
ADODB interop issue

We have project PrjDb.dll in vb 6.0 that has a reference to ado 2.5. The project is built on Machine A. Now when we generate an interop for PrjDb.dll on another machine B, we end up with a new ADODB.dll with ver 2.5 in version field instead of linking it with the Primary Interop Assembly adodb.dll ( found under 'Program Files\Microsoft.N...

Why is my UserProperties collection empty ?

Hi, I'm using the Outlook 2003 PIA and VS 2005 to access items in a public folder. The item.UserProperties collection always comes back empty, despite the items having several user defined fields. If I add a property in code using UserProperties.Add, it is saved correctly with the item and is then available in the UserProperties next ...

Setting a cell's format using Excel 2007 Interop and C#

I'm using the office 2007 interop assemblies to create some excel spreadsheets. There are plenty of questions on here about getting started and MSDN contains heaps of articles, like this one. The API is funky, and sometimes a bit confusing. When I set a value of a cell, is there a way to set it's format? I'd like to mark particular f...

is it possible to insert microsoft word document editor to own application using PIA

How to use Office Primary Interop assembly in own application like Business in the box. Is it possible? ...

Project 2003 and .NET COM Primary Interop Assemblies

I am creating an app in C# using the .NET COM Primary Interop Assemblies. I was wondering if this will be able to open and read files from both Project 2003 and Project 2007. Also, does Project have to be installe don the computer that is running this app? ...

Where can I find MS ActiveX Data Object (ADOR) Primary Interop Assembly (PIA)?

I'm trying to generate a Primary Interop Assembly for one of my projects that references Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (MDAC 2.8). Adding this library through the References dialog box in Visual Studio adds the Interop.ADOR.dll file to the bin directory of the solution. However, when I run tlbimp.exe I get the error: C:\Solution> tlbi...