
Portfolio show up question

I like to have a portfolio that is dynamic and simple to update In one part there will be some little square preview, and hovering or clicking on these preview will update the LARGE section with the whole job i know pretty good the : MM_swapImage(), but like to do it in jquery or ajax Any demo or sample code around ? -- some researc...

jquery filterable portfolio using selectbox instead of normal href

Hello, I'm using the filterable portfolio script by new media campaigns ( http://www.newmediacampaigns.com/page/a-jquery-plugin-to-create-an-interactive-filterable-portfolio-like-ours ) which works fine when using normal links in a unordered list. I would like to offer the options in a selectbox though. Could anyone point me in the righ...

What is the code behind this javascript?

Hi, I'm trying to find out how they were able to create this site. http://www.cpeople.ru, i am trying to build my portfolio to look something like it. Particularly, I want the slider effect of the menu. Please help me out. Thanks. :) ...

Adding titles and descriptions to images in Refinerycms-Portfolio

I'm using the Refinery content management system with a the Portfolio plugin see http://github.com/resolve/refinerycms I wanted to create a title and description for images uploaded to Refinery using Refinerycms-Portfolio so far I have done the following; added the columns to the images table; $script/generate migration AddTitleToImage...

Good portfolio projects

Hi, I am a recent graduate and am looking to start a career in web development. Its kind of a catch 22 at the moment as I have a fair bit of programming experience from university but not really in web development and to get a job in web development a portfolio is typically required. So, I am looking to start a building a few applicati...

Developers portfolios

I'm wondering if you have one, or you know any developer/programmer online portofolio. I know many web developers have one (and in many cases very well designed), but not any C++ developer (for example). On the net there are only some good blogs about some programming language, but in many cases these are extremely poor from a design poi...

jQuery Filterable Portfolio: not load all <li> items

I'm puzzled on how to work this so not all of the <li> items load on a page refresh. The filtering works fine on each link selection in the <ul> "filter", but on a page reload, all <li> items show, not just the filtered. Code is from http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/creating-a-filterable-portfolio-with-jquery/ HTML: ...

jQuery hover w sticky click/selection problems in IE

Ive made a 'hover with sticky click' jquery script for my web portfolio which works in Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Safari - but I'm still having some problems with IE. I have 8 thumbnails that fade between 0.3 and 1 opacity on hover. When clicked it uses the index of the thumbnail to show the corresponding full size image. It also is li...

How to work with PDF Portfolio in iTextSharp? How to identify that a PDF is Portfolio

Hi there, I have an application that signs PDF files. It works fine and I use iTextSharp for it. But I don't know how to do it when the PDF file is a PDF portfolio. My application just signs the first document of the PDF portfolio, and a want to sign every document in this PDF portfolio. How can I work with PDF portfolios in iTextShar...

How detailed should a portfolio site be regarding your project input?

I am currently putting together a portfolio in order to get more freelance work on the side- and I am unsure about how descriptive I need to be regarding the projects I have worked on and my input. I have been working for a web agency for about 3 years now as a web developer and have contributed to a great number of projects during my t...

How can I make a tab active on load

Hello everyone! I'm using jquery to create a tab-based featured content area on my website - http://www.gregmalkin.co.uk - but am having trouble getting the first tab to be 'active' on load, and then the active state to change to the selected tab when it auto changes. When I click on a tab it becomes active, but I want them to be set ...

using wordpress for portfolio and posts

hi i started playing wordpress few months a go and a created a blog http://aurelkurtula.co.uk/blog/?page_id=2 currently there are no posts, but it will look similar to the link above.anyway, now i started to develop a portfolio theme using word-press, (i can only post one link) the two themes are similar, so i was wondering if you co...

game programmer portfolio

hello, i want to work as a programmer in a game modification team. Most teams require a portfolio to show. I haven't any previous experience with game programming and I would like to know what I should program and include in the portfolio Thank you ...

Is doing pro-bono work a good way to start building a frontend portfolio?

I'm building a portfolio for front-end web development, and have been told that it would be best, starting out, to offer to build site pro-bono for people until I have an adequate level of experience and a large enough portofolio to get paying work. Where would be some good places to offer to make front-ends for free as I develop my ski...