Key7 => 5,
Key8 => 9,
I just need the values to Key4, Key5 and Ke...
I'm basing the majority on my Perl scripts on the following template/skeleton:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use utf8;
$| = 1;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
# my code goes here.
The things achieved by this template:
Enable warnings (-w)
Enabling strict mode (use strict)
Going pure UTF-8 (use utf8 + binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"))
Disable ...
What's the best way to do it?
EDIT: Originally the question was "How to do it without the DateTime module". I removed this restriction in order to make the question more general.
I am using Open Flash Chart 2 to create some graphs. I want to be able to save an image of the graph, which OFC2 supplies some methods to accomplish this. I used the example on the OFC2 site to directly display the raw image data on the page, but that does not work in IE6, which most of our users are using (I know, I know).
I switched...
Problem Specification:
Given a directory, I want to iterate through the directory and its non-hidden sub-directories,
and add a whirlpool hash into the non-hidden
file's names.
If the script is re-run it would would replace an old hash with a new one.
<filename>.<extension> ==> <filename>.<a-whirlpool-hash>.<e...
In perl, I can do: 1 while $var =~ s/a/b/;, and it will replace all a with b. In many cases, I would use it more like 1 while $var =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; to remove all pairs of double quotes around a string.
Is there a way to do something similar to this in PHP, without having to do
while (preg_match('/^"(.*)"$/', $var)) {
$var = preg...
I'm planning on writing a simple text viewer, which I'd expect to be able to deal with very large sized files. I was thinking of using Tie::File for this, and kind of paginate the lines. Is this loading the lines lazily, or all of them at once?
Is there any Perl module which has the capability to send raw packets on Windows?
I know there is Net::RawIP, but it seems that it does not work on Windows.
Here's what I'd like to achieve:
sub first {
print "this is original first";
*original_first = \&first;
sub first {
print "this is first redefined";
original_first(); # i expect this to print "this is original first"
first() # i expect this to print "this is first redefined"
I thought that by saving the symbol for first...
I'm confused as to why the following return separate sHA1s
$ perl -MDigest::SHA1 -E'say Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex("http://i.aultec.com/v/8066/Originals/1FTVX12585NA9832010.jpg");'
$ echo "http://i.aultec.com/v/8066/Originals/1FTVX12585NA9832010.jpg" | sha1sum
I previously only had vague awareness of character encoding issues, but answers to a question today got me thinking about it. The following provided more food for thought too:
perlunitut - Perl Unicode Tutorial
perlunifaq - Perl Unicode FAQ
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode a...
I'm running 40-or-so threads with the following subroutine:
my $app = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $ua->get($$app{'watch_url'});
my $new_md5;
if ($response->is_success()) {
$new_md5 = md5_hex($response->content());
return ($$app{'short_name'}, $$app{'watch_md5'}, $new_md5);
Core dumps en...
The system() function will launch a new process from C and a Perl script.
What exactly are the differences between processes called by system() in C and from Perl scripts, in terms of representation of error codes?