When developing an Eclipse plug-in, is there a way to hook into the workspace (not workbench) startup- or initialization process? I'd like my plug-in to be notified when all the projects belonging to the workspace are known. The project-lifecycle and resource listeners only provide callbacks for modification, creation or deletion of proj...
i got some code for twitter updates-
function twitit() {
global $wp_query;
$thePostName = $wp_query->post->post_name;
echo '<div id="twitit"><a href="http://twitter.com/home?status=Currently reading '.$thePostName.' : '.get_permalink($post->ID).'" title="Click to send this page to Twitter!" target="_blank">Share on Twitter</a></div>';
I have a java project which I export as a jar. This java project also uses JNI.
So far, the only method I could find to use this jar in an Eclipse plugin is to wrap it in an other eclipse plugin project, and add this jar wrapper plugin to dependencies of my actual plugin.
I've wrestled with Eclipse's paths and dependency se...
I'd like to generate a classpath file from pom.xml dependencies. I need it so during tests I have the classpath of all dependencies (that are later packaged into a bundle)
maven-dependency-plugin does not suit me for two reasons:
it generates paths to files in the repository, so to use other modules they first need to run install phas...
I have created a Eclipse plug in to printout the object in selection on press of a short cut key.
I have been able to do this ,but i also would like to add the current method and current class name in the log. I am not sure how to proceede further. I tried to search for breadcrumb API but i was not able to reference the package from my ...
I am currently using "Validate plugin" but getting bastardized results from the compiler? Does anyone know what the default plugin is?
I am taking my first steps developing web apps using eclipse,jee,hibernate,spring and hsqldb.
I installed helios version of eclipse and installed wtp through the updater.But trying to install the plugins for others ,I am having doubts..
I tried the download jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/ as the hostname in updater a...
Hi Friends,
I downloaded Selenium IDE code.Now i want to start selenium IDE just by double clicking on it not as firefox plugin.Any Idea which helps me to start IDE as a desktop application is appreciated.Thanks in advance.
I wanted to create simple plugin using jquery.
Also suggest me standard practice while writing jquery plugin.
Please folks suggest me some better pointers.
Hi stackies,
I searched the web but no luck: how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed?! Neither Google nor the Android SDK give information about this topic.
Thanks for your help!
Best regards
I am having trouble with a plug-in for word press which has very little documentation about it. I am working on http://goo.gl/fgVM and where ever the marker is, it has NO ACTION on click, whats strange is that a pop up appears if I install this plug-in on another theme/install. I was wondering if anyone with Google map API knowledge can ...
Is it possible to load a plugin from a another different plugin
Hello, I'm using fckeditor in my blog and I want to make my own plugin or button.
I need a button and when press it writes < !--kamore-->.
But I can't find any document or sample.
I'm writing an open-source mini-book on jQuery Plugin Development Patterns and am interested in hearing what you guys feel are the most popular plugin patterns at the moment. (If you could provide an example too when answering that would be a big plus)
There are at least 4 unique ones which I've identified so far, including DRY, but wha...
Hi all,
I am creating a new maven project from an eclipse plugin.
As it seems to me a bad idea to hardcode pom.xml to my plugin. Is there any way to generate this programmatically such that the plugin will be more maintainable ?
Also creating the maven project structure from the plugin on my own seems to be a bad idea too !
Is there an...
Is there plugin like Key promoter (IntelliJ IDEA) - http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?idea&id=4455 - but for Visual Studio (2010) with ReSharper?
This is a question specifically about plugin development for the Eclipse platform:
I need to implement persistence without hardcoding the name of the datastore I am using. I want to be able to have multiple instances of eclipse with my plugin running at the same time with independent datastores.
One way of doing this would be to use t...
I have been using tinyMCE over dojo dijit.editor because tinyMCE wins out on functionality. Though I've just come across this: http://phphtmledit.com/dojo/ShowEditor.php?gclid=CPizxJzR3qQCFQpBbgodFidd9A
which, if I'm reading it correctly, claims to be a dojo editor but has all the functionality of tinyMCE.
So my question: are there more...
I want to build a system where user plugins can implement an interface for different data elements which are to be stored in a database. Now since I don't know the details of implementation until runtime, I can't create my database to encompass all derived types... but is it possible to perhaps:
a) Manage entities only at the interface...
I'm developing with a really complex cms system, and sometimes I need to know if something was sent to my html rendering.
Since this is a huge cms system, I have at least 30 resources linked to a page (js, css), and going through each one, clicking and searching for a string is not the best way to do it.
I would like to have a plugin t...