
What is the best length of a coding session before taking a break?

In your experience, what is the best length of a single coding session before taking a break? For example, are you the most productive if you code for 2-3 hours, take a break, and return to it, or when you keep going for 5-6 hours or longer without a break? ...

What is the tersest/densest commonly-used programming language currently available?

I refer you to the following video, which describes how to implement Conway's Game of Life in APL, using a few dozen keystrokes: This video was featured prominently in the Return of Uncle Bob Martin podcast, in which Scott Hanselman complains that "his hands hurt" from programming in languages...

Is there a way to get emacs's anything to do "fuzzy" searches?

I'm not sure if fuzzy is the correct way to phrase this, so allow me to explain what I want to do. Often times, I'm looking for files that I know are within a particular directory in my local SVN working copy, and I have an idea what directory they're in, but don't want to think of the precise path or there may be several copies of it i...

Programming with OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder)

From wikipedia: The primary symptoms of OCPD are a preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organization, and schedules; being very rigid and inflexible in their beliefs; showing perfectionism that interferes with completing a task; excessive focus on being productive with their time; being very conscientious; having inflexib...

White noise sources for concentration while programming

All - For the next few months, I'll be in an environment where my teammates will be an arms length from me. In this environment, when I need to concentrate, I need to put on headphones. But I don't really concentrate well with music, particularly anything with rhythm. Listening to the stackoverflow podcast this week made me think ...

How do you use Jython for your Java development?

So you aren't allowed to use Jython for the production code you develop at work. You can, instead, use it to help you on your daily tasks and activities writing that Java code. The question is: How do you use Jython and how did that help your development and/or productivity? ...

Refactoring tool for Spring.NET

Hi all, Currently I get to edit a lot of Spring.NET XML files, and I do find this work to quite repetitive and, frankly boring. Most of the stuff I do is sort of 'refactoring' - generalising XML declaration for instances and "inheriting" from those generalised structures to declare more specific ones. As I said, it's a no-brainier typ...

What data exists to show that refactoring is useful?

I'm giving a presentation on refactoring Python. I'd like to put in a couple of slides giving statistics to show that refactoring is a good thing. I've been searching the ACM digital library, but it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Does anyone know of any statistics on the subject of refactoring in regards to productiv...

How do I sell my boss on productivity software?

Hello, I am Software Engineer that is currently using .NET to develop applications. At my work, we have Visual Studio, but no productivity tools. I've used CodeSmith in past and have found that it made me significantly more productive. My boss, is very, for lack of a better word, cheap. I was hoping that some of you guys would have s...

Visual Studio Magic Keywords in Comments

Hi, I know visual studio has some magic keywords you can use in comments, which will make them marked in the Task List: TODO HACK UNDONE Do you know of any other built-in keywords, that may mark the code as a task? Or any other special keywords that will mark the code as bug-fix, warning, error, etc. Thanks. ...

How can I tackle 'profoundly found elsewhere' syndrome (inverse of NIH)?

How can I encourage colleagues to embrace small-scale innovation within our team(s), in order to get things done quicker and to encourage skills development? (the term 'profoundly found elsewhere' comes from Wikipedia, although it is scarcely used anywhere else apart from a reference to Proctor & Gamble) I've worked in both environment...

Snippets for productivity - collect good code

Hi folks! I was wondering whether there're recommendable sites, that host collections of good and useful code-snippets. Searching stackoverflow, to be honest, sometimes is priceless. - But if you know sites like commandlinefu (just for Shell stuff), you may also want something like that for Ruby, Java, Python or C#. There're some sma...

ReSharper Keyboard Map

Hi guys: I have been using ReSharper from before Visual Studio added Refactor. Then, it was inevitable to use ReSharper. Now that Visual Studio includes a few Refactor functions, I get to do projects where the client can do without paying for the ReSharper licence. My problem is that I am so used to the ReSharper keymap that switching...

Bird songs for distraction free programming

Like most everybody, I hate distractions when I'm trying to concentrate. I don't always have the luxury to work in solitude. The popular solution is to listen to music on your earphones to drown out the distractions. However, this does not work for me. The music is either too emotional, reminding me of something and thus distracting, or...

How would you make this into a VIM macro?

So one of the common tasks that I do as a programmer is debugging a live system. And one of the ways that I debug a live system is to capture a verbose log from the console. Typically the log file has around 20 extra lines for every one line I am interested. To minimize my macro script I went about creating a macro that will grab ONLY ...

Eclipse C++: How do you quickly switch between header and implementation files?

How do you switch between header (.h) and implementation files (.cpp) in Eclipse when using the C++/CDT environment with a keyboard shortcut? In XCode you can quickly switch between headers and implementation with applekey option and up/down arrow keys. I was hoping that eclipse had something similar, but I haven't found it yet. ...

VIM like tools and softwares Collection

Hi All: I've used VI(M) for over 2 years, and I really love its easy navigation and keyboard orientation. So except VI(VIM, gvim), I try to find more VIM-like tools(softwares) to benefit more. And I've got the following findings: apvlv: for pdf reading(really impressive) VIM like chrome browser plugin (and firefox has a similar vimper...

Visual Studio keyword highlighting in comments

Is there any way to highlight certain keywords like TODO in comments? I used to this feature in vim but can't find a way to do the same job in Visual Studio 2008. ...

Software to increase productivity

Is there any list of software that you recommend that increases a developer's productivity? Not necessarily programming software but organizers, planners, etc. For eg. I just found this fences software to group desktop icons. ...

Looking for Inspiration: How can jQuery be truly useful?

After I read jQuery in Action, I could grok the purpose and strengths of the jQuery Core API. To date, I've used jQuery in several production applications. But now I'd like to graduate from a jQuery novice to a jQuery professional. Do any blogs or books detail how jQuery can be truly useful in production applications? Essentia...