
How can we measure size of a web page in firefox/IE?

I have to find the size of a web page (in pixel). To be precise, I click on a link, it opens a new web page. Now I want to know the size of newly opened web page. I tried using Measureit add-on. I also tried to use IE Developer Toolbar. How we can do this in firefox/IE? ...

Collisions and velocity, how do I predict hits that will take place between this update and the next?

I'm doing simple collisions on moving, coloured pixels. If their velocity get's higher than 1, the pixels may pass through something in the static world I'm trying to collide with. How do I compensate for this? ...

IPHONE: How do I identify a transparent pixel within a png image?

I am currently looking for a way to identify some terrain within a png image, How do I check to see if a pixel is a certain colour? or even better a certain alpha level? Any help would be great. Adam ...

Pyqt get pixel position and value when mouse click on the image

Hi everybody, I would like to know how i can select a pixel with a mouse click in an image (QImge) and get pixel position and value. Thanks ...

Pyqt get pixel position and value when mouse click on the image

Hello, Overwriting mouse event on pixMapItem didn't work for me ; the mouse click event is not detected by the pixMapItem. Here is my code : import sys from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * class DrawImage( QMainWindow ): def init(self, path): QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setWindowTitle('Select Window') ...

pixelwise drawing in pyglet (python)

OK. I'm tired of googling and reading throught lots of documentation with no results. My aim is simple: get pyglet to draw an image pixel by pixel. I've been searching for hours with no results. Can anyone give an example of a short program that draws in a display specifying the color pixel by pixel? (for example, drawing a gradient fro...

Pixel Collision iPhone/iPad

Hi This is the first time I have ever attempted to do something like this, and just using rectangle collision with CGRectIntersectsRect for my UIImageViews isn't good enough anymore. What is the absolute simplest/best way of achieving pixel collision? All I need is for the alpha pixels to not collide, right? Hope you can help, thank...

Pixel fonts in Silverlight 4

Is there a way to render pixel fonts correctly in Silverlight 4? Without breaking text into paths or some sort of manual rendering because the text is dependent on data binding. Tweaks with UseLayoutRounding and .5px positioning shifting don't work. ...

how to use setRGB() after modifying pixels? Do I need to use Hexadecimal?

For my project, I have to read each pixel in an image, perform a math operation on each pixel, then display the results of the modified pixel in an updated image. For this example, I took the square root of each pixel. public void rootCalc(){//go through the rows and columns for(int x=grayscale_orig.getWidth()...

putpixel question

i am using putpixel operation on image (srcImage) which is w = 134 and h = 454 The code here gets r,g,b value of part of the font which is 0,255,0 which i found through debugging (using print option). image = letters['H'] r,g,b = image.getpixel((1,1)) *Note r g b values are 0, 255,0* srcImage.putpixel((10,15),(r,g,b)) srcIma...

font in to image

I have written this code which inserts the fonts according to user inputed phrase in to the main image (srcImage), i am not getting any errors, but i am not seeing the result not sure where the logic error is? The arguments was the image and phrase Hi. I have tested that letter fonts do open and correct rgb values are extracted, the font...

Getting pixel color in Windows, using python.

Possible Duplicate: Color picking from given coordinates Is it possible to get the current RGB tuple of a given pixel? Pseudo Code: print getpixelcolor(100,100) Which would return something like (35,42,245) ...

Is it possible to change the color of one individual pixel in Python?

I need python to change the color of one individual pixel on a picture, how do I go about that? ...

is there a way to access the pixels of a video?

Having a video file, there is any way to access single pixel values? thanks in advance! ...

Image Pixel Array without first drawing into main Canvas?

Do you have to first draw any source images into the canvas before you can obtain the pixel array data? or is there a better way? such as having a second hidden canvas? I am using several images that I will mash together, and draw into the main canvas. What is the best way to obtain to say backgroundData, objectsData, effectsData, from ...

putImageData / Canvas - How do I dump the pixel array in here?

How do I redraw the pixel array after I after I have previously used getImageData? The way that I thought made sense gives me the error: An invalid or illegal string was specified" code: "12 function makeImage(canvasId, background, object) { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ...

Web Layouts: pixels vs percentages

What are the use cases for defining distances in a web layout for pixels and percentages? Is there any downside to using pixels with respect to multiple resolutions? Will they scale correctly? ...

canvas - layer small image on larger background image, merge to single canvas pixel data

How do I merge a smaller image on top of a larger background image on one canvas. The smaller image will move around. So I will need to keep reference of the original background pixel data, so that the each frame the canvas can be redrawn, with the overlay in its new position. BgImage: 1280 x 400, overlayImage: 320 x 400, overlayOffsetX...

Overlay Canvas Pixel Data

How do I blend these two sets of pixelData? The maskArray specifies the pixels to use from the OverlayData. These need to be merged with the backgroundData, and inserted back into the main canvas as newBackgroundData, and as offsetX changes update as needed. update I think I have found a solution: simply create another hidden canvas, a...

Bitmap cant find a pixel on itself!

Scenario: 1) Program going to draw a string (commonly a single character) on a bitmap: protected void DrawCharacter(string character, Font font) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(character)) character = "."; FontFamily f = new FontFamily(FontName); bitmap = new Bitmap((int)(font.Size * 2f), (int)font.Height); ...