Why does Perl autovivify in this case?
Why does $a become an arrayref? I'm not pushing anything to it. perl -MData::Dumper -e 'use strict; 1 for @$a; print Dumper $a' $VAR1 = []; ...
Why does $a become an arrayref? I'm not pushing anything to it. perl -MData::Dumper -e 'use strict; 1 for @$a; print Dumper $a' $VAR1 = []; ...
When I try to print an image to STDOUT in a Perl CGI script, the image gets clipped when viewed in the browser. Here is the following code: if ($path =~ m/\.jpe?g$/i) { my $length = (stat($path))[7]; $| = 1; print "Content-type: image/jpg\r\n"; print "Content-length: $length\r\n\r\n"; open(IMAGE,"<$path"); binmode(IMAG...
I have a Perl script running in windows, that displays to screen very long lines. I don't want to fix my console size permanently. I just want it to be big in case this script is running. Is there a way to define the console's size from within the Perl script that runs inside this window? ...
I am trying to write a function which validates the username for an alphanumeric value and in the case of failure it should log my custom error message and return 0 to the called function instead of die-ing: sub insertUser{ my ( $username, $password, $email, $name) = validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR, ...
Hello! I have a table in a mysql-database with the fields "name", "title", "cd_id", "tracks" The entries look like this: Schubert | Symphonie Nr 7 | 27 | 2 Brahms | Symphonie Nr 1 | 11 | 4 Brahms | Symphonie Nr 2 | 27 | 4 Shostakovich | Jazz Suite Nr 1 | 19 | 3 To get the tracks per cd (cd_id) I have written this script: #!/usr/bin/...
I have a Perl script that can define and write a MS Word macro according to the user's input. But how can I make the Perl script open Word and add the macro into its macros data base? ...
Could some tell me if there is a function which works the same as PHP's mysql_real_escape_string() for Perl from the DBI module? ...
I'm working on some large Catalyst codebase which doesn't have a seperate config file. However, in the main module it does have things like: __PACKAGE__->config( name => 'Example::Server', encoding => 'UTF-8', ... ); So I was hoping I could just add the SmartURI config there, like this: __PACKAGE__->config( name => '...
I'd like to create a vim function/command to insert an XSD style timestamp. Currently, I use the following in my vimrc file: nmap <F5> a<C-R>=strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S-07:00")<CR><Esc> I'd like to use the Perl code: use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::XSD; print DateTime->now(formatter => 'DateTime::Format::XSD', time_zone => 'Amer...
How can I get a list of branches that are first-level descendants of the current HEAD? I can get a list of the whole tree with: git log --graph --abbrev-commit --pretty=decorate --branches which gives * 2eff4a7... (refs/heads/issue-8351) Added a factory factory factory. * 2e387aa... Refactored all of the factory factories. | * b3fad...
I am facing a problem that require the reuse some of the functions within another Perl script. I am writing some test scripts. The test scripts are basically build on each other. Say Script 1 does: Some code to prepare the test. A. B. C. Some code to determine the success. Then Script 2 does: Some code to prepare the test. A. B. C. ...
(Context: I'm trying to monitor a long-running process from a Perl CGI script. It backs up an MSSQL database and then 7-zips it. So far, the backup part (using WITH STATS=1) outputs to a file, which I can have the browser look at, refreshing every few seconds, and it works.) I'm trying to use 7zip's command-line utility but capture t...
I was curious if using Storable's store_fd and fd_retrieve would allow me to store a data structure into a program's own DATA filehandle. I realize this isn't Best Practice, I'm just curious if it'd work, my quick attempts to try it don't seem to work. ...
Once upon a time, you opened files in Perl like so: open(FH, ">$filename"); At some point, for many good reasons including some very sticky ones involving filenames with leading spaces, this syntax became available (and, immediately, preferred): open(FH, '>', $filename); What version of Perl did we get that syntax with? ...
I have a Perl script that uses LWP::UserAgent to download a webpage which it then processes using regular expressions. The problem is that portions of the webpage which are regular HTML aren't being returned to LWP::UserAgent since the site recognizes that the browser doesn't have Flash installed and instead returns HTML prompting us to ...
I'm trying to package a Perl script to EXE using the pp utility bundled with PAR::Packer with the Filter::Crypto on. But something is wrong there. Without the filter, things are ok. With it, no. I think it has something to do with the DATA section in the script. The following simplified script might demonstrate the problem but I'm not su...
Is it a good idea to warm up cache in the BEGIN block, when it gets used? ...
I have been using the Perl command line with a -ne option for years, largely to process text files in ways that sed can't. Example: cat in.txt | perl -ne "s/abc/def/; s/fgh/hij/; print;" > out.txt I have no idea where I learned this, and have only today read perlrun and found there are other forms (perl -pe for example). What else sh...
I have the following code: #$domain = domainname.co.uk #$root = public_html #$webpage = domainname.co.uk/foo/bar/foobar.html my $string = ($webpage =~ s/^$domain//g); my $linkFromRoot = $dbh->quote($root . $string); Usualy this works fine but for some reason the output is "public_html 1" instead of "public_html/foo/bar/foobar.html". ...
I have a PHP script that takes a long time (5-30 minutes) to complete. Just in case it matters, the script is using cUrl to scrape data from another server. This is the reason it's taking so long; it has to wait for each page to load before processing it and moving to the next. I want to be able to initiate the script and let it be unti...