
How to get a handle to a dynamic imagebutton in an ajax panel postback

I write an imagebutton to a table cell in a new row when a user selects an item in a list: ImageButton imgbtnRemove = new ImageButton(); imgbtnRemove.ID = "uxStandardLetterDeleteImage_" + items.letterName; imgbtnRemove.CommandName = "uxStandardLetterDeleteImage_" + items.letterName; imgbtnRemove.ImageUrl = items.remove; imgStatus.Altern...

Problem using UpdatePanel with Masterpage in C#...

Hi guys... My code : <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <script runat="server"> void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { label.Text = "Refreshed by server side event handler at " + DateTime.Now + ".<br>Value provided:" + text.Text; } </script> <html> <head> <title>How to update an UpdatePanel with JavaScri...

Finding usercontrol in templatefield Detailsview

I have a DetailsView that I'm posting back - and inside of that is a UserControl. I'm having some difficulty located it in the postback data. As an example: <asp:DetailsView ID="dvDetailsView" runat="Server" AutoGenerateRows="false"> <Fields> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> Some text here </ItemTemplate> <EditIte...

AJAX postback and page lifecycle

Could anybody explain me how it works. I have a page, which has button inside the update panel and some class member (_pageContext). It is not static member, by the way That's its declaration internal PageContext _pageContext = null; When I click the button, next events occurs (I trace them making breakpoints) 1) Page constructo...

Need a postback handle from a clicked dynamic hyperlink control in ajax.

The scenario...I have a list of dynamic hyperlink controls on an ajax panel that link directly to a WORD doc located on a share. Clicking any link opens WORD client side (I set the file association to do that so the IE browser doesn't try to open it instead). LinkButtons won't work because it doesn't do a direct link to the doc from th...

Validator automatically on after AsyncPostBack detailsview

I have put update panel in detailsview insert template, in which put 2 controls(textbox and dropdown) and a button and on click of button, I have clear the textbox and clear seletion of dropdown, validator automatically on after postback, this should not be? Have any one solution of this problem? If I not use detials and put these contro...

What methods are available to stop multiple postbacks of a form in ASP.NET MVC?

A common web problem is where a user clicks the submit button of a form multiple times so the server processes the form more than once. This can also happen when a user hits the back button having submitted a form and so it gets processed again. What is the best way of stopping this from happening in ASP.NET MVC? Possibilities as I se...

JQuery drag and drop stops working on certain objects?

Hello all, I've successfully been able to make elements (like div's, panel's, whatever) draggable by using this bit of Jquery: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $(".drag").draggable({ revert: true }); }); </script> This works fine for anything that already exists on the page before page_load is done ...

Disable selection box without removing value from post

In my current project one of my pages allows the user to select a value in a dropdown box after wich a post request is made that updates several values. To make sure the delay from the postback doesn't confuse the user into selecting another value (and thus creating another post, creating another delay etc) I set the select's...

How to generate fake postback with javascript?

I have Dropdownlist on my page and its selectedindexchanged method created in code behind file (.cs). I wanted to create fake postback with A tag (onmouseover event). First i viewed source of html. <select name="ctl00$cpholder_ana$ddlFaturaNolar" onchange="javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack(\'ctl00$cpholder_ana$ddlFaturaNolar\',\'\')...

Passing info from JS to ASP server side

Hello all, I've been trying to somehow get my javascript function (which I have in the head section of the aspx page) to set a value in a hidden item, then some how have the server-side (trusty 'ol ASP) read that data so I can do some work depending on what it is. I have my entire page wrapped in an update panel, and my drag 'n drop woe...

Asp.Net (vb) Force Postback in code-behind

Hi, I'm in need of a way to force a postback or page reload in codebehind. Tried using some javascript but didn't get it to work. Browsing the net I see the first question is "why"? Circumstances are that I have a dropdownlist on autopostback, and the gridview datasource's selectparameter is derived from the selected value of that drop...

Why won't postbacks work on my domain root?

I have a form on a masterpage which is very simple but will not work when the site is at the root. Works fine: Does not work: I click the button and it postsback to But nothing has executed, now if I try the for...

Two types of postback events

hi, 1) I found two articles, each categorizing a bit differently the two types of postback events: One resource says the two types of postback events are Changed event ( where controls implement IPostbackDataHandler ), which fires when data is changed between postbacks, and then are Raised events ( where controls implement IPostba...

IPostbackEventHandler VS IPostbackDataHandler

hi 1) User selecting an item in DropDownList is considered to be postback data, and for that reason DropDownList implements IPostbackDataHandler. a) But why isn’t user moving ( in Calendar control ) to another month also considered a postback data? Thus, why does Calendar implement IPostbackEventHandler and not IPostbackDataHandler...

Checking Page.IsPostBack in user controls

Is it recommended to check the Page.IsPostBack in a user control Page_Load Event like protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { } } I am getting wierd results Edit ~ Here is the thing. When the main form is loaded, I use Request.QueryString to get the custo...

Postback or Callback?

I was wondering what to take into consideration when deciding between a full postback or a quick callback. There are two extremes: You could do it the "old" way, where every user action causes a full postback. Or you could conceivably ajaxify your whole web application so as to never cause a full postback. Both options don't seem to m...

ASP.NET CheckBox state and PostBack

I have a simple task - to change page link on checkbox state change - but I'm new to ASP.NET and have some trouble. I can do the same using HtmlControl and JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function checkbox_onChanged(checked) { if (checked) { document.location = '?type=request_in&show=all'; ...

Show Header/Footer when Gridview is Blank

I realise there is a solution for this but I am struggling to get it to convert to VB correctly :( I have managed to get a cascading set of dropdowns with data based upon each others results which I was really pleased with. However due to the post back the grid will disappear until the second value is selected and looks awful Is there...

Custom Server Control causes full postbacks inside of UpdatePanel

I have a custom server control that seems to work fine until I put it in an UpdatePanel. Once inside the UpdatePanel it continues to work fine but the UpdatePanel now does full postbacks when my custom server control does a postback. Do I need to do anything to make my custom server control do async postbacks while inside an UpdatePa...