
PasteSpecial using Ole,PowerPoint,Delphi

How do you use PasteSpecial in Delphi to paste into an Ole PowerPoint. I have rtf data i want to paste into powerpoint and I need to use PasteSpecial. However I cannot find documentation on how to fill out the parameters it needs. ...

Converting a powerpoint file from .ppt -> .pptx by using a bitstream using c#.net 2008

Hi I'm trying to create and open a powerpoint by using binary data from a sql database by using linq. A. First I'm reading it into a byte array and then creating the .ppt file. public bool createPresentation(string fileName, byte[] powerPoint) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(downloadPath); if (!di.Exists) ...

Programmatically extract embedded file from PowerPoint presentation

I am working on a VSTO PowerPoint add-in which involves recording and playing sounds. I was requested at the last minute to allow users to pick the device that will play the sound, like Skype does. In general, I don't think it is possible to specify what device PowerPoint should use, except by selecting the default device in the contr...

VSTO: How to forbid the context menu of chart in presentation slide ?

I'm developing an add-in of Powerpoint in VSTO. When I have inserted a chart into the slide, and I don't want show the context menu when user right-click the chart. I forbid some command button of powerpoint, <command idMso="TabChartToolsDesign" getEnabled="GetVisible"/> <command idMso="ChartChangeType" getEnabled="GetVisible"/> <comm...

Is there a way to make one selected slide to be protected?

I'm developing add-in for Powerpoint 2007 now. I need a way to protect some selected slide in presentation,if the slide is protected, the user cannot do anything on the slide. any suggestion? ...

PowerPoint 2007 - Programatically insert data?

Hi, I know PowerPoint supports macros But is there a way I can insert data from a datasource into a placeholder or something? I've got a routine where I collect data from a database and store it in the registry. This data is then inserted into several Word templates. And this is working. But I can't find any bookmark support in PowerPoi...

Powerpoint 2007 - Inserting dynamic data

Hi, so I've found that Powerpoint 2007 has no bookmark functionality. So I can't just insert dynamic data into a presentation. Also, there are no autostart event handler, but I found a way of doing it by editing the XML data. This now works, I've got a custom event handler that is run as expected. Now, I tried to solve the no bookmark ...

PowerPoint 2007 - How to use Application.NewPresentation event handler?

Hi, so I've found that PowerPoint 2007 does indeed support event handlers on the Application level. For example Application.NewPresentation or even Application.AfterNewPresentation It's described here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff745073.aspx But the real question is, how do I use these? Where do I use them? To tell you my ...

how to update text in a powerpoint slide using C#

i have a single powerpoint slide that we use for reporting. This slidehas some tables and some textboxes with bulletted lists We are trying to see if we can update this powerpoint slide (update text in textbox and update text in tables) using C# as we now have a lot of the data that we manually add to this slide in a SQL database. so ...

Office Ribbon control: how to get the reference of a control in a custom tab

Hi, I created a custom ribbon tab for PowerPoint 2007. The tab contains a dropdown box and a button. In the button's callback (onAction) I would like to execute different codes depending on which item is selected in the dropdown. However I do not know how to get a reference to the dropdown control from the button's callback. Is there...