
Programmer's Notepad not Capturing Make Output?

I've been using Programmer's notepad for a while now, I find it to be an amazingly simple tool and I prefer to use it on projects where I know I don't need most of the standard IDE overhead. However, I've recently run into this problem when running the program on Windows Vista. I find that when running the built in "make" command, the o...

Haml and Sass for Programmer's Notepad??

Does anyone know where I can find some cool syntax highlighting for Haml and/or Sass for the Programmer's Notepad? Thanks! ...

Right-clicking causes a text selection in Notepad++ to disappear if the cursor not within the selection.

Many editors -- even Scintilla-based ones(e.g. Programmer's notepad) -- allow programmers to copy/cut a text selection by right-clicking the edited document and selecting appropriate lines (copy/cut/...)on a pop-up menu while the mouse cursor NOT within the selection -- it's very convenient. Left-clicking then anywhere in the document re...