
How to catch an exception and email information about it in liferay portlet

I have a custom portlet made for liferay and sometimes it throws an exception. Why it throws exceptions is irrelevant. How to catch exceptions thrown by portlet handler methods in order to email information about them? I know I could do try catching on every handler method but it would be a much more elegant and cleaner solution to catc...

disabled issue for inputtext

Hi all, i am using ibm portlet. we are using jsf pages. when i load my page i am disbling one of the input text on the page. this i m handling in the constructor. there is a edit button on the page , when i click on the button the field gets enabled. now when i change something in the input text box and do a submit the new value is not s...

url problem in liferay with different windowState

i have bulid a portlet in liferay and have used ajax . when i open site without www all thing is correct but when use www the ajax request url is without www and then response is empty . my liferay portal version is 5.1.1 and i use plugins-sdk and use struts2 portlet and Jsr168 . i have noticed that if i want to request for a portlet wi...

Problem/null getting objects saved in the ServletContext from the FaceContext

Hi all, I followed the following method of saving an SessionStore object to the ServletContext using a listener. Something like the following: public class SessionStoreListener implements ServletContextListener { private static final String SESSION_STORE = "sessionStore"; public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) { ...

a4j:commandButton not working when used with IBM JSF Portlet bridge.

The exception i'm getting is : Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildEventOptions(AjaxRendererUtils.java:267) at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildEventOptions(AjaxRendererUtils.java:251) at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.AjaxRendererUtils.buildOnEvent(AjaxRendererUtils.java:220...

portal:actionURL Spring MVC Portlet

I am trying to create a actionUrl using the following code <portlet:actionURL var="actionUrl"><portlet:param name='action' value='viewModules' /></portlet:actionURL> and map that onto a spring controller However the controller does not respond as the generated url's ampersands are encoded e.g. <snip>&amp;p_p_lifecycle=1&amp;p_p...

Portlets: Retrieve URL or Query parameters

We are developing on an application that uses Portlets and deployed within JBoss portal. All of the portlets on a page are share the same contextual information, meaning every portlet is a different way of viewing the subject of that portal. The current implementation stores data in session so the portal knows which subject to load for a...

drop initialize in portlet jquery ui

Hello im using jquery ui potlet and i need the portles be initialized dropper. Now when the pages load portles collapse is on mode. Thanks. ...