
Problem with setProgressDrawable

I am having problem with setting a new Drawable to my ProgressBar. If I use the setProgressDrawable() inside onCreate() method it works great. But when I try to call the same method inside a Handler post callback it doesn't work and the progressbar disapears. Can someone explain this behaviour? How can I solve this problem? ...

How to make a progress bar in powerpoint vba?

How can I make a progress bar with PowerPoint VBA? It should be done as an animation on a slide. ...

Trouble with progressbar in QT

Hi.. i m facing problem in giving animation to progressbar in QT. where is the mistake in the following code, i am getting continues progress bar, but its not animating QApplication a(argc, argv); QProgressDialog *dialog = new QProgressDialog(); QProgressBar *pbar = new QProgressBar(dialog); pbar->setMinimum(0); pbar->setMaximu...

How to place one widget over another in QT

Hi.. i have a window in QT, on that i am drawing a picture. now i want to place the progressbar over it. how can i do that?.. steps i am following to do 1) Create a window, 2)draw picture in paint event of window 3)then create QGridLayout layout, add your window 4) Display over it. suppose i want to add progress bar, over a portion...

QT: How to change the color of the progressbar

Hi i am having one videoeditor view and one progressbar is there with blue color . But how i will change the progressbar color to red when i clicked trim start and it will return to blue when i will click the trim endbutton in QT ...

Android Custom Adapter with Bar Progress

Hi, i have a custom adapter for an arraylist. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:orientation="horizontal"> <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/downloadprogress" style="...

how to show Progress control or gif in android?

dear friends, when i call webservice on clicking button it waits to load records on new activity and shows activity blank during that time period can any one guide me how to show progress during that time period? any help would be appriciated. ...

Android Update a Progress Bar which is set inside custom ArrayAdapter

Hi i have a problem updating a progress bar. First i have a custom adapter in which i create a row for each item with a textview and a progress bar. (i have a item_row.xml in where i define the layout for each row) public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ..... ProgressBar progressHorizontal = (Pro...

Problem in animation of progressbar in QT

Hi.. i did progress bar in QT, i used both in emulator and mobile.. the infinite progress bar in appearing but its not getting animated.. (infinite progress is not coming) here is the code which i hv written QApplication a(argc, argv); QProgressDialog *dialog = new QProgressDialog(); dialog->setMinimum(0); dialog->setMaximum(0); di...

progress related problem in android using Threading!

friends, i am using following code to display progress on andorid activity when i call web service method to getposts it show progress. but when call of serivce is complete my application gets crashed. please guide what mistake am i doing or any other alternative way to achieve this goal? mProgressStatus = 0; Thread th=new Thread(ne...

Custom ProgressBar ControlTemplate

Hi All, I am having a little difficulty with a generic template for my extended progress control. Basically, the template consists of a grid, with some text information and the actual progress bar. It works fine, except for when I want to switch to vertical orientation. Everything appears to be rotated correctly, but I get no progres...

change the ajax progressbar of dotnetnukes

Is there a way to change the default ajax progressbar that is there in dotnetnukes. Its not for changing the image but i would like to use an altogether different progressbar. The current one displays the progressbar at the bottom of the section. The requirement to replace it with one covering the entire section or part of it. The secti...

How do you change the colors on a WPF progressbar

I have a WPF, vista style progressbar that I want to change the brushes on. I've set the foreground brush to another color, but there is a sort of whoosh animation effect whose color is still the default green. How can I change this? ...

How to reset Flex Progress bar in the datagrid?

I've developed a simple file upload program with flex. After adding files, and clicking on upload, the progress bar works fine. However, when I click on remove all and start adding files again, the progress bar does not seem to reset. I have tried searching this forum for answers but failed to find any. Could anyone help me with this ple...

TSearchRec with progressbar

I've this procedure to search for files , But what i want to add is the progressbar feature; the progressbar will move along with procedure . procedure TfrMain.FileSearch(const PathName, FileName : string; const InDir : boolean); var Rec : TSearchRec; Path : string; begin Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(PathName); if FindFirst(P...

AudioClip Progress bar in Java

I created an audio Player using java applet but i'm stuck at trying to create a progress bar, no need for seek or anything fancy, just a progress bar displaying the progress of the audio file being played. I don't know how to get the current progress off the AudioClip, that's my main problem among other small things. any hints would be...

Android: Progress bar that shows a countdown?

I a currently using a new thread to create a UI thread and then displaying a progress bar. Can someone tell me how to do the same for a thirty second progress dialog (should do some work and disappear after this duration) that can be done using a handler instead? ...

ProgressBar in an AppWidget

I ran into an interesting situation with using a ProgressBar in an App Widget... The documentation ( says that ProgressBar is a supported widget class... I have no problem getting the ProgressBar to display in my App Widget but the problem is that I want it to only be disp...

Form.Show() is not showing it's child controls

I have a form, frmPleaseWait, that has a MarqueeProgressBar and a Label that I want to use when the UI is loading the data in a poorly structured app we have. The problem is that frmPleaseWait.Show() shows the form but not the controls in it. It is just a white rectangle. Now frmPleaseWait.ShowDialog() shows the child controls but d...

Multiple Progress Bar

Hello, In addition to my previous query concerning multi-threading in shell scripting I am curious if its possible to have multiple progress bar. Here is a code snippet of my expected result : Output : 1 of 100 Files Completed # Thread1 Output : 10 of 45 files Completed # Thread 2 The lines are updated showing the progre...