
How come netbeans java profiler crashes with a heap overflow error at ~64mb?

I am trying to profile the memory usage of a program, but I keep getting a stack overflow error. The netbeans memory settings I am using are as follows: -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=200m The project memory settings I am using are as follows: -Xms256m -Xmx512m Here is screen shot. I am not sure where 6...

Using NetBeans profiler with Guice classes

How can I use the profiler from NetBeans 6.8 or 6.9 (choosing 'entire application') with guice enhanced classes? I am using google guice 2.0 (with warp persist 2.0-20090214) for some classes and wanted to profile those classes. But I cannot see a result for those classes. The only result I can see is for one method 'EnhancedClass.access...

SQL Server 2008 - Capturing all SQL Statements Hitting the Server

Can anyone suggest options we might have in capturing all SQL statements being sent to our SQL Server, outside of running Profiler? I'm aware of a couple ways of doing it, but want to make sure I'm not overlooking something, such as an existing DM view etc. Thanks very much. ...

How can I use NYTProf in a library

I'm wondering if Devel::NYTProf can be used as a library in another library. I'd like to do something like the following around 'somesub' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; start-timing; $self->$orig(@_); end-timing; print '$time'; } but from it's documentation I'm unable to determine if it can be use...

Tutorials for Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Profiler?

Hi! From what I've seen on this site, most of the people believe that first step when optimizing a program is to profile it so I decided to learn how to do that in VS2010. So are there any tutorials on Internet or books which explain what is what in profiler? ...

Is there a visual profiler for Python?

I use cProfile now but I find it tedious to write pstats code just to query the statistics data. I'm looking for a visual tool that shows me what my Python code is doing in terms of CPU time and memory allocation. Some examples from the Java world are visualvm and JProfiler. Does something like this exist? Is there an IDE that does t...

Profiler for a Grails Application

Are there any tools that can identify the total memory usage, cpu, and other information on resources of a specific grails web application deployed in a Tomcat server? Also, if my grails app is using Quartz plugin, can anyone tell me how to profile a specific job instance? Thanks! ...

Is there any profiler like visual studio profiler that works under Virtual Machine?

Hello, We are using ec2 lab to work on our product. The product currently I am working is written in LISP, Java, C/C++. It has a lot of components. My task is to profile it find performance bottleneck. I can load the C/C++ components in vs2008ts to compile it. As its a team system version, I can analyze it too. But the problem is visual...

Need Java profiler tool

Hi, I have to do profiling of the Java application. I would appreciate if anyone let me know the free Java pr-filer. I heard about YourKit but don't know much about performance of it. Alos like the information on Java code optimization. Thanks in advance. Thanks ...

Difference between simple Python function call and wrapping it in

I have a rather simple Python script that contains a function call like f(var, other_var) i.e. a function that gets several parameters. All those parameters can be accessed within f and have values. When I instead call'f(var, other_var)') it fails with the error message: NameError: "name 'var' is not defined" Python ...

Debugging Stack Level too deep in Ruby

I have ruby program that is running into a stack level too deep (SystemStackError) error, ending on datamapper: from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-1.0.0/lib/dm-core/collection.rb:510:in `each' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/dm-core-1.0.0/lib/dm-core/query/conditions/comparison.rb:616:in `map' from /usr/local/lib/ruby...

Can't figure out how to invoke cProfile inside of a program

Hey guys, Sorry for the beginner question, but I can't figure out cProfile (I'm really new to Python) I can run it via my terminal with: python -m cProfile But I need to run it on a webserver, so I'd like to put the command within the script it will look at. How would I do this? I've seen stuff using terms like __init__ ...

Why can't the profiler attach?

I wrote a small profiler for .NET applications. It uses the ICorProfilerCallback2 interface. The profiler attaches and works well for .NET 2.0 application but doesn't work for .NET >2.0 (3.0, 3.5, 4.0). When I start an exe compiled with .NET 4.0 nothing happens, however for .NET 2.0 the profiler starts. I'm setting the following variabl...

How to profile an ASP.NET web service on a remote server by EQATEC profiler?

I am thinking the modified dlls will create a log file some where in the remote system so I can open it later after load test but all I found was a log file in $(SystemRoot)\Temp\EQATECProfilerLogs saying nothing other than app started. Do I need to install EQATEC profiler on the remote server? Thanks ...

Memory profiler for silverlight

Do you have any suggestion/idea of Memory profiler for Silverlight? ...

Profiling Python generators

I'm adapting an application that makes heavy use of generators to produce its results to provide a web interface. So far, I could wrap the call to the for-loop and the output-producing statements in a function and call that using or runctx(). Conceptually: def output(): for value in generator(): print(...

Best and safest Java Profiler for production use?

I'm looking for a Java Profiler for use in a very high demand production environment, either commercial or free, that meets all of the following requirements: Lightweight integration with code (no recompile with special options, no code hooks, etc). Dropping some profiler specific .jars alongside the application code is ok. Should be ...

c++ free Profiler

i need a free profiler that works in win7 and compabitly with vs2010 thanks ...

Background application profiler / real work benchmark

I've been thinking of creating an application that sits and waits for process start, and after that times how long it takes before an event such as window activation happens. I'm interested in measuring real time performance of applications. Over time, as more and more software is loaded onto a machine, the machine becomes progressiv...

high-performance java profiler

I see that there are a bunch of "java profiler recommendation" questions that are already answered here. My case is slightly specific, though. I need to profile a production system that has thousands of live users on it. So I need a lightweight profiler that isn't going to slow the system down to a grinding halt. I'm running on Tomca...