
ActiveMQ messagedriven bean to JSF

I am currently reading from ActiveMQ with a Message driven bean (EJB3) in the back end. The problem I am facing is that I have to update a table in my JSF page as soon as I receive the message from ActiveMQ in the message driven bean. Any suggestions of the technologies I can try would be great. I am currently using primefaces and glas...

Accessing images with CSS url() in Primefaces

This is from the Primefaces docs: Button Icons An icon on a button is displayed using CSS and image attribute. <p:commandButton value=”With Icon” image=”disk”/> <p:commandButton image=”disk”/> .disk is a simple css class with a background property: .disk { background-image: url(‘disk.png’) !important; } ...

Making p:commandButton work like h:button

I have this working code in my webapp: <h:button value="Edit user..." outcome="/public/user" > <f:param name="userName" value="#{authBean.authUser}"/> </h:button> What it does: It makes the button send a GET It passes the specified parameter in the URL, making it bookmarkable. What I need: It should work like h:button above ...

Removing JSF messages from the flash

I have one page that does something and when the user clicks a button, the user is redirected to another page and a message is displayed. Here is my code: public String confirm() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); Flash flash = context.getExternalContext().getFlash(); flash.setKeepMessages(true); ...

JSF Datatable current Page Primefaces

Hi, I would like to display the current page of a datatable outside of the table (I actually need it for paging a the items on a google maps component). How can I get the current page of the datatable? Thanks, D ...

Paginated datatable with gmap markers in primefaces

Hi There, I have a paginated datatable and would like to add all the items in the current page as markers in a gmap. The iterable item in the datatable has getters for longitude and latitude. Is there an easy way doing this in prime faces? Thanks, Dwayne ...

jquery with jsf

Hi I have a problem integrating JQuery with JSF. I use Spin. and I have in my code: <script type="text/javascript" src="#{request.contextPath}/scripts/jquery.selectbox-0.5.js"></script> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $.spin.imageBasePath = '../images/spin1/'; $('#spin1').spin(); $('#spin2').spin(); $('...

Enable cache of J2EE web application's resources

How can I control my web application's resource handling? I have users with extremely high latency times (~1s!) and I must test my application in such environments. What I can see right away is that my resources (css and image files) are always reloaded on every page, probably because the response header contains an Expire tag that does...

blank page when dispalying charts in jsf and prime faces

hello ! when I am displaying charts it is giving blank page in jsp.I am using jsf and prime faces and JSP.I have jsf/core ,jsf/html and primefaces tr/ui tags in jsp.title is coming but chart is not displaying.Do I need richfaces ? or anything extra ? Any reply is welcomed. ...

problem with primefaces linechart

hi all i have two problems with primefaces tag this is my backbean Code: public class LiveChartBean { private Integer primaryKey; public Integer getPrimaryKey() { return primaryKey; } public void setPrimaryKey(Integer primaryKey) { this.primaryKey = primaryKey; } public List<ChartData> get...

primefaces linechart conditional coloring

hi all i am using primefaces linechart component to display some sort of data every things works fine but i would like to display negetive data with diffrenet color how can i do this? is it possible at all? thanks in advance ...

Is it possible to list pages (DataTable paginator="true") with TreeTable? and filterBy in collumn with TreeTable?

I'm new to prime faces and wanted to see if they could use in some way, the paging DataTable (paginator = "true") in TreeTable and filterBy(p: column filterBy = "#") in TreeTable also. The last before mentioned, (filterBy) only worked in DataTable not in TreeTable. The code: <p:treeTable value="#{documentsControl...

RichFaces Vs PrimeFaces

I am using JSF 2.0 and I am looking for a copmponent library with minimal load in terms of performance. Which one is better to use if I have choice between RichFaces and PrimeFaces? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both? ...

JSF2 / Primefaces layout performance

Right now I'm using a full page layout and p:layoutUnits and page composition in my webapp. I have a fixed header with a menubar, and a content layoutunit, and that's all. It was easy to set up, but in IE (7) when I navigate to a new page the whole page reloads (visibly), the header is cleared then loaded, and - even more annoyingly - th...

JSF2: add ui:include to binding object's children

Hi, I have a UIComponent that is binded to a backing bean. I'd like to add a child to the component that corresponds to the ui:include tag, through my backing bean's init method. for example: <p:tab> <ui:include src="/page.xhtml" /> </p:tab> I want to create this in my backing bean like: <p:tab binding="${}" /> So ba...

submitting form with p:commandButton jsf

I have a question regarding submitting form content with p:commandbutton that tends to work in the ajax way. If I have a code like this: <f:verbatim rendered="#{myBean.constructor}"></f:verbatim > <h:form prependId="false"> .... ..... <p:commandButton value="#{msg.Add_Parameter_Set}" update="addPar...

JSF: How to refresh a page after download

I have a commandButton that will invoke a function to download a file (standard stuffs like InputStream, BufferedOutputStream ...) After download success, at the end of the function, I change some values of the current object and persist it into database. All of these work correctly. Now when file is done downloading, the content of the ...

Moveable Marker Position - Refresh Marker position (GMaps4JSF 1.1.3-u3)

I'm using GMaps4JSF 1.1.3-u3 in a JavaEE 6 Application with JSF 2.0, Facelets, Mojarra 2.0.2 and Primefaces 2.1 on a Glassfish v3 app server. On a xhtml page i want to show some Markers and a moveable Marker (the current selected "station"). Its longitude and latitude positions are stored in some variables with the help of the valueChang...

Primefaces Wizard and selectOneRadio

I have a problem with using primeface's wizard component and the core selectOneRadio. My signup page looks like this <ui:define name="content"> <f:view> <h:form id="signUpForm"> <p:wizard widgetVar="wiz" flowListener="#{SignUpBean.onFlowProcess}"> <p:tab id="pers...

JSF 2.0 - Primefaces chart color

I am using the primefaces charting component and I really want to change the color of the line in the linechart and columnchart. I have looked online and maybe I am just missing it but I cant seem to find the name of the javascript attribute that controls this color. so far my javascript styling looks like this <script type="text/javas...