
editing text files with perl

I'm trying to edit a text file that looks like this: TYPE=Ethernet HWADDR=00:.... IPV6INIT=no MTU=1500 IPADDR= ... (Its actually the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg- file on red hat Linux) Instead of reading and rewriting the file each time I want to modify it, I figured I could use grep, sed, awk or the native text ...

What is the python equivalent of the Perl pattern to track if something has already been seen?

In Perl, one can do the following for (@foo) { # do something next if $seen{$_}++; } I would like to be able to do the equivalent in Python, that is to skip a block if it has been executed once. ...

How to set up local repository for PPM?

I am using Active Perl and am looking for ways to set up a local repository to install various modules. Main reason behind is the production server has no internet access. Can anyone point me any quick start or step-by-step tutorials on this? ...

How can I be notified when a background process terminates in Perl?

I wrote a Perl program which forks and calls a background program in the child process and has a endless while loop which does some stuff in the parent process. Now the while loop should be left when the background program in the child process terminates: $pid = fork(); if ( !$pid ) { exec( "program args" ); } else { while ( 1 )...

Why doesn't Perl's Spreadsheet::ParseExcel never return from $parser->parse('test.xls')?

The spreadsheet is Excel 97-2003 compatible and permissions 777 use strict; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); print "<br>gets here:".__LINE__; my $workbook = $parser->parse('test.xls'); print "<br>never gets here:".__LINE__; ...

How do I check if a Unicode directory exists on Windows in Perl?

I need to check whether a Unicode directory exists in Perl. I am using Windows XP and Perl Camelbox 5.10.0. If I try to create a directory (like Sinan suggested here that already exists the program dies. Unfortunately if ( !-d $dir_name ) { # create directory $dir_name } doesn't seem to recognize Un...

Is Perl's Parse::RecDescent thread safe?

I have a web application that uses a parser created with Parse::RecDescent. A parser object is needed in several parts of the application and since the parser takes quite a bit of memory I have up to now treated the parser object as a singleton. This works well in a pure CGI environment since only one expression is parsed by the same obj...

Why does Perl's DBIx::Class $resultset->update fail on complex search queries?

I have a Perl DBIx::Class search the looks like this: my $rs = shift->search( { -and => [ { 'for_revocation' => 1 }, [ { status => { 'not_in' => [ 'revoked', 'revoking'] }, }, { ...

How can I escaped regular expression metacharacters from an interpolated variable in Perl?

I need to create a "obscuring" function which replaces clear-text password in line, before writing it to log. It looks like this: function pass_obscure { my $logline = shift; my $pass = "wer32pass$"; # this password is an example, the real one is received as parameter, or already stored as global value $logline =~ ...

Looping through a dataset and handling missing values

I am looping through a big data file and like to detect the type of variable in each column, eg if it is an Intenger or a Float etc. It works perfectly fine, however, at the moment it is still very basic and I like to add another idea. So far the declaration of the variable is based on the second row of the data set. (The first one is us...

How can I reformat the GECOS field with Perl or awk?

I want to scan the passwd file and change the order of words in the comment field from firstname lastname to lastname firstname, and force the surname to capitals. So, change every line from: jbloggs:x:9999:99:Joe Bloggs:/home/jbloggs:/bin/ksh to: jbloggs:x:9999:99:BLOGGS Joe:/home/jbloggs:/bin/ksh I'm new to Perl and I'm having p...

How can I code in a functional style in Perl?

How do you either: have a sub return a sub or execute text as code in Perl? Also, how do I have an anonymous function store state? ...

How can I track down CPU intensive requests in mod_perl?

Using Apache 2.2 and mod_perl on Ubuntu 8.04 I have several applications on a server. Using Apache in pre-forking mode. Usually things are working well but once in a while I see one of Apache processes using 100% of the CPU. There are several web sites on the server with their own VirtualHosts and there are is and SVN server running vi...

How can I remove an element from a Perl array after I've processed it?

I am reading a postfix mail log file into an array and then looping through it to extract messages. On the first pass, I'm checking for a match on the "to=" line and grabbing the message ID. After building an array of MSGIDs, I'm looping back through the array to extract information on the to=, from=, and client= lines. What I'd like to...

Best way to copy and duplicate each line of input file while regex modifying the duplicated line.

This question has 2 sections one for "single line match" and one for "multi line region matching" Also, I have a semi working solution, I want to find more robustness and elegance in my solution. Single Line Match: I would like to duplicate each line of an input file such that the second line was a regex modification of the first: E.G...

How can I check for eof in Perl?

So I have a bit of problem figuring what Perl does in the following case: while(1){ $inputLine=<STDIN> #parse $inputLine below #BUT FIRST, I need to check if $inputLine = EOF } before I get the obvious answer of using while(<>){}, let me say that there is a very strong reason that I have to do the above (basically setting up an alar...

Why does my 'use my_module;' take so much heap memory?

This sample script: #!/usr/bin/perl -w while (1) { sleep(1); } takes about 264 kB grep -A1 heap /proc/9216/smaps 0817b000-081bd000 rw-p 0817b000 00:00 0 [heap] Size: 264 kB but when I only add my module: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use my_module; while (1) { sleep(1); } it takes 18092 kB ! grep -A1 heap ...

Is there a Perl memcached client that works on Windows XP?

I'm trying to find an alternative to the Cache::Memcached Perl module that works with Windows XP. Or, to somehow get Cache::Memcached working on Windows XP. A bit of background: the production environtment (web server) is Solaris 10, which I've already installed memcached and Cache::Memcached, and all works fine. However, the developme...

Is POSIX pselect available in Perl?

Is POSIX pselect available in Perl? A CPAN module is fine also. ...

How can I get a full Mail::SpamAssassin::MailMessage object from text?

I use the following code to generate a spam report using SpamAssassin: use Mail::SpamAssassin; my $sa = Mail::SpamAssassin->new(); open FILE, "<", "mail.txt"; my @lines = <FILE>; my $mail = $sa->parse(@lines); my $status = $sa->check($mail); my $report = $status->get_report(); $report =~ s/\n/\n<br>/g; print "<h1>Spam Report</h1>";...