I have two scripts and two conf file (actually perl scripts too):
@some_array = ({name =>"orange", deny = > "yes"},
{name =>"apple", deny = > "no"});
@some_array = ({name =>"male", deny = > "yes"},
{name =>"female", deny = > "no"});
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
our %deny...
Hi All,
I have a XML file like this,
In continue to the discussion here, I'm havind some trouble with lock_hash_recurse as illustrated below:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Hash::Util qw (lock_keys);
my $hashref = {A=>1, B=>{CC=>22, DD=>33}};
lock_keys(%{$hashref}); # this is OK
Hash::Util::lock_hash_recurse(%{$hashref}); # this fails: "...
I know this is really simple... sorry :)
I have a function that returns an array, and I'd like to get just the first item from that array without ever declaring a variable for the array. Basically, it should be something like:
Except that doesn't work.
I really don't want to waste space declaring the whole array since I don't need it, and I'...
Possible Duplicates:
Perl sub to print out a variable and its value
How to get name of object in perl
I'm trying to create a sub called "debug" in an existing Perl script (which runs as a CGI under Apache2) and I want to call it from any other sub in the script and pass it the name of a local variable in that sub in order t...
Possible Duplicate:
Why am I getting an Out of memory error with Perl's XML::Simple?
I have a XML file like this:
Is there a way to underline the text is a perl output script? I have read from several sources but the text in the scripts can't be underlined.
An error outputs: Global symbol "$finalAddition" requires explicit package name at C:\Documents and Settings\PCS\Desktop\Perl Scripts\script.pl line 7.
The Script Codes:
use ...
How can I access .a library files in Perl?
As we all know that we can send any number of arguments to a subroutine in Perl.
Would the following example be a correct demonstration of recursion to display fibonacci series (5 values)?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub recursion
if ($_[0] && $_[2])
print $_[2],"\n";
if ($_[0] < 5)
return recursion($_[...
I have started using perlbrew and installed perl-5.12.2.
I understand I need to re-install my CPAN modules, so I switched to my new perl version (perlbrew switch perl-5.12.2 and hash -r), verified the switch was successful (perl -v) then tried installing some module (File::Copy::Recursive using cpan. However, cpan says `File::Copy::Rec...
I'm using IPC::System::Simple:runx to execute system commands and die on unexpected return values. The problem is that the commands output is printed to the shell.
How can I avoid printing this
How can I avoid printing this output
but getting it into a perl variable?
3) How can I print this output iff the execution fa...
I am interested in knowing the ways we can call/run Perl scripts in PHP.
Im a beginner in Perl and I'm trying to build in my head the better ways of structuring a perl program. I'm proficient in Python and I'm used to the python from foo import bar way of importing functions and classes from python modules. As I understood in perl there are many ways of doing this, .pm and .pl modules, EXPORTs and @ISAs, use...
I am trying XML::SAX parser for parsing XML file. XML file is shown below,
open(SARAN,"first.txt") or die "Can't Open: $!\n";
print "$line\n";
close SARAN;
In the above perl script, i need one functionality...
in first.txt, each line starts with some space in front..
I need to print the lines without space in front...
What to do.
I have a linux filter to extract all lines from an xcode project that contain localized strings and produce a sorted list of unique entries. The filter works fine and is shown below.
grep NSLocalized *.m | perl -pe 's/.*NSLocalizedString\((.+?)\,.*/$1/' | sort | uniq
The result is a list of strings looking like this
I am helping a client convert their Perl flat-file bulletin board site from ISO-8859-1 to Unicode.
Since this is my first time, I would like to know if the following "checklist" is complete. Everything works well in testing, but I may be missing something which would only occur at rare occasions.
This is what I have done so far (forgiv...
I am on a Linux machine where I have no root privileges. I want to install some packages through CPAN into my home directory so that when I run Perl, it will be able to see it.
I ran cpan, which asked for some coniguration options. It asked for some directory, which it suggested ~/perl "for non-root users". Still, when I try to install ...
I'm using perlbrew and I would like to install the latest bioperl version. Should I use cpanm or git?
If git - do I just install as usual (AKA git clone ... then make and build), or should I do anything special?
Specifically, I'm not sure I understand the following expert from BioPerl Using Git manual:
Tell perl where to fi...