I'd like to use ngrep and/or perl to monitor the incoming data stream on a socket, then, when the appropriate characters arrive, like in this case, the string "", input to the data stream a redirect to another ipaddress, such as ""
Is this even possible?
This is the system call, i am making right now in perl to tar the files
system("${tarexe} -pcvf $tarname $includepath") which works fine.
$tarexe -> location of my tar.exe file
$tarname -> myMock.tar
$includepath -> ./input/myMockPacketName ./input/myPacket/my2/*.wav ./input/myPacket/my3 ./input/myPacket/in.html
Now i want to exclu...
Hello, I am using Perl Regular expressions.
How would i go about ignoring white space and still perform a test to see if a string match.
For example.
$var = " hello "; #I want var to igonore whitespace and still match
if($var =~ m/hello/)
I want to match a date in the format day/month/year. where day is two digits month is two digits and year is four digits. Also, I want to check see if it is a valid date, for example knows when is leap year, and know which month has 30days, 31days and 28, or 29 days for Februrary.
i am calling a perl script client.pl from a main script to capture the output of client.pl
in @output.
is there anyway to avoid the use of these two files so i can use the output of client.pl in main.pl itself
here is my code....
my @output = readpipe("client.pl");
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
I'm using Windows and I need the SDL Library to start using SDL with Perl. I've been pointed to http://www.libsdl.org/ to download it. My first queston is, which library do I want from that page? There's 3 to choose from...
Then I've been pointed to 4 other SDL extensions by this page: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2006/02/games-pe...
I am reading some parameters (from user input) from a .txt file and want to make sure that my script could read it even a space or tab is left before that particular parameter by user.
Also if I want to add a comment for each parameter followed by # , after the parameter (e.g 7870 # this is default port number) to let the user know abo...
Hi, so I'm having a lot of fun with Perl at home for some time now.
How much more difficult do things get when you develop Perl modules (In my case it's mostly catalyst) in a team? How do we make sure we all got the same development environment (Perl/Module versions)? Simply by keeping up to date with CPAN? Do some teams setup their 'pr...
I'm using perl cron, and I want to make a rule like this
run every xx min/hours starting at yy:yy time (until the end of time)
How would I put this into a cron string? perl:cron seems to use the same syntax as regular cron so a regular cron string should work
hi i want to store textfield data in a variable but my code is not working
here is my code
use Win32::GUI qw<>;
my $W1 = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
-name => "W1",
-title => "First Window",
-pos => [ 100, 100 ],
-size => [ 300, 200 ],
-name => "ButtonW1",
-text => "Enter Chipname",
-pos => [ 87, 100 ],
i have something like:
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Simple;
use DBI;
my $cgi = CGI::Simple->new;
if ($cgi->param('selid'))
print $cgi->header, <<HTML;
<br/>this is SELECT
elsif ($cgi->param('delid'))
print $cgi->header, <<HTML;
<b>this is DELETE</b>
elsif ($cgi...
The Perl modules autodie and Fatal seem to be doing similar things. What are the reasons for using one in preference to the other?
Perl has quite a few special variables such as @F, $!, %! ... etc. Where are all Perl's special variables documented?
Hello, with the hash below, I would like the clients array's reference :
my $this =
'name' => $name,
'max_clients' => $max_clients,
'clients' => ()
I can't do "\$this{'clients'};" to retrieve the reference.
Is it possible to call winrar through perl on a windows system, such as
perl -e "rar a -rr10 -s c:\backups\backup.rar @backup.lst"
If so, is there a more efficient way to do this?
I've looked up "perl -e" +winrar on google, however none of the results gave me any answer that was remotely close to what i was looking for. The system Im...
This may be a stupid question, but Google and MATLAB documentation have failed me. I have a rather large binary file (>10 GB) that I need to open and delete the last forty million bytes or so. Is there a way to do this without reading the entire file to memory in chunks and printing it out to a new file? It took 6 hours to generate the f...
Is there an equivalent to Perl's format function in PHP? I have a client that has an old-ass okidata dotmatrix printer, and need a good way to format receipts and bills with this arcane beast.
I remember easily doing this in perl with something like:
Name: @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Age: @###
$name, ...
I have a file in a different folder I want to rename in perl, I was looking at a solution earlier that showed something like this:
for (<C:\\backup\\backup.rar>) {
my $file = $_;
my $new = $file . 'backup' . $ts . '.rar';
rename $file, $new or die "Error, can not rename $file as $new: $!";
however backup.rar is...
I feel like I'm traveling 10 years back in time by asking this, but...
Are there any modules, patches, or any "new" version of Perl (released in the last 10 years) to enable writing web-oriented Perl scripts using ASP-style tags?
e.g. from ASP/JSP
some html <% some code %> more HTML
e.g. from PHP
some html <? some code ?> more...
I'm reading a text file via CGI in, in perl, and noticing that when the file is saved in mac's textEdit the line separator is recognized, but when I upload a CSV that is exported straight from excel, they are not. I'm guessing it's a \n vs. \r issue, but it got me thinking that I don't know how to specify what I would like the line termi...