
Do all profilers significantly slow execution?

The profilers I have experience with (mainly the Digital Mars D profiler that comes w/ the compiler) seem to massively slow down the execution of the program being profiled. This has a major effect on my willingness to use a profiler, as it makes profiling a "real" run of a lot of my programs, as opposed to testing on a very small input...

How to go from String to Data.ByteString.Lazy in an existing Haskell code ?

Hi, I have a Haskell code which use a lot of String, while profilling it, it appear that the code use a lot of memory to store Lists []. One solution to this problem is to use Data.ByteString.Lazy instead of String, but what I have to care about while doing this ?, which part of the code have to be look carefully : fold, map, ... ? ...

Tools for analyzing cachegrind files in aggregate?

Are there any tools that can analyze a folder full of xdebug dumps in aggregate? When we enabled Xdebug profiling on our production server for short periods of time, we always end up with hundreds of files, that takes a lot of time to analyze individually in WinCacheGrind or KCacheGrind. I am looking for a tool that can be used in aggre...

Sample rate of UI Touch Events.

Hi, I'd like to know how fast iOS delivers touch events (touch phase move) to an application? Are we looking at 10 updates a second, 25 updates a second? Has anybody timed it (touch begin, start timer, user drags finger, count events, after five seconds count the events and produce an average?) Thanks ...

Use Ruby profile to track down slow execution in RSpec

I have a bunch of rspec tests that are taking entirely too long to run. I am trying to figure out where the bottleneck is and the logical place to start is using the standard libraries profile library. Execution is happening with JRuby 1.5.2 in this particular case. Here is the output after embedding the profile library in my spec: % ...

What about CodePro Profiler ?

I just read that is now part of Google and that several tool will be accessible for free => It's really nice. But what about the CodePro profiler tool ? The only link on the subject I found is the following one: and it's ...

Is there a profiler for Active Directory queries?

Hi, I have an application which uses Active Directory intensively. I want to know if there is a way to know exactly what queries are sent and how much time they take on server side. I can always do some sort of very basic profiler by measuring the time elapsed during the queries through Stopwatch, but it don't help neither to see the q...

Interpreting results of profiled php code

I finally got xdebug set up and running and I'm using webgrind to understand the data. Can someone explain how to understand the data? There's just a bunch of terms that I'm not sure of, like: Invocation Count, Total Self Cost, Total Inclusive Cost. I also don't understand what changing the "show percentage" does. (It defaults to 90%). ...

Remote start Java CPU Profiler like VisualVM but automated

Is there a way to remote start a CPU profiler (and specify package exclusions) like you can with the VisualVM tool (through I assume JMX). We want to be able to automatically start a server run a stress test with a specific CPU profiler configuration enabled, and then export the results. Also is there any library that would allow you t...

Any references on Dynamic Code Analysis?

Yesterday I was reading about debugging techniques and found Valgrind to be really interesting. It seems to use techniques from dynamic code analysis. And I followed a link from the original reference to something else called Path Profiling. I tried Googling but I guess I am using the wrong terms to search for a good reference on these ...

How to profile the time of calling initializer functions when dyld loads an image?

I am now trying to optimize the launch time of an application, and currently want to reduce the time spent by the OS image loader. From dyld(1), I found two environment variables: DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS and DYLD_PRINT_INITIALIZERS. DYLD_PRINT_STATISTICS causes dyld to print statistics about how dyld spent its time. This is its output wh...

Making PHP performance profiling predictable

I'm using xdebug with PHP to do some performance profiling. But when I run the same script more than once, I often get very different times. So it's hard to know how much faith to put in the results. Obviously there's a lot happening on a machine that can affect PHP's performance. But is there anything I can do to reduce the number of v...

Python cProfile: how to filter out specific calls from the profiling data?

I've started profiling a script which has many sleep(n) statements. All in all, I get over 99% of the run time spent sleeping. Nevertheless, it occasionally runs into performance problems during the time that it does real work but the relevant, interesting profiling data becomes very difficult to identify when e.g. using kcachegrind. Is...

Average execution time

Hi, is there any nice GNU way how to measure average (worst case, best case) execution time of some command line program? I have image filter, unspecified amount of pictures, filtering them using for-loop in bash. So far I am using time, but I can't find a way how to get some statistics. ...

How to filter out untouched code in C++

Hi, For dissecting/understanding huge template-heavy code base it would really useful to have a tool that tells me what class/code have made it to the final binary. For example if there are two class A and B in the code but I only end up instantiating only A then I would somehow like to know filter out B. Are there any tools to achieve...

Alternative to -pg with Clang?

I wish to profile CPU (sample if possible), with as small a performance impact as possible (hence similar to GCC's -pg), binaries compiled with Clang. Is there an alternative that uses instrumentation of the code, or produces output similar to gprof? ...

Python multiprocessing is calling aquire?

I have a numpy.array of 640x480 images, each of which is 630 images long. The total array is thus 630x480x640. I want to generate an average image, as well as compute the standard deviation for each pixel across all 630 images. This is easily accomplished by avg_image = numpy.mean(img_array, axis=0) std_image = numpy.std(img_array, axi...

Any tool that says how long each method takes to run?

some parts of my program are way slow. and I was wondering if there is tool that i can use and for example it can tell me ok running methodA() took 100ms , etc ...or so useful info similar to that. ...

Is there a high-level profiling module for Python?

I want to profile my Python code. I am well-aware of cProfile, and I use it, but it's too low-level. (For example, there isn't even a straightforward way to catch the return value from the function you're profiling.) One of the things I would like to do: I want to take a function in my program and set it to be profiled on the fly while ...

membership profile properties

Hello, I have a bunch of site's that use the .net membership profile. Some of the sites have 1000+ users with profiles. Is it safe to add new profile elements? Like if I want to add: twitter account as a profile element. Will this have any conflicts with existing profiles? from m...