
jQuery validation plugin question

Good Day, I have a web form that is using this awesome plugin and I'm trying to set up a rule. In my form, I have a Quantity field. If the Quantity field is set to 1 AND a checkbox is checked, then I want to validate a field. My form is setup like: Quantity TEXTBOX id = txtQuantity Gift? CHECKBOX id = #other R...

gedit plugin development in C

I'm Interested in writing gedit-plugins in C. I've checked ...but haven't had any luck with it. How can I get more information about writing gedit plugins in C? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

jstree checkbox plugin error

I have a jstree with checkboxes that shows up just fine. I can open and close the nodes, check and uncheck the checkboxes, etc. The problem comes in when I try to get all the nodes that have been checked. Below I list all the ways I have tried, along with the error messages I get when I try each one. $.tree.plugin.checkbox.get_checked(...

Javascript solution to print specified area. Cross-browser friendly.

Hi Guys, I am currently developing a site which requires a print option on the page. When clicked this button fires a script that prints all contents within a <span id='printArea'></span>. I am using a jQuery plugin called printElement at the moment and it works very well in all browsers that I have tested except Google Chrome. I have...

Visual Studio 2010 - Is there a plugin for customizing the compiler output?

Basically, our solution is composed of about 30 sub-projects.. and growing. Compiling this monster is fast and compiler warnings/errors/general output just scrolls by in a mishmash of ... well, poo. On unix it's easy to write a filter to "pretty-ify" the compiler output into something readable and, ultimately, useful. Has anyone done th...

How to develop an IE plugin that will execute within browser with <OBJECT> tags

I'm new to the realm of web/plugin development and I'm not sure what I need to be researching. What I need is to develop a C++ app/dll/control/something that will install as a browser plugin and can be embedded and ran within IE when <object>...</object> tags call it (or any HTML tag that will embed something of the sort). Exactly ho...

How does css3pie work?

What is happening behind the scenes with css3pie that makes it so IE can use css3 features? ...

has_many :through and acts-as-taggable-on

How can I get all the tags for a model's associated models using acts-as-taggable-on? I have the following models, and want to build a list of tags that the network's associated offers have: class Network < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :offers end class Offer < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable belongs_to :network end How d...

Jquery cycle plugin multiple pager in the same page

I have a problem with cycle plugin multiple pager in the same page I would like to show 24 cycle plugin in the same page. Each plugin contains some picture and information. So I would like to control eachother with "pager". Everthing is ok, all plugins it works simple document ready fuction. But I have a quite diffrent problem with pager...

Netbeans RCP vs Eclipse RCP

I would like to start a new project which will make extensive use of plugins. I know that both Eclipse and Netbeans have their respective Rich Client Platforms, both with their respective strengths and weaknesses. I would like some comments on which the Stack Overflow community prefers. Also, and most importantly, how easy it is with t...

Is possible to know the path of the file of a subclass in python?

I have a plugin system. The plugins subclass from a common ancestor... ad look like this: -- SDK --- -- PLUGINS --- PluginA ---- ---- Config.ini --- PluginB ---- ---- Config.ini I need to read the info of Config.ini in __init__. CUrrently in each plugin I do: class PluginA(BaseSync): ...

Cocoa: Correct way to get list of possible PlugIns directories for an app?

In a Cocoa app generally we can install a plugin bundle in one of a number of places. If for example the app is called "MyApp" you'd be able to install the plugin at: /Applications/ ~/Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Library/Application Support/MyApp/PlugIns /Network/Library/Application Support/MyAp...

Disable Scrollbar in NERDtree with MacVim

I have been able to fully disable scrollbars in MacVim. However, when I startup NERDtree, NERDtree brings up a scrollbar of it's on the left. How can I disable NERDtree's scrollbar? Thank you in advance. I appreciate the help. ...

How can I redirect JNI console output to Eclipse Console view, when Eclipse plugin uses JNI?

Greetings, I have an Eclipse plugin (A) which has a dependency on another plugin (B). Plugin B is simply a wrapper around a jar, which contains a native dll, and performs jni functionality. Given this setup, I have the following code in A's Activator class's start method: MessageConsole jniConsole = new MessageConsole("Opereffa Output...

Firefox plugin to convert POST request to GET?

I heard there was a Firefox plugin called "POST-to-GET" but I can't seem to find it. It is supposed to intercept a POST request and convert it to a GET request with the parameters appended to the query string. Does anyone know of a plugin that does this? ...

CakepPHP: help with the cakephp comments plugin

Hi I'm trying to use the CakePHP comments plugin found here but the instructions are really hard to follow. I've managed to add comments but it's displaying the commentWidget that's not working. I'm getting confused at this part i think To work properly, the component needs ...

Rails - any plugin/gem for creating calendars

Hi, I was trying to find a gem or plugin that had a cool looking calendar control. Is there anything that someone can recommend? Is there a way to display a set from 2 different months like dec. 11 - jan. 11? ...

OneNote keeps greying out my plugin button

I've created a toolbar button in OneNote like Daniel Escapa showed. Usually, it works, but sometimes OneNote decides to grey out the toolbar button, making it impossible to click. I can't figure out what state is causing this. How can I prevent this? I'm careful to return true from the OnEvent and OnClick handlers, but maybe there's a s...

Getting print cancelled notification in IE using IOlecommandTarget::QueryStatus.

Hi everyone.. Is it possible to be notified if a user selects cancel button from the printing prompt in IE ? Basically I want a print-cancelled kind of notification. I read somewhere that IOlecommandtarget interface can be used to be notified for our own controls, but can the same be used for system controls like print ? Can anyone help...

Symfony 1.4 / Doctrine 1.2 - Converting module to a plug-in - Model behaviour weirdness.

Okay, please try to follow closely to understood the problem, it weird, I know. I'm converting a working module to plug-in and did run to weird problem. Here is the schema.yml Code: Categories: actAs: I18n: fields: [ name, description ] Timestampable: NestedSet: columns: na...