
show progress bar when uploadingan image to my server

Hi, my app upload an image to my server. i want to show this event by a progress bar. (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didSendBodyData:(NSInteger)bytesWritten totalBytesWritten:(NSInteger)totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite:(NSInteger)totalBytesExpectedToWrite (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didRece...

Background Worker Updates a ProgressBar partially or not all Then Bombs Out !!!

Hi guys, A while ago I asked for some help about setting up a progress bar to show to the user how much progress has been made on the given set of files and folders. See here: First Attempt At Background worker. As a result I managed to get it to work but on some occasions it partially fills up and sometimes not at all. Exiting with ...

looking for ideas on how to calculate project progress percentage

Hi - I'm building a basic app to track progress of projects through db. When the project is first created, it saves the created_at timestamp (yes, it's rails), and the user can then update the following fields: status (choose from 'in progress', 'frozen', 'done' or 'scratched') priority ('none', 'minor', 'major') days (the estimate, in...

Vertical progress bar in swing?

I need a veritical progress bar in swing to display a temperature in one case and a voltage in another. How can I accomplish this? Can I set the progress bar to a vertical mode? Can I use the slider control in a read only mode in which it id not adjustable? I was thinking I could simply set the slider to the actual value when the user...

custom progress bar in net compact framework

Hi all, I want to have my own progress bar in .net compact framework, instead of default wait cursor. I have tried with a form, having only a progress bar, and showing and hiding the form when I want to show some background activity running, but that does not update the progress bar. I have found out that it needs to be on different thr...

Can I use jQuery UI Progress Bar to indicate the progress of downloading a file?

I have a web page that has several files available for download. These files vary in size from 1MB to 40MB. To help the user see that something is actually happening during the file download process, I would like to include a progress bar that gives a visual indication of the download progress. Would the jQuery UI Progress Bar work for ...

Problem displaying the Message box in MFC

I have a simple MFC program which displays the progressbar..I used the below code to display the progress bar.. HWND dialogHandle = CreateWindowEx(0,WC_DIALOG,L"Proccessing...",WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VISIBLE, 600,300,280,120,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); HWND progressBarHandle = CreateWindowEx(NULL,PROGRESS_CLASS,NULL,WS_CH...

Progress bar while applet loads

OK so, let's say I have a Java applet that takes a while to load (~5 secs). It's getting the mysql-connector.jar and it's loading. Well.. instead of the gray box with the coffee logo... can I make it have a simple progress bar with the percent? Thanks. ...

Flex saving progress bar

Hi, I am developing a static flex application which does not have a database connection, all the values are hardcoded(its just a prototype for the original app). Now when i click the save button, i need to get a message like saving in progress... please wait, I need to display this message for 3 seconds. Please let me know how could t...

Update multiple progress bar with gtk c++

I need to output the i progress bars and update them all. But only the last one updates i times. This is the code: static void calculaPi (GtkButton * boton, Datos * dDatos){ const char * threads; GtkWidget * barra, *bot2, *button, *progress, *vbox; threads = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(dDatos->dthreads )); gint ithread...

C# ProgressBar design pattern

Hi, I'm working on a database upgrader application. The upgrader updates the schema of a database ( adds new columns, renames columns , adds new tables, new views to an existing database by executing SQL statements ). When a user wants to upgrade from version 1.0 to 2.0 , "Upgrader" objects are taken from an object factory and the "Exec...

Progress-bar (Video Preloader)

I have a spark component VideoDisplay which displays a video. I want to add a ProgressBar to it which will show load progress of the video and when the video is loaded ProgressBar to disappear. How to do that? Thanks, ...

Showing a progress bar when downloading a file from the server

Hi, I need to show a progress bar to the user who requests a file to download. I am using J2EE application to generate the file. User will submit the form data to get the file. The server takes all the submitted data manipulates, generates and sends a PDF file back to Client. So I want to show a progress bar to the user till the file ...

How to show progress bar in PHP where i have to upload the file size of of 100MB? without APC

How to show progress bar in PHP where i have to upload the file size of of 100MB? I cannot have APC installed. I am allowed to do so.. Help me out to get it done... P.S > I DO NOT HAVE DEDICATED SERVER HENCE CANNOT USE APC We have PHP 5.2+ ...

How to display progress loading image on file upload in PHP?

How to display simple progress loading image on file upload in PHP? without the use of APC ...

How to show progress bar/circle in android

I want to display a progress bar/wheel, when doing some process, for instance, on a button click I want the screen to freeze and show a progress wheel , till the pressed action for example saving data in database is completed. Is it possible, please provide code if applicable. ...

How to add Ajax loader in while loading the page in

Hello I want to use an ajax loader while loading the page with transparent background. I tried the following code which displays the loading image but how to cover whole backgroung as transperent. My code is: <div class="UpdateProgress1"> <asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server" DynamicLayout="true"> <ProgressTemplate> ...

C# Progress Bar within a class?

Simply put, what is a good way to send the progress of some process back to a form from within a class outside the scope of the form? EG: I have a Input object, a filepath is sent into the constructor of this object and it parses the file. I want to show the progress of reading in the lines of this file back to the user who is in a for...

Putting method calls into an ArrayList?

Hey everyone, I was adding a loading bar feature to my program in Java and I was wondering if I could set a list of processes that need to be done, so that it knows how many processes it needs to complete. For example, saving them as strings? ArrayList<String> processes = new ArrayList<String>(); processes.add("CSVWriter.createFileOfC...

progress bar for server elaboration php script?

Is there a way to make a progress bar (using ajax and jquery) for any script runnig in the server? I use a php script to elaborate some datas and I want to output a percent info to the client browser of the script progress. I tried to use session var but with poor results. ...