
How exactly do Windows portable applications work?

Portable applications can be run from USB-drives and all and are thus very convenient, but unfortunately they are slow (as a USB drive is usually slower). How exactly does the installation of a portable app differ from that of a normal app? I know they do not create registries and all, but then how do they achieve the same thing as oth...

How do I set the Java path in Eclipse so I can run it on an external drive?

I have Eclipse 3.5.1 and Java Portable (from Portableapps.com) installed on a portable hard drive and would like to point my Eclipse to use the portable apps Java version. This will allow me to use Eclipse on a computer even if Java isn't installed. How do I accomplish this? ...

lightweight/portable VCS for server-hopping DBA?

I'm looking for a VCS that'll help me keep all of my work scripts in-sync. Requirements: Portable (as in flash drive, not code-level) Run on Windows XP and Server 2003+ No installation dependencies (Cygwin, perl, Python) I use Mercurial on my work machine for version control of the various T-SQL, ksh, perl, and CMD/BAT scripts that ...

Is Instant Rails dead?

The last updated download on RubyForge (http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group%5Fid=904) is dated 2007-12-28. In Rails terms that is sometime in the last millenium. Is this project dead, is there an alternative? ...

Bug tracker running of a USB pendrive. Is this possible?

Experts, I desire to run a bug tracker off a USB pendrive (for a variety of reasons, mostly because I frequently do not have internet access and need to hop around from machine to machine). Does anyone have any advice on achieving this? I know mySQL and such can all be installed on a pendrive, just wondered if anyone had put this all t...

Is there anyway to make cherokee server portable?

I develop on different machines. I use MAMP, I have it installed on my dropbox folder and created symbolic links to the applications folder. That way if I work one day on my desktop and make changes to lets say a database schema and next day I work from my laptop I won't have to do any db migration stuff the same applies for all the apac...

Can .Net Application be converted into a Portable App i.e. single .exe

Can a .Net application be converted into a single .exe portable application? i.e. no installer, it just runs? I imagine all the dll's, resources etc need embedding into the exe? If so, how would I do this? Thanks ...

Portable scripting language for a multi-server admin?

Please Note: Portable as in portableapps.com, not in the traditional sense of a language that can be used on multiple architectures or operating systems. Whoever coined this usage of the word portable should be whacked. :) I'm a DBA and sysadmin, mostly for Windows machines running SQL Server. I'm looking for a programming/scripting lan...

Portable version control?

Currently I do all of my work off of a flash drive. Keeps things portable, and I'm able to learn web development while I'm at work. Currently I run Portableapps with XAMPP, Notepad++, and Chrome installed on it. My question is, does anyone know of a version control system that would work portably on a flash drive? I just learned about t...

python on usb stick

is there any option free and opensource to run python from usb stick on windows system (i,e pyhon installed on usb stick ) and can run on every windows sytsem just by pluging the usb stick ? ...

portable desktop application in java using sqlite

I want to make portable desktop application in java using netbeans 6.8 and sqlite So how to connect sqlite to netbeans and how to make it portable ...

How do i create a portable app (runs without installing)

how do i create an app that is: lightweight: i am guessing don't require .NET frameworks maybe? portable: runs without installing and saves data in the app directory, so i can just move the folder or maybe even the exe? this is just a personal experiment: i want to try create a simple todo list app that has the above attributes i a...

Portable .Net debugging tools...

As a .net developer there are times when one is asked to debug at different machines (32 & 64 bit) other than ones own developer machine. Lot of times some important tool is missing and I have to install them first to start the debugging. Then I started to collect some portable tools in a 1GB memory stick. Currently it contains Windbg ...

Fix msysGit Portable $HOME location

I have successfully installed and configured msysGit Portable on my flash drive, and have used it to pull and push GitHub repos. However, I seem to always have to kludge the SSH support. Specifically, in order for SSH to find my key files, I have to follow these instructions to start a second instance of ssh-agent and then ssh-add my ke...

Write an windows app for USB Drive

I want to write an application in .Net that has to be shipped with USB drive by the manufacturer. Rightnow application targetted to run only in windows. But will have to support other opeating system in future. Is that app needs to be shipped as portable application? What is required in order to run a .net app as portable app in USB driv...

Python GUI for portable app

I am developing a python app, using python and sqlite and GUI to re-create a Access 2007 report generating app. Since the app is portable, I'm looking for GUI solution for python that user doesn't need to install addition things before using the app. Is there any GUI solution suits my need? Thanks! ...

"Compiling php" as in making it portable.

I'm not intrested in compiling for performance but in being able to "compile" a php script in order to carry it on a usb stick or portable hard drive. I think that there may be two way: 1) Portable Apache 2) Portable command line php I undersand that some package such as xampp and so on exists, as well as using the php bin files but I...

How to make software developed in WinForms .NET 3.5 with SQL Express portable

i found that its really pain to create setup and deployment packages for windows xp/vista/7 so my question is can i make my application portable with any third party tool such as thin app ? my application requires dot net 3.5 framework and sql express 05 installed i want to put it on usb drive and user can execute it directly from usb...

Will app built with gcc 4.x on CentOS/RHEL 4.8 run on completely un-updated CentOS/RHEL 4?

We have a commercial application that we build on 32-bit CentOS 4.8 (equivalent to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4 update 8. The default gcc compiler is at 3.4.6 We are able to run our binary on both 32- and 64-bit CentOS/RHEL 4 and 5 including completely un-updated RHEL 4. THE QUESTION: If we update to a newer gcc 4 version, will t...