
Perl/MIME encoded text trouble

Hi all, I have a MIME-encoded messages (in Maildir), that are having both base64-encoded headers (solved by lurking for related question ( ), decode('MIME-Header', $val), main body in plain text and a text/plain base64 encoded data in the body; It is said, that base64...

How can I sort many arrays according to one array?

I have a data structure like the following @colors = qw(red blond green); @numbers = qw(349 1234.5678 3.14159265); @hats = qw(fedora porkpie bowler); my %hash = (colors => \@colors, numbers => \@numbers, hats => \@hats); I want to sort this according to the values of one of the arrays, maintaining the association of parallel array ele...

generating Excel spreadsheets in perl that reference 3rd party add-in functions

I am trying to generate an xls file with Spreadsheet::SimpleExcel that calls a function that is defined in a third party add in (Bloomberg, if it matters). The underlying WriteExcel package does not let me write this out because it does not know about this add-in function. I see the giant hash table of built-in functions that the modul...

perl xml dom error is a script that is trying to generate sample.xml which should validate against sample.xsd. I am getting some errors. Guide me if possible. portion of sample.xsd <xs:element name="element1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:SimpleContent> <---- line number of error <xs:extension base="xs:token"> ...

Why does my Perl script loop infinitely?

I developed a script (mainly by visiting multiple solutions and mashing together my favorite) to find and replace words in files. The files are all contained in a directory. For some reason, my script goes into an infinite loop, however it appears that it works. I would appreciate any explanation as to why it won't exit the loop. #!/us...

Problems while making a multiprocessing task in Perl

I'm trying to make a basic multiprocessing task and this is what I have. First of all, I don't know the right way to make this program as a non-blocking process, because when I am waiting for the response of a child (with waitpid) the other processes also have to wait in the queue, but, what will happen if some child processes die before...

What does the Perl split function return when there is no value between tokens?

I'm trying to split a string using the split function but there isn't always a value between tokens. Ex: ABC,123,,,,,,XYZ I don't want to skip the multiple tokens though. These values are in specific positions in the string. However, when I do a split, and then try to step through my resulting array, I get "Use of uninitialized value"...

Perl :- pass arguments to external command ( using system call ) one after another

Hi All, I am trying to open a external command from Perl using system call. How can I pass arguments to it one after another? ( forgot to add this i am running perl on windows machine ) ex:- system("ex1.exe","arg1",arg2",....); here ex1.exe is external command and i would like it to process arg1 first and then arg2 and so on... I...

Can Perl substitution operator match an element in an array?

I have an array like this my @stopWords = ("and","this",....) My Text is in this variable my $wholeText = "....and so this is...." I want to match every occurrance of every element of my stopWords array in the scalar wholeText and replace it by spaces. One way of doing this is as follows : foreach my $stopW (@stopWords) { $wh...

Is there a reason I should NOT serialize my (Moose) objects using Storable or YAML?

I have a few Moose objects and some other simple hash objects (hashes, arrays) I'd like to serialize. At first, I used a simple my $obj_store_file = nstore($obj); and my $obj = retrieve($obj_store_file); This worked well. Later, I found about MooseX::Storage and KiokuDB. I tried using them to enjoy some benefits they have, but: ...

Finding Eulerian Path In Perl

I have a code that try to find the Eulerian path like this. But somehow it doesn't work. What's wrong with the code? use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; my %graphs = ( 1 => [2,3], 2 => [1,3,4,5], 3 =>[1,2,4,5], 4 => [2,3,5], 5 => [2,3,4]); my @path = eulerPath(%graphs); sub eulerPath { my %graph = @_; # ...

stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device

perl --f1="t1" --f2="t2" --f3="t4" --f4 < /home/joe/a.txt use Getopt::Long; my ($f1, $f2, $f3, $f4) ; GetOptions ( 'f1=s' => \$f1, 'f2=s' => \$f2, 'f3=s' => \$f3, 'f4' => \$f4, ); if ( $f1) { system('stty -echo'); print "Password:"; $pwd = <STDIN>; syst...

Why do I have to load a Perl class to use its object I deserialize from YAML?

I was trying to serialize some (Moose) objects with YAML -- simply by using YAML's Dump() and Load(). After loading a serialized object, it didn't 'work' until I added a use statement with the original module name. If I don't use use I won't get any error until I try to invoke some object method, then it will croak saying it can't find ...

represent allowed status transitions graph in Perl

There is something like status changes check logic in our app. Currently checking is being handled by ugly if statement I want to replace it by transition matrix: my %allowed_status_changes = ( 1 => (2,5), 2 => (1,2,3,4,5), 3 => (4,2), 4 => (3,2), 5 => (), ); my $is_allowed_transition = ...

OOP question: Calling a subroutine?

I have been thrust into taking over some code but I may be out of my element in figuring this one out. If someone could give me a hint I'd appreciate it. I'm enjoying learning this code but every now and then I need a push. When looking through this code I came across this line: my @files = My::Module::DB::raw_info->search_like(custom...

Why do I get "can't use string as a SCALAR ref while strict refs" in Perl?

use strict; my @array=('f1','f2','f3'); my $dir ='\tmp'; foreach (@array) { my $FH = $_; open ("$FH", ">$dir/${FH}.txt") or die $!; } foreach (@array) { my $FH = $_; close($FH); } i got "Can't use string ("f1") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at line 6." error . What is the isuse ? ...

reuse Web::Scraper example-script: headstart of a novice

Hello and good evening dear Stackoverflow-friends, First of all.-This is a true place for learning. I am new to programming - and i am sure that this is a superb place for all novices! I am a beginner - and i learn the most in practical situations - real live situations...So here is one! I like Web::Scraper because it is a web scrape...

Why can't I change the font size or type in GD::Graph?

I'm using the GD::bars module in Perl v 5.8, but I can't seem to get the font size on my graphs x and y labels and values to change. Here's the relevant code I am using: use GD::Graph::bars3d; use GD::Text; $my_graph->set_title_font(gdMediumBoldFont, 15); $my_graph->set_x_label_font(gdMediumBoldFont, 15); $my_graph->set_y_label_font(...

Perl MozRepl cleanup problem

I'm coding a web crawler and I've been using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to navigate some pages (for the others I use WWW::Mechanize) which keep loading content after the page loaded and I've never had an issue with that. Yesterday I added DBI and DBD::mysql to the script, adding queries to export data to a database (this works perfectly), ...

How can I send messages (or signals) from a parent process to a child process and viceversa in Perl?

Hi, Im writing a program that manage muti-processes. This is what I have done and its working great! but now, I want to send messages from the child processes to the parent process and viceversa (from the parent to the childs), do you know the best way? Do you know if what I have done is the proper way for what I want (send messages, or ...