
What's the point of `use vars` in this Perl subroutine?

In one of the chapters in Mastering Perl, brian d foy shows this snippet from List::Util: sub reduce(&@) { my $code = shift; no strict "refs"; return shift unless @_ > 1; use vars qw($a $b); my $caller = caller; local(*{$caller . "::a"}) = \my $a; local(*{$caller . "::b"}) = \my $b; $a = shift; foreac...

How can I pass a complex structure with SOAP::Lite in Perl?

I am trying to call the web service from Perl with the SOAP:Lite module. The web service has a parameter of complex type that I fail to construct correctly. Here is the relevant portion of wsdl:schema <complexType name="TagData"> <sequence> <element name="order" type="xsd:int"/> <element name="value" type="xsd:string"/> </...

How can I change a rowspan attribute within my CGI program?

Hello, I am writing a CGI script that will process form data, and it should print the name of the input, along with its value, in a table. When I have one or more values with the same name, the name should span rows to accommodate all values that correspond to that name. For example, if I have a name "color" with its values at "red", "gr...

How can I download a file using WWW::Mechanize or any Perl module?

Is there a way in WWW::Mechanize or any Perl module to read on a file after accessing a website. For example, I clicked a button 'Receive', and a file (.txt) will appear containing a message. How will I be able to read the content? Answers are very much appreciated.. I've been working on this for days,, Also, I tried all the possibilitie...

How can I use a variable's value as a glob pattern in Perl?

In Perl, you can get a list of files that match a pattern: my @list = <*.txt>; print "@list"; Now, I'd like to pass the pattern as a variable (because it's passed into a function). But that doesn't work: sub ProcessFiles { my ($pattern) = @_; my @list = <$pattern>; print "@list"; } readline() on unopened filehandle at ... ...

How much precision for a bcmath PHP library?

I'm writing a PHP library that has a Number class that uses the bcmath extension for arbitrary precision. I have two questions: How much slower is bcmath compared to using the built-in int and float types? bcmath has an optional scale argument (that defaults to 3 digits). For an general purpose Number class that anyone could use, wha...

processing text from a non-flat file (to extract information as if it *were* a flat file)

Hi, I have a longitudinal data set generated by a computer simulation that can be represented by the following tables ('var' are variables): time subject var1 var2 var3 t1 subjectA ... t2 subjectB ... and subject name subjectA nameA subjectB nameB However, the file generated writes a data file in a format similar to the f...

What is the best way to get the CDDB info for an audio CD in Perl?

Hello! What is the best way to get the cd-title and the cd-track-names from an audio CD? I tried this module, but it didn't work. #!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use CDDB_get qw( get_cddb ); my %config; $config{CDDB_HOST} = ""; $config{CDDB_PORT} = 8880; $config{CDDB_MODE} = "cddb"; $config{CD_DEVICE} = "...

Why is this pattern not matching the data my program reads from STDIN?

Suppose there is a list that is input from the console using <STDIN> @string = <STDIN>; Now, I check for a pattern, say /manu/, in my program foreach (@string) { if(/manu/) { print $_."\n"; } } The code is unable to look for the pattern /manu/. However when I do the following, the code works perfectly fine: ...

In Perl, what is the right way for a subclass to alias a method in the base class?

I simply hate how CGI::Application's accessor for the CGI object is called query. I would like my instance classes to be able to use an accessor named cgi to get the CGI object associated with the current instance of my CGI::Application subclass. Here is a self-contained example of what I am doing: package My::Hello; sub hello { ...

How can I golf this Perl subroutine that does a substitution?

I have the following subroutine in Perl to substitute "abc" for "xyz" in a string: sub mySubst { my ($str) = @_; $str =~ s|abc|xyz|ig; return $str; } It works, but seems way too verbose for Perl. How can I tighten it up? ...

Why doesn't Moose role application with method modifiers work in my code?

I have a Role and several classes that mix-in the role. The Role class loads all of the implementing classes so that anything that imports Blah can use them without typing a lot of 'use' lines. package Blah; use Moose::Role; use Blah::A; use Blah::B; (etc...) requires '...'; requires 'foo'; around 'foo' => sub { ... } A typical Blah...

How can I make a rich web application in Perl?

I have a Perl command-line script that I want to convert to a rich. cross-platform desktop GUI application. What's the best method to do it. I want to the internal and the logic code in Perl but the GUI should be rich web application. ...

How much do I need to test Moose- and MooseX::FollowPBP-generated methods?

I want to start strictly doing Test-Driven-Development. However, I was wondering how much I should test methods generated by Moose and MooseX::FollowPBP. For example, I have the following class: package Neu::Series; use Moose; use MooseX::FollowPBP; use File::Find::Wanted; has 'file_regex' => ( isa=>'RegexpRef', is=>'rw', ...

Are character encoding issue causing my Perl output to look like gibberish?

I'm running a Perl script (both with 5.8.4) on two different machines (one Solaris 5.10, the other OpenSolaris 5.11). The output of the two scripts differs in the following way: Solaris 5.10 $ perl is&#39; £ ä º &lt;ä ¼ sa ... ³ ä º žÃ ... ¬ å ¸ ç ¬ ¬ ä º ¤ § œâ is œâ ¡ä ¸ ‡ å ... æœ ¬ æœ ¬ å ¸ È, ¡ä »½ çš&quot; å ... ¬ ...

Why doesn't md5 match Perl's Digest::MD5 output?

Running the md5 function from the ksh terminal does not matching the output from a simple Perl script. In the terminal I run: echo -n abc | md5 62fecf21103616856d72e6ffc9bcb06b If I run it using Perl: use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); foreach (@ARGV) { print "Digest is ", md5_hex($_), "\n"; } exit I get ./ abc Digest ...

Why can't I see elements in a shared queue from my Perl thread?

I will listen on a port (simple server) when a request is passed parse the URL and start a thread. The thread will insert an element in a queue which is shared, and it is locked while inserting. I am not able to get element when I call peek on queue. use Thread qw(async); use Thread::Queue; my $DataQueue:shared = new Thread::Queue;...

Why is this Perl CGI script failing to upload images correctly?

I have this code: use CGI; use File::Basename; use Image::Magick; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); my $query = new CGI; my $upload_dir = "../images"; #location on our server my $filename=$query->param("img"); my $timestamp = int (gettimeofday * 1000); my ( $name, $path, $extension ) = fileparse ( $filena...

How can I interact with ClearCase from Perl?

My project needs couple of things to be extracted from ClearCase data using the Perl script in a excel sheet,those are - By giving two particular time line or two baseline. all the activity associated within that baseline (column header "activity") Owner's id (column header-Owner) all the element associated within a particular activity...

Why don't I get a warning when I redeclare the Perl foreach control variable?

Why is there no warning thrown for the redeclaration of $i in the following code? #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; for my $i (1..3) { my $i = 'DUMMY'; print Dumper $i; } ...