
How do I prepend information to STDERR when a method generates stderr?

Is there some way I can catch when a method generates a write to STDERR? I'm trying to pre-pend some information with each STDERR write. let's say our method is: parser.thatGeneratesSTDERR(); it'll generate something like line 37:29 no viable alternative at character 'a' can I just wrap it with something that catches the stderr to...

Jquery prepend click handler

Hi, If you know a better way to do this then please let me know. Right I have a page which will contain lots of buttons, charts and tables. I have read about stopping event propogation and that's what I'll be using. I want to enable help on cerain elements. I have a checkbox which changes the cursor on help enabled divs. What I want t...

jQuery - how to undo prepend

I am using the prepend() function to diplay an image when a div is hoevered over. How do I remove the image - i.e. what is the opposite of prepend() Here is the code: $("#hover-div").hover( function() { $("#image-div").prepend("<img src='images/arrow_redo.png' width='16' height='16' />"); }, function() { $("#image-div")...

jQuery: How do I select text in a div and add tags around it?

Hello everyone, I'm new to jQuery and I'm trying to do the following: <div class="test">text</div> I'm trying to write jQuery that will select the text inside the div and change it to: <div class="test"><span>test</span></div> When I try this in jQuery: $(".test").prepend("<span>"); $(".test").append("</span>"); It shows up in t...

jQuery - How to do hover on code that has been added using prepend

I have added some code using prepend as you can see. Each of these items (the table cells) has a class called "predicate". When the user hovers over these I want to replace "predicate" with "predicate-over". I thought I had what I need below but it doesn't seem to work. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#leo-smart").hover( ...

Jquery odd/even question with prepend/append.

I am successfully using jquery odd/even selectors to create a "tiger striping" on a table. Then I added ability to add or deleted rows. However I have not been able to get striping to work properly on add/delete of row. It works for a an add/append, but not on add/prepend or delete. Here is summary of the code... $(document).ready(f...

jQuery prepend to all hyperlink elements that link to PDF files.

I would like to prepend "Download a PDF of " to any hyperlinks, linking to PDF files. Currently I'm able to prepend that exact text, but it prepends it to the hyperlink text. I would like it to reside outside of the hyperlink element, like so: Download a PDF of [hyperlink with text] This is the code I'm using now: jQuery('a[href$=.pdf]...

Problems with .prepend method in jQuery

I have a function that prepends a li tag to a parent div just fine...however, after the prepend, i want to act upon this prepended list item by changing css properties when hovered on but the jQuery selector can't find it (seemingly because the .hover function is searching for list items available to act upon when the page loads..and the...

Prepending unclosed tags in jquery

Due to some limitations on the place files are being placed I would like to prepend and append page structure just after the opening body tag and just before the closing body tag. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('body').prepend('<div id="header"><div id="title"></div></div><div id="wrapper"><div id="cont...

jQuery Prepend an Image

Hi Guys, I am trying to add a prepend of an image and then define it's attributes. Little confused as how to do this - currently I have the following but it's not working. The HTML is <div id="testID" class="test1"> <div id="testID2" class="test2" ></div> </div> And the JS is var test123 = somecode{} jQuery(test123).find...

Problem using the prependTo() in jQuery

Hi all, I am having a problem trying to use the prependTo() function in jQuery... for some reason I can't get this to work $(" <div id="note178" class="note"> <div class="delete"><a href="/chart-notes/delete/178" onclick="$.ajax({ dataType: 'script', url: '/chart-notes/delete/178'}); return false;"><img src='/images/icons/delete.png'...

Unix: prepending a file without a dummy-file?

I do not want: $ cat file > dummy; $ cat header dummy > file I want similar to the command below but to the beginning, not to the end: $ cat header >> file ...

jQuery,Input buttons work in markup, but not when prepended?

I have to buttons, image input that work fine when in the markup like this, <input type="image" class="play" src="images/play.png" /> <input type="image" class="pause" src="images/pause.png" /> But as soon as I try to prepend() it to a generated they still appear, but the click function does not work anymore. $('.gallery-nav').pre...

Append or prepend opening/closing tags with jQuery

I'm trying to wrap replies in a comment stream in a like this: $('li.comment').next('li.replycomment').append('<ul class="thread">'); $('li.replycomment').next('li.comment').prepend('</ul>'); It doesn't work unfortunately. If I do the following it works no problem: $('li.comment').next('li.replycomment').append('<ul class="thread">...

Exclude a file in a filematch

Hey folks I'm trying to prepend a gzip script at the beginning of every file using php_value auto_prepend_file gzip_start.php in my .htaccess. The problem is that I've already got a document called combine.php that gzips it contents. What I need to know is, how I can exclude combine.php from the files who get the gzip prepended. I ...

JQuery - How to add a single html tag to some html?

Hey Guys, I want to insert just a single <span> before the text below (right before LINK): <li><a href="">LINK</a></li> So, the above becomes <li><a href=""><span>LINK</a></li> Here is my JQuery Code: $('#mainnav li a').prepend('<span>'); When I view the code in firebug after, I see , how do I just get the opening span tag an...

JQUERY Prepending an LI to an UL with Animation

Hello, I have a UL and I'm working to dynamically add a new LI to the top of the UL with some animation. I have the following so far which works ok: $("#container").prepend('<li id="newhere"><input type="checkbox" /><span class="listTitle">Im new here</span><ul></ul></li>').hide().slideDown("slow"); #container is the UL The proble...

jquery prepend to textarea text()

I have a text area. I can set the text of it with $("#mytextarea").text("foo") I can prepend to the text area like this: $("#mytextarea").prepend("foo") But I cannot prepend to the jquery text() object like this: $("#mytextarea").text().prepend("foo") The reason I want to do this is so that if my user gets me to prepend this te...

android customize list view prepends results

I am using list view using "ArrayAdapter" to display number of items while user is looking at results when user click on load button i want results to load and prepends(add in the beginning) ...

adding space in an output file with out having to read the entire thing first

Question: How do you write data to an already existing file at the beginning of the file with out writing over what's already there and with out reading the entire file into memory? (e.g. prepend) Info: I'm working on a project right now where the program frequently dumps data into a file. this file will very quickly balloon up to 3-...