
Testing performance of C++ code

What free tools could I use to test the performance of C++ code in Linux? Basically I want to identify the bottleneck of the code and improve on the performance. My application mainly involves computational code using the data from the network. So I would like to improve the speed of execution of the code. Thanks. ...

Is there a Go profiler?

I played around with Go a bit shortly after it came out. There wasn't a profiler then; is there one now? ...

How can I profile my Android app?

I need to find where the bottlenecks are in my Android app. What profiling tools or techniques can I use? ...

turn on mysql profiler globally

I want to profile all mysql sessions using mysql profiler, how can I turn on profiling globally? thanks! ...

Obtaining global roots from .NET programs

I recently started using the ANTS profiling tools for production work. Aside from being amazed by their awesomeness, I couldn't help but wonder how they work. For example, one of the most useful features lets you visualize the global roots of a running program complete with the number of references to values of different types. How does...

What is this cProfile result telling me I need to fix?

I would like to improve the performance of a Python script and have been using cProfile to generate a performance report: python -m cProfile -o ./ ...args... I opened this file with Python's pstats and printed out the statistics: Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Oct 5 2010, 00:24:22) [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4...

combination of coverage and profiler?

I really like the python coverage module: and the HTML pages it generates. Is there a combination of this and profiling so that one could see a unified HTML report of coverage+profiling. Thanks in advance. ...

Graphing Profiler for Java?

I'm looking for a profiler for the JVM similar to Python's "run snake run". The feature I'm missing the most is the "square map" visualization showing which methods are taking the most time to run. Any suggestions? ...

VSTS Profiler used to profile a VSTO Word Addin?

I've got a VSTO 3.0 Word addin that I'd like to profile using VSTS Profiler. When I try to run an instrumenting run with the profiler, though, I get a warning that it can't be instrumented because the Addin DLL is signed, which, from what I know about VSTO, they have to be signed. Is there any way to "turn off" the signature verificati...

Java Regex performance

Hello Everybody. I'm trying to parse links with Regex with Java. But, i think its getting to slow. For example. To extract all links from:;tab=wn is spending 34642 milliseconds (34 seconds!!!) Here is the regexp: private final String regexp = "<a.*?\\shref\\s*=\\s*([\\\"\\']*)(.*?)([\\\...

WS2010 profiler windows form client issue

Hi, My solution has a windows client and a WCF service. For profiling I want to start the WCF service as it is started when I run the solution starting the windows client. The profiler let me choose the project to start, I choose my windows client ... but it does not start also the WCF service. Do I miss something? ... or I just n...

Profiling line-by-line in C++

Hey, I have a C++ program I am trying to optimize. Since I want it to run fast, I am not using a lot of function calls. Most profiling tool I have seen can give you profiling info in a function-call resolution. However, I would like it in a line-by-line resolution. Is there some option like this? I am using Visual Studio 2010 on Windo...

LINQ sp_executesql stmt truncated in SQL Profiler 2005 against SQL 2000 server

Background : We are using VS2008, ASP.NET .NET 3.5 and Entity Framework, with a SQL 2000 database. I am using SQL Profiler 2005 to capture LINQ sp_executesql statements on a SQL 2000 server. Problem : In SQL Profiler the sp_executesql @stmt parameter is being randomly truncated; the @stmt SQL is normally rather large as I'm querying acr...

How can I profile python code line-by-line?

I've been using cProfile to profile my code, and it's been working great. I also use to visualize the results (makes it a little clearer). However, cProfile (and most other python profilers I've seen so far) seem to only profile at the function-call level. This causes confusion when certain functions are called from diffe...

Size of statically allocated shared memory per block question with Compute Prof (Cuda/OpenCL)

In Nvidia's compute prof there is a column called "static private mem per work group" and the tooltip of it says "Size of statically allocated shared memory per block". My application shows that I am getting 64 (bytes I assume) per block. Does that mean I am using somewhere between 1-64 of those bytes or is the profiler just telling me t...

How to get started with WCF Performance profiling

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to profile a WCF service so I can identify any bottlenecks. I have found a bit of information on line, but nothing that assumes no prior knowlege which is where I'm at. What are recomended FREE tools? - visual studio tools - clrprofiler Here is information I found using vsperfcmd.exe to profile w...

profilng for Data.HashMap

Hi, I'm using ghc 6.12.2 and the latest Data.HashMap 1.1.0 package, and while compiling with options +RTS -prof -auto-all it does not work, and the message said that I didn't install the profiling package How to install it ? Thanks to reply ...

How long should a page take to render after it has been received?

Possible Duplicate: What do most users consider acceptable load times on a website? How long should a page take to render after it has been received? I'm talking about initialization javascript and css. I know this should be considered with what an acceptable overall load time should be. And, I would like to see numbers on th...

WCF Service inaccessable when attaching VS 2010 profiler

I'm receiving the following error after I attach the visual studio 2010 profiler to my wcf service. The requested service, 'net.tcp://host:port/path/myservice.svc' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information. The service works great otherwise, and as soon as I stop profiling, I can c...

Memory usage and time for execution for another process using C#?

I need the memory usage and processing time for an application loaded through another application. I am using C#. Currently I am using Process.WorkingSet to get memory usage similarly Process.TotalProcessTime to get time for execution, but it doesn't give any value. So have you make any suggestions? ...