
WPF - Is this a fit? Composite WPF (Prism), multiple screens/controls & 3rd Party Controls (Docking, Ribbon)

Hi, I'm looking at using Composite WPF (Prism) for an application shell. I also like the WPF Syncfusion DockingManager and Ribbon Control - but the question is how do I get the Syncfusion controls to work with Composite WPF in a composite, multi-window application? The application I have in mind will have a shell application with a rib...

SIlverlight VSM State change to target items in ItemsControl

I have an ItemsControl with Items being added through databinding to an observable collection. Each item has a data template that defines its look. I am trying to figure out if it is possible to apply/trigger animations to/on each of the Items in the ItemsControl when the VisualStateManager puts the ItemsControl in a particular state. ...

Track down memory leak in WPF

Hi Context: We are building a framework for rapid delivery of WPF applications. This framework uses Autofac as an IoC container and also uses regions from Prism v1. We are scheduling tasks with Parallel extensions from Microsoft. We are facing the following problem: When we boot the application with empty views (so just a shell with re...

Prism (Silverlight)

either I'm missing something or the (patterns & practices Composite Application Guidance for WPF and Silverlight) doesn't come with any templates or "guidance packages" to generate code. could someone confirm if I didn't install it properly or it is totally different from SCSF and doesn't have any codegen in it? ...

how to pass the same viewmodel to a child view using unity?

Hi there, I have a business object, lets say customer, it has too many fields to show in one page, so I'm splitting it to different tab pages. the data is not in a way that I can split it into meaningful bits (like address, having state, street name and so on), so I decided to keep the same model and view model and have different views ...

Silverlight 3 Validation using Prism

Hi there, I'm developing a SL3 application with Prism. I need to have support for validation (both field level (on the setter of the bound property) and before save (form level)), including a validation summary, shown when the save button is pressed. But the samples I can find googling are either SL3 with a lot of code in code behind (...

Mozilla Prism: disable pop-up blocker

I'm developing an application using Mozilla Prism. Unfortunately, Prism has its pop-up blocker activated. I tried to disable it by inserting a line like user_pref("privacy.popups.policy", "1"); or user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", false); into the webapp.js, which resides in the directory of the Prism application. Ho...

AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE error when using DataForm control in Prism/silverlight 3

I'm using prism and SL3, as soon as I drop a DataForm Control in any modules, I get this error: AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE [Line: 6 Position: 31] at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) at HelloWorldModule.Views.HelloWorldView.InitializeComponent() at HelloWorldModule.Views.HelloWorldView..c...

WPF Prism V2 Using M-V-VM - Add a view at runtime to a region from the ViewModel

Hi All, Hopefully quite a simple one, having my first try at WPF with Prism V2 using M-V-VM and so far finding everything pretty awsome. My Shell is pretty simple, Ribbon Control at the Top, DataGrid of Help desk tickets on the left, and a TabControl on the right. When a user opens the selected ticket from the datagrid, I want the Tic...

Prism(2) Silverlight Reference data

I need to make sure certain essential data are loaded before a module is loaded and shown on screen. considering the async nature of data loading in silverlight, I was wondering if there is a pattern I should follow to load my data (like an event on the module or the bootstrap to hook into, or a method to override)... ...

Silverlight 3/Prism - Passing an enum value as a Command Parameter

I'm trying to use Prism and the MVVM pattern to develop an application. In my UI, I have a previous and next button defined. For use in a calling web services, I've defined an enum that will tell me the direction I need to traverse. So, in this instance, the buttons map directly to an enum value. The enum definition is very simple a...

prism silverlight instantiate a new view

I need to instantiate a new view on a command Imagine I have a "new employee" button in a module and when you press it, I want to create a new employee view, you press it 3 times and I want to have a tab with three elements in it and each tab page contains data for an employee, then you can save and/or close each tab page separately. ...

Prism2 Region Adapter for AvalonDock's DocumentPane and DockingPane?

Hi. Does anyone have sample code on how to create a Region Adapter for AvalonDock's DocumentPane and DockingPane? ...

prism switch between views in the same region

I have a region named "ActiveModule" and want to re-use it with different views, for example you press the search button and I show the search view in there, etc. etc. The only way I can ATM do that is to deactivate all the active views in that region and then activate the view I like, this is a bit dirty, is there a "viewManager" or so...

Prism CAG - WPF - New instance of Modules? Is it just cloning instances?

I am developing a WPF application using the CAG from Prism. What I want to achieve is create new instances of a module (ModuleA) and load them in a TabControl. I am able to instantiate the modules using the moduleInfo object and loading them through the Assembly and calling the CreateModule(type) method. I can actually see the differen...

WPF, Prism v2, Region in a modal dialog, add region in code behind

I have a composite WPF application. In one of my modules I want to make a wizard and have the steps show up in a region so I can switch between the steps easier. Originally I had this wizard showing up in a tab region and the nested region worked fine. Now I want to make it into a modal dialog box, but after I open it the inner region ne...

XULRunner: Prevent links to arbitrary domains

Hi, suppose, we have a Mozilla Prism like XULRunner app. There is a XUL window with a <browser/> element, where the browser shows a web page on a given domain (say, Now there are several links on If a user follows a local link (i.e., stays on she should be allowed to follow. If on the other hand ...

Silverlight 3 Beta, NavigationService in the ViewModel

Hi, im developing a silverlight 3 beta navigation application, so i've gone with a slight variation of the MVVM pattern :) (all-in-one viewmodel), using prism, and stuff. Question: How do i navigate to a different "NavigationPage" in the viewmodel Now to cut a long story short, the viewmodel is declared as a page resource. <navigation...

Organizing multiple Composite WPF applications to share a single Shell

How can I organize multiple Composite WPF applications so that they share a single Shell project but populate their module catalogs from different App.config files? I am writing a suite of applications using Composite Application Guidance for WPF. Each application's functionality is determined by the availability of different modules, w...

silverlight commands via prism, getting the event args for the event?

I've a data form in SL3 which uses Prisms Commands with Attached Behaviour for trapping events. (It fairly tightly follows this blog post: Basically, it's all hooked up and working fine, however in the viewmodel,...