
Is it possible to override a method in a class in a dll file?

I've included a dll file into my windows form project. 1. Is it possible to override a particular class entirely? 2. Is it possible to add a new method to a particular class in the dll file? 3. Is it possible to override a method in a class in the dll? Alternatives I would prefer to avoid: I know I can use extension methods to create st...

Resources for creating a Binary Usenet client

I am interested in creating a Binary Usenet client as a personal endeavor. My initial plans are to write it in Mono - but I haven't started anything yet. I am familiar with C# but not the NNTP protocol. Where can I start? What are some reference materials to get me going? ...

Which SCM and Issue tracker to use for personal work?

I am planning to bring some "peace" (you may call it organization) to the personal work (small projects, etc.) I do at home. I would like to use a SCM and an issue tracker which can capture the commits and show them as changesets etc. automatically. Note that all the above softwares are supposed to be for personal usage so would prefer...

How do you manage to do personal projects outside work?

Possible Duplicate: How do you sustain motivation when working on personal projects? Working 8 hours a day on programming stuff I find that by the time I get home, or even on my days off, I don't really have the drive to do any more programming on personal projects, be it for research/experimentation, or even legitimate things I...

Develop a line of business application in silverlight 4

Currently as my job profile i am more working on asp .net application but i also wanted to have my hands on silverlight application. so, i just decided to build one silverlight 4 application in my spare time and on weekends. We are having a team of around 4 people. We also tried for commercial application but as we can only develop it i...

Looking for ideas for a fun project to learn WCF

Starting next year, I'll be working on the WCF services area of our SOA application at work, so during the xmas break I want to learn WCF. I would like to create a fun, useful project to work on in which I use WFC to make it work. But since WCF is a bit dry, I'm having a hard time thinking of a cool project, but I can imagine something ...

How can I learn to scale in my spare time?

I really would like to learn how to attack problems of scale. Of course, the best way to tackle this is to get a job where I can deal with those sorts of issues. But they're apparently not terribly easy to get. Obviously, I don't have any way to make any services that are going to handle millions of requests a day without a large inve...

What techniques can I apply to my project at hand?

Hi All, With over a week off of work I wanted to try out a bunch of new stuff at home. What I've done is written a simple TicTacToe game that I want to incorporate things into that I've never worked with before. I have three main ideas first. TCP/IP ability so that the app can be played over the internet. Learn how to integrate tests ...

A simple augmented reality application in C#

Hi All, I would like to start a personal project that will give me a lot of new concept to learn and understand. After some thought, I figured that an Augmented Reality related project will be the most beneficial for me because of the following reasons: I haven't tried interfacing a program with a live video/camera feed I haven't don...

Should a company prevent employees from publishing an app in an appstore in their free time?

My company is trying to pass a policy forbidding distribution of any application (even free) in any appstore for all developers. Their reasoning is that "outside work activities create a conflict of interest". They don't want that "you use your spare time to work on your app, and once it takes off you quit your job" (quoting the Head of...

How should I handle adapting a personal project for a client?

I developed a very small app in my own time, hosted on my own server. My long-term contracting client would like to develop their version for use internally. Functionally and visually extremely similar, but rewritten from scratch using their preferred language. I am not in a position to do the coding myself; plan is for me to write the ...

Looking for advice on a personal learning project. Where should I go next?

At work, I build web apps using a pretty vanilla Java Enterprise technology stack. Ths includes some sort of SQL database, EJBs, JSP/servlets, etc., all running under JBoss. Then there's the usual jQuery and CSS footwork in the browser. I'd like to start working on a small, personal project in my free time, mostly as a way to gain expos...

Managing personal projects

Hi all, I want to introduce Jira and Perforce for my personal projects at home. The question I have is about infrastructure. How do you setup your personal production environment? Do you have an own server at home that hosts source control and project management, do you use a rented server or does this all run on your (main) development...