
.net memory profiler that can profile remote machines

I own the Ants Profiler 4 which is great for performance / memory profiling. Unfortunately it only works on the local machine and I cannot attach to a running process. But I have a memory leak that only seems to occure on our production server. A windows console app written in runs fine with constant memory usage for several day...

profile eclipse in order to diagnose performance degradation after working with xml schema files?

I'm using Eclipse 3.5.2 with all the relevant updates on OS X Leopard. Lately I've noticed that whenever I work with XML schema files, the whole IDE bogs down. This persists even after I've closed all the XSDs I had open. When I say "the whole IDE" I mean even simple tasks like changing the focus from one open Java file to a different...

iPhone app load times for large applications

I'm trying to find ways to reduce load times for a large application. Here is some background: The app uses a lot of the iphone frameworks (openGL,mapping,location,quartz,audio) as well a few libraries from other sources (JSON, ARKit, Flurry, Facebook connect) The code + nib size is around 3.5MB with about 150 source files. The app compr...

tool to graph method calls over time

I'm looking for a tool that can graph method calls over time for a java app. Perhaps a profiler or other log parsing tool? I know I can write something in python and I'll work towards doing this. I was just hoping not to reinvent the wheel. edit: What I ended up doing was writing some python to parse my logs and take snapshots at 5...

Query count in .net

I'd like to do something similar to - namely count the number of SQL queries executed in a particular request, and time them. The difference is, I don't have a standard method that all SQL queries are routed through - I need a method for intercepting all ca...

"Spike" profiler?

I'm writing a game, and while it's performance is good most of the time, it sometimes slows to a crawl. Normal profilers haven't been a help in this, as they record the whole time my game is running, and the important info in the laggy portions get diluted over all of the smooth sections. Are there any tools or libraries that can help me...

Change the name of gmon.out file when compiling with -pg

Good morning Is it possible to change the default name of the file gmon.out, which is created when the profile flag (-pg) is set when compiling with gcc, to, for example, [executable name].gmon.out? I need this because I have more than one executables, which are located in the same directory, and have to run parallel. thanks in advan...

Finding bottlenecks in application

Hello, I have an .Net app and it runs fast through about 2000 records that starts to go really slow. I'm trying to find the bottleneck and I was wondering if there is a good, possibly free but it doesn't have to be, tool or a way to find the bottleneck. I'm trying to find a list that isn't cleared out but I don't see it yet. I have VS ...

(vim profiling) VIM 256 colors mode, laggy php files

Hi, I'm using 256-colors theme in vim (set t_Co=256) and all php files opens about 8 seconds. It's my local dual-core machine It doesn't depend on color scheme I used (zenburn, wombat, wombat256) HTML, Python, JS or every else files opens momentary It takes about 8 sec even to create new php files (:o newfile.php) I've setting up my te...

How to measure I/O time for a java application running on ubuntu?

I would like to gather amount of time my application is waiting for I/O. I am running this java application on ubuntu/linux. I am using yourkit profiler. Suggest if there any other profiling tool for measuring I/O time. ...

Profiling Python generators

I'm adapting an application that makes heavy use of generators to produce its results to provide a web interface. So far, I could wrap the call to the for-loop and the output-producing statements in a function and call that using or runctx(). Conceptually: def output(): for value in generator(): print(...

How to find cpu hogs in a (monorails) web application

My web application is pretty ok in terms of speed, when I develop it, but as soon as I have higher load, cpu usage goes up to 100%, the ventilators spin up considerably and it is impossible to deploy. It seems anything more than 30 or so concurrent requests will kill the server. Of course I could add caching and some problems would go a...

javascript debugging in HTML file

How can I put break points in an HTML page in javascript functions to see values of variables as lines get executed. What is the easiest way of doing so? thanks ...

Best and safest Java Profiler for production use?

I'm looking for a Java Profiler for use in a very high demand production environment, either commercial or free, that meets all of the following requirements: Lightweight integration with code (no recompile with special options, no code hooks, etc). Dropping some profiler specific .jars alongside the application code is ok. Should be ...

Background application profiler / real work benchmark

I've been thinking of creating an application that sits and waits for process start, and after that times how long it takes before an event such as window activation happens. I'm interested in measuring real time performance of applications. Over time, as more and more software is loaded onto a machine, the machine becomes progressiv...

possible ways of profiling an website in a production server?

I have an website up and running in my production server. I want to get the possible ways of profiling an website in a production server because my application is really slow? As i say slow i don't mean the delivery of static content but the database operations and my c# code? So any suggestion? ...

Performance profiling of Windows Apps. Better alternatives for Visual Studio Profiler?

I am impressed with Visual Studio Profiler for performance analysis. Fast for my purposes and easy to use. I am just curious to know about the caveats in visual studio profiler. Are there any better profilers for windows applications which fare better for these caveats? ...

Is there any technique for profile testing application in isolation?

I am a dummy in profiling, please tell me what you people do to profile your application. Which one is the better, Profiling the whole application or make an isolation? If the choice is make an isolation how you do that? ...

What encoding is used for Adobe Flex profiling information?

I've been using the Flex memory profiler on a reasonably large application, and the Loitering objects and Object References panes are quite slow. The speed isn't helped by all the circular references being displayed -- I'd really like to be able to restrict the visible references to those which aren't circular. Is the format of the fil...

Slow profiling with Eclipse TPTP

Hi all, I've developing an application in Eclipse 3.6 and am trying to get some simple execution profiling statistics with TPTP (basically just the execution time analysis). However, the profiling is running so slowing that it's barely possible to get a successful run, Eclipse sometimes crashes with OutOfMemoryErrors and I highly doubt...