
Start-Job Problems

Hi all, Why this code not works ? function teste { begin { function lala { while ($true) { "JJJJ" | Out-File c:\Testes\teste.txt -Append } } } process { Start-Job -ScriptBlock {lala} } } ...

Powershell Remoting Profiles

How do i use a function in my profile on the remote machine when using Enter-PSSession on my local machine to open a remote powershell session. ...

Extricate substring using powershell

Hi, How can i extricate substring from string using powershell ? I have this string: "-----start-------Hello World------end-------", i have to the hello world. What is the best way to do that? Thanks! ...

$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path is $null in PowerGUI script editor

When trying to debug my powershell script in the powerGUI script editor ( the $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path is $null. It works when running the script via powershell. Running it in Powershell_ise.exe (on one of our servers) also works fine. Have anyone else had the same problem or know what's wrong? Here's my powershell ve...

Sum value of XML attributes using PowerShell 2.0

I have a directory with XML files. I quickly want to go through them and sum upp the value stored in one attribute. I have figured out how to fidn the nodes I am interested in. For example: (Select-Xml -Path .\*.xml -XPath "//*[@Attribue = 'valueImlookingfor']").Count This command gives me the count of elements in all of the XML fil...

Powershell: Writing errors and ouput to a text file and Console

I am trying to write the entire output (errors included) of an executing script to the console and a file at the same time. I have tried several different options .\MyScript.ps1 | tee -filePath C:\results.txt # only the output to the file .\MyScript.ps1 2> C:\results.txt # only the errors to the file and not the console .\MyScript.ps1 >...

powershell function output to variable

I have a function in powershell 2.0 named getip which gets the IP address(es) of a remote system. function getip { $strComputer = "computername" $colItems = GWMI -cl "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" -name "root\CimV2" -comp $strComputer -filter "IpEnabled = TRUE" ForEach ($objItem in $colItems) {Write-Host $objItem.IpAddress} }...

How can you set a time limit for a PowerShell script to run for?

I want to set a time limit on a PowerShell (v2) script so it forcibly exits after that time limit has expired. I see in PHP they have commands like set_time_limit and max_execution_time where you can limit how long the script and even a function can execute for. With my script, a do/while loop that is looking at the time isn't appropri...

PowerShell PSCX Read-Archive: Cannot bind parameter... problem

I'm running across a problem I can't seem to wrap my head around using the Read-Archive cmdlet available via PowerShell Community Extensions (v2.0.3782.38614). Here is a cut down sample used to exhibit the problem I'm running into: $mainPath = "p:\temp" $dest = Join-Path $mainPath "ps\CenCodes.zip" Read-Archive -Path $dest -Format zip ...

Using Remove-Item with Credentials

I am attempting to use the Remove-Item cmdlet as part of an automation for a system. The files are stored on a server that requires elevated rights to perform the file deletion. I have access to a domain admin account that I use for such automation scripts. The code below will build the PSCredential object: $password = New-Object Sys...

Powershell 2 Select & Display Filename by Creation Date

I'm trying to find all instances of files with names like VAT*.xls where the creation date is less than 6 months ago. I have tried: dir c:\vat*.xls -r | ? {($now -$_.lastwritetime).days -lt 300} and gci c:\vat*.xls -r | ? {($now -$_.lastwritetime).days -lt 300} I know there is a file VAT0210.xls dated 1 April 2010 but neither query g...

How to get only directories from get-childitem

I'm using PowerShell 2.0 and I want to pipe out all the subdirectories of a certain path. The command get-childitem c:\mypath -Recurse | ... outputs all files and directories, but I can't figure out how to filter out the files. I've tried using $_.Attributes to get the attributes but then I don't know how to construct a literal inst...

PowerShell and MSBuild difference

I am new to both MSBuild and PowerShell and am trying to wrap my head around where these stand with respect to deploying ASP.NET applications. Can someone explain the difference? (I hope I am comparing apples and apples) ...

Remove all files from a month but last one

Every day we run an backup job. This job creates a new file in format yyyyMMdd.7z and now we need to cleanup our backup storage automatically. Our backup police says that we need to keep files from last 5 days, and last backup of each month. First step is easy since I have current day. But how I can keep the last of each month? ...

Is there some trick to AllowEmptyString

I've never been able to get the AllowEmptyString validation attribute to work. This: function Get-InputString( [parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)][string][AllowEmptyString]$Str ) { $Str } Results in this: PS C:\> Get-InputString '' Unable to find type [AllowEmptyString]: make sure that the assembly containing this type ...

How can I use Invoke-WmiMethod to rename a computer

I am trying to call the Rename method on the Win32_ComputerSytem class using Invoke-WMI method. Using this syntax works fine (gwmi win32_ComputerSystem).Rename("NEWNAME") This also works fine for demo purposes Invoke-WmiMethod -path win32_process -Name create -ArgumentList notepad However, when i try the following, I get an error ...

how to ref. a value from another powershell script?

hi, suppose i have 2 powershell scripts, test1.ps1 and test2.ps1 #test1.ps1 $a="test1" ################## #test2.ps1 echo $a how to ref. $a in test2.ps1 from test1.ps1? ...

how to include a ":" as a parameter in powershell?

hi i have a simple powershell script, like this sqlcmd -S. -E -Q 'select ''$(x)''' -v x="c:a" but i always got the error message Sqlcmd: ':a': Invalid argument. Enter '-?' for help. i figured out that it is the ":" in the argument caused the problem, but i do not know how to escape it. thanks, David ...

How to capture multiple regex matches, from a single line, into the $matches magic variable in Powershell?

Let's say I have the string "blah blah F12 blah blah F32 blah blah blah" and I want to match the F12 and F32, how would I go about capturing both to the Powershell magic variable $matches? If I run the following code in Powershell: $string = "blah blah F12 blah blah F32 blah blah blah" $string -match "F\d\d" The $matches variable onl...

[Powershell] Comparing a directory's parent against another directory in a where pipe

Imagine I have a directory structure like so: parentDir\dirA\foo\ parentDir\dirB\foo\ parentDir\dirC\ parentDir\dirD\bar\foo\ parentDir\dirE\foo\ parentDir\dirF\ I want to select only the directories that a) are immediate children of parentDir, and b) have a foo directory as an immediate child. So dirs A, B, and E qualify, whilst C, ...