
MVVM Design for Multi Document app?

I have an application which has a similar interface to Visual Studio, in that there's a list of documents that can be opened, edited an saved. Each document can be of different types and has different editors. I also have a general Save MenuItem. What I want to do is have the Save command only save the active document. Is there a stand...

Testing Composite WPF applications

How do I go about testing Composite WPF applications? I was looking at the Composite Application Library and the Stock Trader reference implementation for examples, but I don't understand how their tests are organized. I have several modules that are compiled to DLLs and referenced by my main shell. What do I need to do to test the ind...

Loading Animation Freezing when web service call returns

I have a Silverlight 2 application that has a "Loading Data..." message that contains an animation. When the web service returns the data and the data is loading in to an observable collection -- the animation freezes (this can be for for several seconds while the data is loading and give the impression that something moght be wrong.) T...

How to modules in Prism (CAL) communicate with each other?

I've got a WPF application which uses the MVVM pattern throughout, no code-behind, the ViewModels communicate with each other through the MainViewModel which gets injected into each of them. Eventually, this application needs to be incorporated into an application which uses Composite Application Library, Unity, etc. Looking through the...

User Interface Interaction with the MVVM

I did some googling and didn't find an answer to this puzzle. Provided you have the following: MySuperView MySuperViewModel MySuperView has two textboxes both bound to string properties on the ViewModel and your using a DelegateCommand to bind your 'Save' button to the ViewModel using syntax such as: ViewModel: this.SaveOrderComm...

Frame Region Adapter and RegionContext in Silverlight 3/PRISM

Hi I'm trying to use the new Silverlight 3 deep linking feature to try to drive a PRISM based application "from the outside", i.e, by using the browser url. The url would be used as a hint to know which PRISM module to load. So, I have a region hosted inside a SL3 Frame which is adapted by a custom region adapter I built. All the views...

Databinding a StackPanel using Prism

Hello, Using Prism, I have implemented a View, Model and Presenter much like the StockTraderRI project. My issue is that I am trying to databind a stackpanel to an ObservableCollection object but no strings are being displayed. Here’s my code: PresentationModel code: public InfoBarPresentationModel(IInfoBarView view, IEventAggreg...

How can I implement a commandable ColumnSeries in the WPF Toolkit's Chart Control

I need to be able to specify a command to run when the SelectionChanged event fires. I already know how to implement the ICommandSource interface; what I need to know is how I can just add a command to the column series to handle the SelectionChanged event. When I inherit from the ColumnBarBaseSeries<...> base class I have to override ...

WPF/Silverlight - Prism - Resources for beginners

Official Websites Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight patterns & practices: Composite WPF and Silverlight Articles Composite Web Apps With Prism Podcasts PRISM for Silverlight - Connected Show Videocasts SlickThought.Net - Jeff Brand dnrTV Brian Noyes on Prism Brian Noyes on Prism Events and Commands ...

Prism, Event published in shell not caught in module!

Hi, I have a wpf composite application with 3 or 4 modules that will always be loaded. In my shell I have a toolbar with buttons to active corresponding views from these modules. I injected an IEventAggregator into the shell presentor so that when a button is pressed I can publish an event that the corresponding module controller has sub...

Does Prism (CAL) provide any way to bind a command to for example a MouseClick event?

Hi girls and guys! I recently looked into Prism (aka the Composite Application Library for WPF) and really like the way I can structure my apps with it. However there is one downside that I just couldn't resolve. Is it possible to bind a command (from a ViewModel for instance) to an Event (for example: RightMouseButtonDown) via Prism?...

Silverlight And Prism - Lazy loading a dll outside a xap file?

In the modularity quick start ( there is enough details on delay loading a type from an assembly in a xap file. Is there any way an assembly can be delay loaded using Prism for Silverlight, if it is not embedded in the xap? ...

How does Prism compare with Caliburn?

Looking at the Prism and Caliburn frameworks as a WPF newbie, what are their relative strengths and weaknesses? ...

EventAggregator for Java ?

Is there an equivalent of Microsoft's Prism EventAggregator for Java? ...

TabControlRegionAdapter bindings in the tab header are broken under silverlight 3.0

This used to work fine under SL3 beta, but after I upgraded to SL3 RTM, the functionality stopped working. In order to reproduce, just open and compile the ViewInjectionComposition solution in Quick starts. the tab header that used to display "Current Projects", now is empty. has anyone else encountered the same problem? ...

How to publish an event in my module's constructor?

When I try to publish an event in my Customer Module, it doesn't work (the subscriber does not receive the object, displays nothing): public class CustomersRegister : IModule { private static IRegionManager regionManager; private static IRegion region; private static CustomersMainView view; private s...

What is the difference between these two ways of loading modules in Prism?

Can anyone explain the difference between this way of loading modules in Prism: protected override void InitializeModules() { IModule customerModule = Container.Resolve<CustomerModule.CustomerModule>(); IModule helloWorldModule = Container.Resolve<HelloWorldModule.HelloWorldModule>(); customerModule.Initialize(); helloW...

Silverlight MVVM Prism and OpenFileDialog

I am currently working on a SilverLight 3 Application. I am using MVVM Pattern and Prism. I have everything working except the following item. On one of my views I have to use an OpenFileDialog. I attempted to do this in the ViewModel only to find out the security model of SilverLight prohibits it because it is only allowed to be use...

Looking for Prism example of Modules loading themselves into a menu

Does anyone know of WPF code examples using Prism in which modules each register themselves as a menuitem in a menu within another module? (I've currently got an application which tries to do this with the EventAggregator, so one module listens for published events from other modules which need to have their title in the menu as a menu ...

Where are types registered in Prism?

In the Prism Commanding_Desktop QuickStart solution, in the OrderModule, it defines a variable to the following: this.container.Resolve<OrdersEditorPresentationModel>() but where is this being registered so that it can be "resolved" out of the container? I see below where OrdersRepository is being registered, but I find no where in th...