
How to handle several DB schemas with Hibernate?

In one of my projects, I have an application that manages several clients (or customer if you prefer). For each of them, I have a dedicated schema on a database. However, the application handles only one client at a time, i.e. the user must switch from one client to another in the application (at runtime, no restart of the application) i...

Persistent Objects in Windows XP/Delphi 7

Hi Folks: I am trying to make an AlarmSystem in Delphi 7, Windows XP. I have to register alarms in a Database (MS SQL Server 2000). But what if the server is down??? Well, I can imagine that I have to persist objects of TAlarm type. So, how can I do this? Maybe inheriting from TComponent??? Please, how can I do this?? Thanks a lot. I a...

Tell Actions/Controllers to Persist TempData

I understand that TempData is designed to work only between a single page request. But I think have a situation I think breaks the intended functionality. I use Controllers in preference to Handlers for delivering images. I don't now if that is best practice, but it works very well for me. The problem though, is that each call to one of...

Persisting more than one object in Delphi 7

This is not a duplicate but a follow-up to "Persistent Objects in Windows XP/Delphi 7." I need to persist more than one object in Delphi 7, and the objects are a class family. RRUZ's answer suggests I inherit from TPersistent and use TJvAppXMLFileStorage, but when I use its WritePersistent method, it overwrite one object with the next o...

What is the difference between business class and domain class? What is meant by persistent classes?

What is the difference between business class and domain class? What is meant by persistent classes? ...

Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory() in J2EE ignores jta source

I have a perfectly working application client deployed to a glassfish v2 server inside an ear with some EJBs, Entities, etc. I'm using eclipselink. Currently I have in my persistence.xml: <persistence-unit name="mysource"> <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider> <jta-data-source>jdbc/mysource</jta-d...

Persistence Unit SQLException No suitable driver

I have a j2ee application deployed on GlassFish. I have mysql jars in GlassFish's lib directory. I am trying to use JPA, and my persistence file is: <persistence-unit name="teamPU" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <provider> oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider </provider> <class></class> <properties>...

Persistence of deferred execution linq expressions

We're trying to serialize some data, and one of the items in a collection is a "deferred execution linq statement" (actually it's the result of a Concat call on a collection). The problem is how to persist that object. It doesn't support ISerializable. The actual type is something along the lines of System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectLi...

Which database should I use to store records, and how should I use it?

I'm developing an application that will store a sizeable number of records. These records will be something like (URL, date, title, source, {optional data...}) As this is a client-side app, I don't want to use a database server, I just want the info stored into files. I want the files to be readable from various languages (at least pyt...

GWT+hibernate for highly interactive web application?

As a Java developer new to the web development environment, I was quite excited to find Grail which provides a great framework especially the convenience of abstracting DB operations with ORM. I later learned that it is actually the function of hibernate. At the same time I am delighted to learn about GWT. It is a god send for the projec...

java beans: difference between persistent field and persistent property?

I got the impression that if we use persistent fields, there is no need for getter methods since the entity manager references the instance variables directly. However, when I removed the getter and setter methods from an entity to have persistent fields, the values for the corresponding instance variable was not retrieved from the datab...

Most optimized way to store crawler states ?

Hi there, I'm currently writing a web crawler (using the python framework scrapy). Recently I had to implement a pause/resume system. The solution I implemented is of the simplest kind and, basically, stores links when they get scheduled, and marks them as 'processed' once they actually are. Thus, I'm able to fetch those links (obviousl...

ehcache persist to disk issues

I want to do something with ehcache in Java that I think should be extremely simple, but I've spent enough time frustrating myself with the docs... Write a value to a disk persistent cache. Shut down. Start up again and read that value. Here is my Java function: private static void testCacheWrite() { // create the cache manager fr...

Are javax.persistence.Query objects cachable?

I'm writing a stateless EJB. I had methods like: public String getXxx(final String userId) throws ... { final Query query = em.createNativeQuery(...); query.setParameter(1, userId); return (String)query.getSingleResult(); } Can I cache the Query object instantiating it at load time and using it in a multi-thread environmen...

What's the easiest way to persist data in an iPhone app?

I want to persist a very simple string. For example "abc". What's the easiest way to do this? I don't want to use a SqlLite database. ...

Unit Tests for JPA/Persistence in General

How/would you test super-simple methods that are built on a persistence engine. I'm going to use JPA but any persistence mechanism I'm sure has its equivelents. For example... @Entity public class Category { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; @NotNull @NotEmpty private String name; @NotNull @ManyToOne private ...

JPA Entity Foreign Keys mapped to a Primary Key

Is it possible for a Primary Key of an nested Entity to be used as the Primary Key of the Nest Entity? For Example: If I had a Entity 'Staff' who has a primary key 'EID' and has the nested Entity 'Job'. The Entity 'Job' has a primary key 'JID', and a Discriminator type 'DTYPE' so that sub classes of Job may be stored in the DTYPE alo...

Implementing PostgreSQL arrays in Zend Model

Couldn't find anything related to the subject in Zend Framework API. What is the best way to implement Postgres array based property into Zend Model Class? I know one can parse array from "{ smth1, smth2 }" like string, but I still hope that there is more unattended approach in Zend case. Thanks. ...

Persisting a GWT Visualization API DataTable

What's the correct way to go about persisting a GWT Visualization API DataTable? Should I find a way to serialize the DataTable object or should I write the table cell by cell to a relational database? I'm trying to build a RIA using the GWT-MVP pattern described here

Architecting BlackBerry CRM / SFA applications

Hi, I am in process to start developing a Blackberry application (Proof Of Concept) on the lines of SalesForce and SalesNow CRM. I am a web developer with skills on LAMP technologies with a limited knowledge in JAVA /J2ME / BB Native libraries. Have gone through all the examples / samples on RIM / STACKOVERFLOW websites. Expert advice n...