
asp:how to reload page explicitly.

i have provided a button to change theme of onclick event handler of the button.i am making change in web confif file page section's theme attribute.but on postback theme is not changed untill i do one more i want to postback pa explicitly in eventhandler of button. ...

Calling a ScriptMethod on form submission?

When I call a ScriptMethod from an ASP.NET button using the OnClientClick property, the ScriptMethod returns 95% of the time (alert box shows), and the page submits. If I call the method from a HTML input button, the ScriptMethod returns 100% of the time, but of course the page doesn't submit. If I change the type to submit, I'm back to...

How do I make a key binding/shortcut for an ASP.NET button to postback via that button?

I'm developing what's intended to be a very efficient UI in ASP.NET. I want my users to be able to hit ALT-A to postback the form via a particular button. In other words, when they hit "ALT A" the form will post back and the event handler/function associated with a particular ASP.NET button control will run. How can I do this? I have...

How to simulate postback in nested usercontrols?

Hi all, I'm doing an application with one page. In this page, I have one usercontrol defined. This usercontrol has a menu (three buttons) and 3 usercontrols defined too. Depending on the clicked button one of the three usercontrols turn to visible true or false. In these three usercontrols I have a button and a message, and I w...

ASP.NET - Cross Page Posting From Custom Control

Hey all, Can I get some help posting across different pages from a custom control? I've created a custom button that raises it's own click event through the following code: Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Const EventName As String = "button_click" Const ArgName As Strin...

Make postback when the OkButton in a ModalPopup is clicked in ASP.NET AJAX

I follow the example in Atlas: Creating a Confirmation Using the ModalPopup Extender to make a postback when the OkButton in a ModalPopup is clicked (it uses the ModalPopupExtender that comes in ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit), but as I can see, the Sys.WebForms.PostBackAction() is no longer present in ASP.NET AJAX (the example is for Atla...

UpdatePanel Full Postback

Greetings, here is the scenario. I have and .aspx page with and updatepanel like this <asp:UpdatePanel id="uPanelMain" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <uc:Calendar id="ucCalendar" runat="server" Visible="true" /> <uc:Scoring id="ucScoring" runat="server" Visible="false" /> </ContentTemplate> The control ucCa...

Invalid postback or callback argument. Debug question

I am getting the error: "Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the Client...

Can a URL change on postback?

I only need to parse URL Request.Querystrings on GET, not on postback, right? if(!IsPostBack) { Viewstate["magic_number"] = Parse(Request.Query); } The user can't be expected to modify the URL in the Request for subsequent postbacks, or can they? Motivation for question-- I don't control the javascript snippet that does the postb...

Listview not fully updating on databind() after postback

I have a ListView control which is exhibiting an odd behaviour - rows are only partially updating after a postback. I'm hoping someone here can shed some light on why this might be occuring. My listview DataSource is bound to a List of items which is stored in the page session state. This is intentional, partially to timeout out-of-da...

Custom 404 pages not being able to postback due to relative path issues

My site currently implements custom 404 pages which we have mapped in IIS. So when a user does something like, it will execute the 404.aspx URL. This works great, but when inspecting the HTML returned, the form post URL is relative: <form method="post" action="404.aspx?404%3bhttps%3a%2f%2ftestserver...

.net Page events firing order changing.

Ok this is a really annoying bug that I have been having issues with all morning!. I have a custom control that we have used on many project that has properties that are set and stored in Viewstate by the calling pages onload. the control sets up childcontrols with propertes on the CreateChildControls() method of the custom control. N...

best way to display search results on the same page as the search control in ASP.Net

I have two controls on a page, one is a search entry and submission control the other is the search results control, they have to be separated due to the layout of the site. Im looking at different ways of having the search control submit displaying the search results in the results control, initially im not bother about postbacks, im mo...

IPostBackEventHandler RaisePostBackEvent not triggered on asynchronous postback

I have designed a custom user control, basically a button, that implements the IPostBackEventHandler interface, and obviously defines the RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) method, where I do some processing, basically I trigger other events. By default, when clicked my control will execute __doPostBack its client id for a full p...

Is there a way to clear the query string paramters when posting back?

I have a form that sometimes gets linked to with some query string parameters. The problem is that when I post back the form, the query string parameter is still there. Its not really an issue the way I have it setup, but I just don't like it being there, and could see it being a problem if you needed to check for input in a certain or...

Invalid Postback error when Databinding a gridview.

I really hate this error, because it can be so hard to pin point. In this case, I have a page with a user control on it that contains a gridview. When a button is clicked to view one of the records in the gridview, a pop-up window (in the form of a modal dialog) opens allowing the user to edit the fields. Then, when the pop-up is clos...

Migration: ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0, broken postback

We just recently migrated our web application from .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0. The web application was originally written in .NET 1.1 using Visual Studio 2003. To migrate it, we converted the solutions to VS2005. Aside from some minor problems like RESX incompatibility and broken Calendar Controls, the Web Application worked. However, we ju...

Validation Before Postback Event on Masterpage

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to do some client side validation with jquery and then run the postback event manually for a control? Here's a sample Master page i.e. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#<%=lnkbtnSave.ClientID %>").click(function() { alert("hello"); ...

Stop a postback in javascript

hello, i have an ASP webform with a JQuery Thickbox, i have an image that opens the thickbox when user click. once open the thickbox it shows me a grid with several rows and a button to select one and after the user select the record it returns to the main page the recordselected and cause a __doPostBack() BUT! sometimes in IE6 it sta...

Causing a PostBack to a different page from a PopUp

I have a main page and a details page. The details page is a javascript popup invoked from the main page. When the 'save' button is clicked on the details page, I want the main page to 'refresh.' Is there a method of invoking a postback to the main page while also maintaining the save postback from the details page? Edit - Using wind...