Web page -user custom style
How can I give the user the ability to change the style of a webpage, of course I have to make several CSS files , but how can I make the code that permits the change upon the user's choice ...
How can I give the user the ability to change the style of a webpage, of course I have to make several CSS files , but how can I make the code that permits the change upon the user's choice ...
Hello all, I am new here. I recently installed my video script to a new server but I am seeing that it will start to convert 1 video (via mencoder) then before finishing it, it will try and convery another, and another, so it will be trying to convert 4+ videos at the same time causing the server to shut down. The script developer said:...
I would use php in console mode and create an environment to test directly my functions. In fact i would not be force to use a web browser and create a new file each time i want to test a function. I want to get in input the function in the console and then it return the result. So can someone if it is possible and how do i do? ...
In my work I have come across syntax like global:: (C#) or G:Loading($value) in Php, what do they mean? ...
Hi, I'm looking for the name of the PHP function to build a query string from an array of key value pairs. Please note, I am looking for the built in PHP function to do this, not a homebrew one (thats all a google search seems to return). There is one I just can't remeber it's name or find it on php.net. IIRC it's name isn't that intuit...
Hi, I've got a project I'm working on converting some legacy perl cgi forms to PHP. A lot of this requires finding / replacing information. In one such case, I have lines like this in the perl script: <INPUT type="radio" name="trade" value="1" $checked{trade}->{1}> which needs to read: <INPUT type="radio" name="trade" value="1" ...
It is currently said that MD5 is partially unsafe. Taking this into consideration, I'd like to know which mechanism to use for password protection. Is “double hashing” a password less secure than just hashing it once? Suggests that hashing multiple times may be a good idea. How to implement password protection for individual files? Sug...
Hey! I got some legacy code that has this: <?PHP if(isset($_GET['pagina'])=="homepage") { ?> HtmlCode1 <?php } else { ?> HtmlCode2 <?php } ?> I don't know exactly why but this seems to be working. The htmlcode1 is loaded when I have ?pagina=homepage and the htmlcode2 is loaded when the pagina var doesn't exist or is something...
I've run into an odd problem and I'm not sure how to fix it. I have several classes that are all PHP implementations of JSON objects. Here' an illustration of the issue class A { protected $a; public function __construct() { $this->a = array( new B, new B ); } public function __toString() { return j...
Hello, I am developing a PHP-based login system. Each user has an ID(a number) and a password, which is stored as a salted hash. I am able to figure out if a login is sucessful or not, but now I need to store that information somewhere(so that the user is not permanently logged out). In the past, I've played with $_SESSION variables. H...
In using PHP's DOM classes (DOMNode, DOMEElement, etc) I have noticed that they possess truly readonly properties. For example, I can read the $nodeName property of a DOMNode, but I cannot write to it (if I do PHP throws a fatal error). How can I create readonly properties of my own in PHP? ...
I’ve run into a limitation in the cURL bindings for PHP. It appears there is no easy way to send the same multiple values for the same key for postfields. Most of the workarounds I have come across for this have involved creating the URL encoded post fields by hand tag=foo&tag=bar&tag=baz) instead of using the associative array version o...
I'm working in a project where we develop php on Zend using a mySQL database and the project is about to get to a point where it will be necessary to use version control not only for the actual code but also for the database. Also we are getting a good production server (and the actual production server will be a test server). So i w...
I'm currently developing (another) Open Source CMS in PHP and I'd like to use javascript controls especially for the admin panel. The question is, are there any open-source, freely distributable controls (for creating javascript Editable Grids, Trees, tabs etc ) that have an interface for PHP ? I've experimented with ExtJs in the past b...
How can I rotate a pdf document using php and linux? ...
For the past few years I've focused on back-end development so my javascript & css skills are lacking. I'm volunteering as a webmaster for a site and would like to spruce up the form validation (currently there is none). My problem: Basically I have one form with a few name fields, an email address and a phone number. When the form is ...
I have a template I made that sets variables that rarely change, call my headers, calls my banner and sidebar, loads a variable which shows the individual pages, then calls the footer. In one of my headers, I want the URL of the page in the user's address bar. Is there a way to do this? Currently: <?php $title = "MySite - Contacts"; in...
I've just deployed a new site using Zend Framework. Due to the popularity of my tutorials I'd like to redirect any request for a tutorial to the relevant page on the new site. So far this is what I've got: URL before Rewrite: http://neranjara.org/tutorials/?tid=56 URL after Rewrite: http://neranjara.org/article/id/56 The .htaccess fil...
Hi Guys, In my quest in trying to learn more about OOP in PHP. I have come across the constructor function a good few times and simply can't ignore it anymore. In my understanding, the constructor is called upon the moment I create an object, is this correct? But why would I need to create this constructor if I can use "normal" functio...
I'm writing an application that gets data from URLs, but I want to make it an option whether or not the user uses "clean" urls (ex: http://example.com/hello/world) or "dirty" urls (ex: http://example.com/?action=hello&sub=world). What would be the best way to get variables form both URL schemes? ...