
Coin Toss Plot [R]

From Feller (1950) An Introduction to Probability Theory: A path of length n can be interpreted as the record of an ideal experiment consisting of n successive tosses of a coin. If +1 stands for heads, then Sk equals the (positive or negative) excess of the accumulated number of heads over tails at the conclusion of the kth trial. Th...

How can we combine many Plots generated by a loop into one single Plot in Mathematica?

Dear all: I want to visualize a function of the form x^n such that n=1,2,...,10. I want these values of n to be generated by a loop and then plot the function as Plot[{x^n},{x,0,100}] and store the plot in an array. Then I want all of these arrays to be displayed into single plot. I tried to do this using Show function but with not much...

How to plot a dome in MATLAB w/ different radii?

I need to plot a dome (or half sphere) that have different radii. I was told how to plot the shpere on a previous question: [x,y,z] = sphere; %# Makes a 21-by-21 point sphere x = x(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 x points y = y(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 y points z = z(11:end,:); %# Keep top 11 z points r = 3; ...

show multiple R graphics windows in (r)gedit

I'm using rgedit plugin for gedit. I would like to allow more than one graphic (plot) window to show at a time. Currently, whenever I plot(), the plot overwrites the previous plot window. ...

How can I reproduce this cuboid plot in MATLAB?

I dumped some frames of a video and would like to generate a cuboid out of them, like in the following sample image: I was wondering if there exists a MATLAB function to do such a plot? ...

R: Add extra spacing between a subset of plots

I'm trying to output 6 figures into one image, in a 3x2 layout. I'd like to place extra space between the top row and the bottom two rows. Is this possible using R? I've looked through the documentation for par and plot and can't seem to find an appropriate option. Here's some example code: a = rnorm(100,100,10) b = rnorm(100,100,10) ...

Draw Matlab graphs with frame, ticks, on top of graph lines

Consider something like figure plot(sin(0:0.01:pi)) axis tight set(gca,'box','on','ticklength',[0.02 0.05]) then export the graph to PDF or whatever. The lines of the graph are on top of the tick labels and the axes. (Furthermore, the lines of the axes don't meet correctly, but that's another story.) Is there a way (that can be auto...

Errors in Gnuplot PDF output

I'm trying to plot data with Gnuplot where all data values are positive. However, when plotting to PDF some of the output values appear negative under the x-axis: This does not happen when plotting to PNG. Reducing the line width helps to mitigate this issue, but this is not really a solution. How can i ...

Plotting several jpeg images in a single display

I need to plot and display several jpeg images in a single combined display (or canvas?). For example, suppose I have images {a,b,c,d}.jpg, each of different size, and I would like to plot them on one page in a 2x2 grid. It would be also nice to be able to set a title for each subplot. I've been thoroughly looking for a solution, but co...

How to use string as data for plotting in Matlab?

I want to use a words like, let's say, 'A', 'B' and 'C' on X-axis to show their corresponding properties on Y-axis. How can I write these strings on X-axis instead of numerical data? ...

Need some hint on desing a dynamic chart showing wavelength(s) for element

Hi there. I have a very interesting challenge here for my Flex project development. I now have an experiment wizard which consists of three states.In the first state,the user selects the elements they are interested from the periodic table. When it comes to the second stage,now we have the elements that the user selected in the first ...

matlab problem in plotting a function

I have 2 functions: f (aa) = 9 sinaa/aa + cosaa for 0 <= aa <= 6pi. --- >equation 1. and f(aa) = cosku I need to plot the allowed values of aa which will satisfy the equation 1. How do i do this i matlab? ...

Gnuplot plot area background

How to set the background only in the plot area? I wahnt my chart look like this ...

gnuplot plot from string

Is it possible to pass to plot data in a string? I mean do something like this: plot "09-13-2010,2263.80 09-14-2010,2500" using 1:2 with lines ...

How can I plot an image (.jpg) in MATLAB in both 2-D and 3-D?

I have a 2-D scatter plot and at the origin I want to display an image (not a colorful square, but an actual picture). Is there any way to do this? I also will be plotting a 3-D sphere in which I would like an image to be displayed at the origin as well. ...

How to change the format of the numbers displayed on an axis in a MATLAB plot?

I actually have 3 questions: I have a plot with data that is in the thousands and my plot's axis is diplaying the tick marks as .4 .8 1.0 1.2 and a *10^4 in the lower right. This is a little annoying. Besides dividing my data by 1000 or hardcodig the tick marks is there a way to change to tick marks from .4*10^4 TO 4000? Seems li...

How to add a pointer to a 3-D plot in MATLAB?

I want to plot a "Pointer" in a 3-D plot. I want this "pointer" to point at a certain spot on a sphere that I have graphed. This pointer does not have to have an arrowhead but would be nice if it did. Is the only way to plot a line with a jpg at the end? Not too sure... Thanks for any help! ME ...

Point symbols in R

There are 25 symbols defined by 'pch' paramter in the points function. How can I draw more than these 25 symbols Thanks ...

Relationship between plotting packages in R

I am just starting out with R, and beginning to start producing charts. I am aware that there are at least three different plotting packages, the standard one, ggplot2 and lattice. Are these packages complementary, or do they cover much the same ground? If they are complementary, when do I use each? If they cover the same ground, whi...

How can I plot my R Squared value on my scatterplot using R?

Hi all. This seems a simple question, so I hope its a simple answer. I am plotting my points and fitting a linear model, which I can do OK. I then want to plot some summary statistics, for example the R Squared value, on the plot also. I can only seem to get the R Squared value at the command line. Any advice; do I need to be looking at ...