
Android: Track number of objects created

I'm porting a game to Android (there's a lot of code and very little of it is mine), and DalvikVM is telling me (through LogCat) all about the garbage collection. At some point in the code, I get a stream of "GC freed x objects / x ms" messages, basically informing me that ~150,000 objects have just been deleted and it's taking a full se...

Profiling u-Boot/Kernel boot sequence

I am profiling the booting process of power PC board, what is the simplest way to profile the booting sequence ? My first idea is to modify the u-boot/kernel code add printf/printk (using realtime device as reference) and print them on the console. However just printing them on the console may affect the time. Any thoughts? Regards, ...

How to find slowest queries

Using Sql Server 2005 Profiler, what events, columns, and filters do you trace to find your slowest queries and stored procedures? Slow = greater than N seconds, 10 for sake of argument. ...

What's the best way to record the type of every variable assignment in a Python program?

Python is so dynamic that it's not always clear what's going on in a large program, and looking at a tiny bit of source code does not always help. To make matters worse, editors tend to have poor support for navigating to the definitions of tokens or import statements in a Python file. One way to compensate might be to write a special ...

Which compilation option should be set for profiling?

Hi, I need to profile an application compiled with intel's compiler via VC++. I'm using VTune to profile my code. My understanding is that in release mode I won't have the debug information that is necessary for the profiler to profile my code while in debug mode, the result of the profiling will not be pertinent. What should I do ? I...

detecting gdi / user handler leaks in winforms

Hello again, I did nice winforms 2.0 application and it's working great and customers are still happy but unfortunatelly I cannot solve one issue. The problem is that after using app for a couple of hours, gdi user handles number is rising and rising and finally process cannot allocate more objects and app crashes... I'm not doing anyt...

Measuring Javascript performance in IE

Hi everyone, I have a webpage that heavily uses Javascript (AJAX requests, Google Maps API, HTML building, etc) and the page brings my PC to its knees whenever opened in Internet Explorer. I'm looking for some tools to help me find out which functions are taking the most time to finish. I have some basic profiling javascript functions, ...

Why is this piece of Javascript code so slow?

I have this piece of Javascript code, which takes about 600 ms on every call in Internet Explorer. The time taken in other browsers is negligble. var _nvs_currentTab; var _nvs_zoomfield; var _nvs_centerfield; var _nvs_globsearch; var _nvs_category; var _nvs_favsonly; var _nvs_wishonly; var _nvs_friendfavsonly; var _nvs_newitemsonly; var...

Why don't cycle summaries have any callers in gprof's call-graph output?

I use GNU gprof to do profiling of my C++ program, which has large call cycles. I expected to see something like below in the call graph output as gprof's documentation indicates: index % time self children called name ---------------------------------------- 1.77 0 1/1 main [2] [...

Profiling in Python: Who called the function?

I'm profiling in Python using cProfile. I found a function that takes a lot of CPU time. How do I find out which function is calling this heavy function the most? EDIT: I'll settle for a workaround: Can I write a Python line inside that heavy function that will print the name of the function that called it? ...

Graphics Profiling

Ive got an application which drops to around 10fps. I profiled it with xperf which showed my app was using just 20% of the CPU, with none of my methods using a larger than expected amount of that 20%. This seems to indicate that the vast drop in fps is because the graphics card isnt able to keep up with rendering the frame, resulting in...

What is the best way to profile javascript execution?

Is there a good profiler for javascript? I know that firebug has some support for profiling code. But I want to determine stats on a longer scale. Imagine you are building a lot of javascript code and you want to determine what are actually the bottlenecks in the code. At first I want to see profile stats of every javascript function an...

Can clang be told not to analyze certain files?

I'm trying to use clang to profile a project I'm working on. The project includes a rather large static library that is included in Xcode as a dependency. I would really like clang to not analyze the dependencies' files, as it seems to make clang fail. Is this possible? I've been reading the clang documentation, and I haven't found it. ...

Tracking actively used memory in Linux programs

I'd like to track how much memory various programs touch while in specific states. For instance, say I have a graphical program. It might use substantially less memory when it's minimized, since it won't redraw the window, which requires reading images and fonts and executing a large number of library functions. These objects are still a...

Windows Callgrind results browser, alternative to KCacheGrind

Is there any tool, other than KCacheGrind, being able to view callgrind results? Preferably for Windows platform? ...

What sample based profiling tool for FreeBSD?

I want to find profiler like vtune or oprofile on FreeBSD. Do you know any similar? ...

Dollar sign in visualvm

I am trying to profile an application and I have a lot of instances of type sim.core.EndPoint$2 When I inspect those instances I verify they are not of type sim.core.EndPoint, they seem to be an EndPoint with a few more things that shouldn't be there. What does a dollar sign mean after the name of a type in visualVM? Thank you. ...

Making sense of some dprof output

Here is some dprofpp -I output, for almost the same program on different input sizes (program uses File:Tie to read input file and does some filtering of lines. The question is why is the elapsed time always double for this program? I am asking this because fixing this would make my program faster by 2x without any more magic - is it,...

PHP memory profiling

What's a good way to profile a PHP page's memory usage? For example, to see how much memory my data is using, and/or which function calls are allocating the most memory. xdebug doesn't seem to provide memory information in its profiling feature. xdebug does provide it in its tracing feature. This is pretty close to what I want, except ...

Showing call tree in kcachegrind

How can I use kcachegrind to get a non-graphical tree of all my function calls, in the order they were called? There are two typical ways to look at profiling data: sorted by the most expensive entries sorted in order of execution I'm looking for the latter. I can sort of get it with the "Call Graph" tab, but this omits some data, a...